The icy rain beat on the new tender green leaves.

The sky is shrouded in dark clouds.

Natsume is holding a black umbrella in his right hand, standing in the rain, surrounded by stagnant water, the sound of ‘booming’ is endless, and in the rainy city, it seems that everything is silent, and no noise can be heard.

In the world, there is only the sound of rain.

Natsume looked not far away.

It was a ruin that had not yet been dealt with.

It looks out of place in this modern city.

“Seven years…”

Natsume muttered.

Recall in my mind, look back in front of me.

Natsume is a crosser, in this world, with a happy family, perhaps because of the crossing, he finds that he learns everything quickly, and even has the ability to almost ‘forget’.

He was an orphan in his previous life, and he had nothing to worry about.

He looks forward to an infinitely better future.

But on that day seven years ago.

Everything has changed!

A meteorite fell on Shibuya, destroying the city, with heavy casualties, including Natsume’s parents, and since that day, at the age of fourteen, he has been alone again, and from that day on, Natsume also knows the world he is in.

Name: Kamen Rider Koto!

After the meteorite fell.

Suffering from his injuries and gradually losing his life, a prompt sounded in his mind: ‘The Knight Fighting Evolution System successfully bound the host, and you have obtained the Kamen Rider Dark Emperor Rider Drive’

Due to the critical life, the knight system ran out of energy to restore Natsume, falling into a state of downtime.

Need to get energy to restart.

For this reason, Natsume has been practicing and fighting all these years.

Looking at the ruins of Shibuya, Natsume couldn’t help but sigh that it had been so many years, and the current Shibuya, centered on the site that used to be a station, has turned into a ruins with a radius of about 300 meters, and it has not been treated to this day.

The area is surrounded by barbed wire, making it a heavily guarded and forbidden area.

Outside the barbed wire, urban people continue to live as usual.

Inside and outside, it’s like two worlds.


Behind Natsume, an urban beauty wearing a professional OL costume appeared, with fair skin and a tall figure, but at this time, she looked very strange, without any expression on her face.

Like a walking dead.

Natsume sensed something.

Turn around slowly.

“It’s you filthy stuff again…”

It seems to be talking to himself.

Natsume frowned.

At that time, not only meteorites fell, but also worms, the seeds of weirdos that attacked humans and mimicked humans, and for seven years, they have been lurking, and only a few have been active.

Natsume was convinced that the woman in front of him was a xenomorph.

Sure enough!

At the moment when his words fell, a strange and evil smile appeared on the face of the beautiful woman, and then faded the human skin and turned into the appearance of an alien insect, which was green all over and ugly.

Behind the unmolted larvae, carrying a thick carapace, with extremely excellent defensive capabilities, the body is arthropod disordered, and it looks very terrifying.

“Since it’s a xenomorph, then… Enjoy the coming hell. ”

Natsume’s voice was low.

I don’t know when.

In his hand, he had already held the drive of the Dark Emperor Rider, and the general appearance of the Dark Emperor Rider Drive was no different from the white and magenta drives of the Emperor Rider, but the color was different.

The deep blue gemstone set in the center exudes unparalleled magic.

Natsume skillfully placed the drive on his waist.


On both sides of the drive, the belt automatically extends and is fixed at the waist.

Pull the drive apart on both sides.

A card with the ‘Dark Emperor Rider’ pattern appeared in Natsume’s hand and sent it into the drive.

Light drink: “Transform!” ”

Drive closed.

The electric sound sounds.

【Kamen.Ride.Dark.Decade! 】

[Kamen Ride, Dark Emperor Ride].

Only see this time.

Natsume’s body has changed, and several phantoms, after a period of overlap, fell on Natsume’s body, and at a glance, Natsume at this time has completely changed.

His head is inlaid with seven negatives.

A pair of compound eyes, shining with a dark blue light, seemed to devour everything.

As a Dark Emperor Rider, his form is basically similar to the Emperor Rider.

The most striking thing is probably the color.

The emperor horse is a pink armor.

The Dark Emperor Ride, it seems, is to echo the word ‘Dark’, and the overall tone is dark.

The insect was slightly stunned.

He came out to ‘forage’, a deserted rainy day, a person standing alone in the rain, in his opinion, is the best prey, the sky and the place are surrounded by the right time, but people, but incongruous.

This guy….

It’s a hard stubble!

The insect swung its sharp, sharp claws towards the Dark Emperor.

‘Sting! ’

‘Oh! ’

Break the air one by one

There was a sound of jingo, but at this time, the dark emperor rider’s hand, holding a sharp sword that was as sharp as iron and mud, easily blocked the claw attack of the alien insect, and then the rapid sword strike made the insect suffer pain and constantly retreat.

The blade-like sword light flickered.

In the rain curtain, I saw the sword light and shadow.

On the body of the alien insect, a broken Dao scar appeared, and green blood gushed out from it.

The Dark Emperor rider had an extra card.

Feed into the drive, read!

【Attack.Ride.Slash! 】

[Attack Control Slash! ] 】

The Dark Emperor Rider lightly touched the sword body.

One quick step out!

The strengthened blade slashed through the body of the alien insect, and before he could even molt, he was cut under the blade of the Dark Emperor Rider, and his entire body exploded, turning into a green slime on the ground, which was quickly washed away by the rain.

Natsume picked up the umbrella on the ground and disarmed the transformation.

He stands tall.

Turn away.

And at this time.

In his mind, the familiar mechanical prompt sounded, after seven years, after a long time.

‘Energy savings completed, Knight Fighting Evolution System rebooted! ’

Hearing this voice, Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned.

“System rebooted?”

A little surprise flashed in his eyes.


(ps: The cute new author passing by asks for flowers, asks for collection, asks for evaluation, asks for comments, the results of the new book period are very important, thank you guys ~ QAQ author old book, “Kamen Rider Passing by Under the Passing”, and this successor power, the big guy you like can go and see. )

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