
Four days passed quickly, and the daily projection of the knight’s fighting evolution system did not encounter any powerful guys, a silver bucket, a bronze fight, an alternative (knight-like knight) in the dragon riding world, and Leo cavalry.

Ah this….

Plus the gold bucket obtained from the time the system is rebooted.

The gold, silver and bronze brothers of Godspeed Love Timeline have all been obtained.

Natsume doesn’t have any collecting fetish.

However, if he can get a new knight card, he will not refuse.

And according to the system.

Natsume felt that his luck was already very good.

The Knight Fighting Evolution System contains the projection of all knights of the multiverse, from Showa to Heisei to the Reiwa era, and will be continuously updated over time.

Simply not too smart.

Moreover, mass-produced knights like the Leo Cavalry can be repeatedly drawn.

You know, ordinary knight projection, only when defeated for the first time, will get the corresponding card, and then repeat the challenge, in addition to sharpening itself, you can probably only hope that there is a probability of dropping what the knight shapeshifter itself has.

But the mass-produced knights of the Leo cavalry can be repeatedly drawn for challenge?

Early this morning, the knight projection that Natsume defeated was none other than the Leo cavalry.

Quickly end the battle.

One thousand points, earned as usual.

Natsume: ..

It’s like a stuck bug.

Why is it the Leo cavalry of the Faiz world?

There is also a knight card.

However, in the moment of condensation, it turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

Finding things out the ordinary.

From the card box he took out the card card belonging to Leo’s cavalry, which he obtained when the system was just rebooted, and this card changed as Natsume defeated the projection of Leo’s cavalry again.

Originally, there was only one pattern of Leo cavalry.

But now, another one has been added.

He tries to feed the card into the drive for reading.


[Kamen Driving Leo Cavalry].

The sound hasn’t changed.

However, Natsume did not wear the armor of Leo’s cavalry, but beside him, two puppet knights appeared.


Natsume seemed to understand.

The daily projection of the repeatedly defeated Leo Cavalry Card will be fused into the original card, and the Dark Emperor Rider Drive has the summoning ability of the final horse, which can be transformed into or summoned to control.

Now it seems that the knight cards of the Leo cavalry have undergone some ‘special’ changes.

The transformation control was eliminated, leaving only the ability to summon the master.

Instead, however, the number of summons increased.

With the passage of time.

The more Leo Cavalry Natsume defeats in the system’s duel space, the more number this card can summon.

After the plural state.

That is, a righteous gang fight?

This change.

It is the ‘privilege’ of mass-produced knights!

Natsume felt good.

The transformation of this kind of knight, he basically will not use, it is better to become like this, and occasionally you can make a cameo appearance as a real summoner, I go down with a card, and 100,000 Leo cavalry return!

What happened in the morning gave Natsume a new understanding of some functions of the system.

However, until now, he still hasn’t been able to get anything dropped from the defeated knight projection, you can imagine how small that chance is, for Ou Huang, even if there is only a one percent chance, they can still shoot into the soul, extremely accurate.

But Natsume is clearly not.

“Of course, it won’t be so easy to get, otherwise wouldn’t the system mall become a decoration?”

Thinking about it this way, I couldn’t help but feel a little happier.

Knight cards, if not necessary, can basically be obtained through daily projection battles.

But K-Touch that transforms into the form of the god lord, as well as super-dimensional powers such as golden fruits and dark powers, if the points are enough, they can still be purchased, otherwise by luck, it is estimated that they will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

“However, I always think that something interesting will happen to defeat the all-knight projection.”

Natsume muttered.

As for why.

Don’t ask.

Asking is intuition!

[Hint: After the host defeats the existing all-knight projection of the system, new features will appear! ] 】

The system gave the prompt just right.

“What’s new? I’m really looking forward to it…”

Natsume smiled slightly.


Inside the command room of the Zect headquarters, Kaga Miriku was listening to the report of his subordinate Masato Mishima.

“Recently, there have been frequent appearances of alien insects, and the casualties of the ant soldiers in all divisions have been very large.”

Masato Mishima said with a serious face.

Recent events are undoubtedly foreshadowing.

The head-on war between humans and alien insects has begun to ignite the flames of war….

Kaga Miriku sat on a leather chair, listening as he tapped his fingers on the table, as if he was thinking, and said after a moment: “The interns of the main department have almost been trained, and they will be able to be transferred to each branch after a while. ”

“By the way, what about the knight system?”

He asked aloud.

“The.Bee has been equipped for Yacha, the captain of the Shadow squad, as for the sun god…”

Speaking of which.

The expression on Masashima’s face is also not very good-looking.

“We must not tolerate people outside the organization turning into armor fighters!”

“Oh, I’ll leave it to you.”

Kaga Miru said as if he didn’t care.

“I see.”

“Transform into a man in armor, I will definitely capture him!”

Masato Mishima bowed deeply to Kaga Miriku.

And here and now.

There was no expression on his face.

He pushed the door and walked out.

Kaga Miriku bowed her head and groaned.

“The sun god has found the man of fate, and the god of war…”


He picked up a file that Tian Suo Xiu had sorted out about the appearance of the Dark Emperor Horse.

The title is:

‘Kamen Rider passing by’.

“Black Knight, can you walk with us again…?”


ps: woo hoo, ask for data!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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