It’s over!

Natsume lifts his transformation, and the armor on his body disappears.

A mechanical tone for the system sounds.

“Congratulations to the host, successfully defeated Kamen Rider Faiz Projection.”

“Reward: Kamen Rider Faiz Series Knight Cards, Points x1000”

After the reward tip is broadcast.

The Faiz series, which includes knight cards including the ultimate form, appears in Natsume’s card box, just like the knight cards of the Golden Dou and the Dark Emperor Rider.

When Natsume needs it, he will take out the cards he needs to deal with different situations.

“And a thousand points…”

Natsume muttered.

Defeating a projection, there are only a thousand points, and in the system mall, even the most basic form of the knight card, the points required to buy it, are also worth ten thousand, not to mention the stronger form.

He couldn’t help but shake his head secretly.

Natsume remembers it well.

Fortunately, the knights of the old decade of Showa and Heisei are okay, and there are not too many form changes, but as soon as they enter the new decade, various forms have sprung up like mushrooms.

Buying a Knight Card from the System Marketplace is obviously a big expense!

Or by fighting with the knight projection, it is faster.

After thinking about it, Natsume asked again: “System, the knight projection that has already fought, can you repeat the challenge?” ”

This is a very serious issue, and it is also a matter of great concern to Natsume.

This can be known from the previous system description.

After the battle, there is a chance to burst the abilities and items that the opponent has!

Luck is not accurate.

An opportunity may not be seized.

But if you can brush it a few times.

The chances of harvesting are greatly improved!


The system answered, followed by additions.

“However, the total number of repeated challenges is limited to three times per day, and no more points can be earned.”

“So it is.”

Natsume nodded.

Indicates understanding.

Exit the system.

Natsume returned to his room, furnished simply, not so luxuriously, but with a chic aesthetic, lying on the soft bed, continuing to think about some questions about the system.

His system was restarted after seven years.

Many places reveal mysteries.

Waiting for him to discover!

The main thing is the problem of points, the emergence of the system mall, including tens of thousands, means that the hard currency in the system of points plays a great role, but just now he beat the projection, only a thousand points.

Are there other ways to earn points?

Natsume pondered.

Soon after, he fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning.


Natsume gets up on time, generally speaking, if nothing goes wrong, his schedule is very stable, this is a habit developed since childhood, want to fight with alien insects, in addition to combat skills, the body is also very important.

As the old saying goes: ‘The body is the capital of revolution’!

In the yard, I easily played a set of Tai Chi, which can be regarded as an activity.

After warming up, Natsume returned to the living room.

Simple solution to the breakfast problem.

He entered the system space.

The Knight Fighting Evolution System can randomly draw the Knight Projection of the challenge every day, and the refresh time is 12 o’clock sharply every day, so it is possible for Natsume to challenge now.

He wasn’t in a hurry, but it was his second fight after the system was rebooted, and it was an experiment.

“Extract the knight projection.”

Natsume said casually.

One time raw, two back ripe.

With last night’s experience, Natsume has become familiar like a ‘returning customer’, with seven years of refining his heart, Natsume had a moment of surprise and expectation when the system was restarted, but now he has calmed down.

His voice fell, and a familiar screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Countless knight figures streaked by.

“Leo cavalry?”

The corner of Natsume’s mouth twitched.

He originally thought that he was Ou Huang, but today he can still enter the soul, but now it seems that he still thinks too much, his luck is very ordinary, not Ou Huang or non-chief.

The Leo Cavalry is a mass-produced knight of the 555 world.

The mass-produced fighter device developed by Smart.Brain, based on the Greek letter “Ο”, has poor performance, but it has a high degree of versatility that Faiz and Kaixa do not have.

Compared to Faiz, Leo Cavalry Chakra is more than a star and a half.

However, Natsume was mentally prepared for this situation.

So there is not much gap in the heart.

There are too many knights in this multiverse.

Any random one is possible.

Gain my nature, lose my life.

There is still a long way to go in life, so don’t be impatient.

What’s more, even if he makes a Demon Time King now, it is estimated that he is not an opponent, and the challenge of the day will have to be done in vain.

The opponent is the Leo cavalry, and Natsume transforms directly to the second.

Over the years, his strength has grown rapidly.

Playing a Leo cavalry is a breeze.

Natsume didn’t have any buffs on him.

It’s time to kill in seconds, and you have to kill in seconds!

Exit the system space when finished.

Natsume looked at the reward for settlement.

As always, Leo’s series of cavalry cards, but the transformation card Natsume will definitely not be used, at most as a tool man summoned to a wave of righteous group fights.

Natsume’s Dark Emperor Rider Drive also has the ability to Diend (Final Ride).

He can both transform into a harness and summon knights to fight.

It has the best of both worlds.

Natsume put the card in the card box and ate ashes, looking at the other reward, one by one

Still 1000 points.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

“A thousand points… That is to say, in projection fighting, each knight who appears can only get guaranteed points, but according to the price of cards in the system store, there must be other ways. ”

He said to himself.

Is it a reality monster upgrade?

The Knight Fighting evolution system transcends the virtual and the real, and this possibility also exists.

“Well, go out and buy a vegetable to celebrate.”

Heaven rewards hard work and never forgets.

This is almost ‘omnipotent talent’.

Natsume’s cooking skills are certainly not bad.

Maybe it’s not comparable to other people’s systems, and the god-level cooking skills that are often rewarded, but they definitely belong to the top handful.

Natsume immediately cleaned up.

Get out of the house….


ps: Moe new book, ask for all kinds of data!

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