The outskirts of the city.

Natsume was walking alone on a wide road, and suddenly, an elongated luxury car was speeding past him at a very fast speed, and the trench coat on Natsume’s body was also hunting because of this strong wind.

The driver was an old man in a butler’s suit, and in the luxurious back seat, sat a young man dressed in white, his expression was haughty, bored looking at the scenery flying by outside the window.

Natsume recognized them.

The little young master god substitute sword, and the butler old man.

The old man’s cooking skills are very superb.

Even Heavenly Dao was full of praise.

The recipes he published at the age of 45 were also taken by Heavenly Dao, which called him ‘the treasure of mankind’, and the life of Shendai Jian was full of tragedy, in order to avenge his sister, he was determined to kill all the alien insects, but found that he was the real murderer who killed his sister…

Alarm bells came from behind….

A traffic policeman on a motorcycle quickly chased after him and stopped the speeding car in front, the old man did not want to cause more trouble, they came here to accept the task.

zect publishes a mission to destroy xenomorphs.

They are kind of ‘bounty hunters’.

The old man was about to kick the accelerator and slip straight away, but at this time, a dark green alien insect jumped out, sharp arthropods, and directly pierced the traffic police who stopped the old man.

Blood gushed out.

The insect stared at the two people in the car again, making strange noises, which were calling for companions, and soon three more insect appeared, no doubt, all larvae without molting.

Most of the time, the appearance of alien insects will go together.

In a sense.

Xenomorphs are also intelligent life, after imitating becoming humans, they have obtained human thinking and wisdom, as the villain of the jia fighting world, xenomorphs are not unorganized and disciplined.

On the side of the insect, there are also cadres.

With strong strength, they secretly layout and strategize….

Shindai Sword held a strange sword, opened the door and got out of the car.

“All the insect, I will defeat it!”

The sword scorpion insect meter came out of the ground.

A jump and landed on the Shindai swordsman.

He grabbed the Sword Scorpion Insect Instrument and mounted it on the blade of the Sword Scorpion in his hand.

“Change… Body. ”

Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion – Reloaded in the masquerade form, appearing instantly.

The first larvae attacked him first.

The sword scorpion was unmoved.

The speed of the masquerade form is not fast, but the defense is absolutely super strong, with no change to change, to not move to ‘move’, is the best way to open, the moment the alien insect approaches the side.

The power cable on the sword scorpion masquerade form suddenly extended out.

Bind the fastest worm.

The power cable can be retracted freely.

Instantly brings the insect closer.

A sword slashed at the insect, and venom spewed out from the blade, directly bursting the insect.

The remaining worms don’t seem to understand what fear is.

They molt.

Enter super-high-speed movement.

Sword and scorpion burst armor.

It’s also a follow-up.

Engage the Insect in the Hypervelocity Realm and finish off the three Insect with the final ‘Rider.Slash’.

【Clock.Over! 】


Alien insects exploded one after another.

Triple hit!

The Shindai sword finished fighting.



He did not find that this time the alien insects were not four, but five, and the alien insects hidden in the secret observation had already molted, and should be the leader of the squad leader of these alien insects.

Xenomorphs are not all iron.

Ambush the attackers.

And so it is.

This is a big adult worm, because of the influence of mimicking human personality, he is a well-deserved cautious faction, and when the Shindai Sword and them appear, he let the little brother go out to attract attention.

Then the ‘reinforcement’ worm jumped out, and he did not go out.

Instead, it continues to lay in ambush.

The Shendai Sword thought that the battle was over at this time, but this was not the case, and what the adult worm was waiting for was this moment!

Hyper-high-speed movement to launch a raid.

The god generation sword is quick-witted.

The rich experience of fighting with alien insects made him subconsciously raise the sword and scorpion blade in his hand to block.


The crisp tremor, the huge impact force, made the Shindai sword fly out upside down and fall to the ground.

Natsume had already seen the situation over there.

Take out the knight card of the golden bucket.

The opponent is an adult molting Mega Bug, so it is used against it with a golden dou that is also based on the Nanyang Bug.

Daddy once said, ‘Defeat magic with magic’!


[Kamen Driving Kindou].

This is a knight with the nickname ‘Golden Knight’ that surpasses the insect instrument.

【Hyper.Clock.Up! 】


Natsume transforms into a gold dou, but what he actually uses is the power that surpasses the gold dou, and after the transformation, he directly enters the movement beyond the super speed, which is far beyond the power of ‘clock.up’.

In terms of speed.

Beyond the super high speed is dozens of times the super high speed, and even has the power to reverse time in a certain area, in the face of the super high speed, the super high speed movement of the alien is a younger brother.

It seems that only Natsume can move freely.

He appeared in front of the adult Mega Worm in a few steps.

Driven the killer card.

【Maximum.Rider.Power! 】

【Hyper.Rider.Beat! 】

In a blink of an eye.

The ultra-high-speed particles stored in the Jindou insect instrument were completely liberated, and all of them were integrated into Jindou’s right arm, and then smashed down on the adult worm, and the power of destruction bloomed in the latter’s limbs.

None was left behind!

【Hyper.Clock.Over! 】

[Beyond acceleration ends].

Natsume lifts his transformation.

I didn’t talk to them too much, and I drifted away.

And at this time.

The Shindai Sword stood up and suffered a sudden blow from the adult worm, he was not a big deal, because the body was a relationship of alien insects, and his recovery speed was transcendent, but he himself did not know it.

In the past, there were cases of serious injuries healing quickly, but the old man said that it was his special talent as a descendant of the famous Mendiskabir family.

He looked at Natsume’s back.

‘This guy, that’s awesome…’

Heart Dao.

“My name is Shendai Sword, and I am a man who wields a sword on behalf of God!”

“I will be at the top of everything.”

“Fight me!”

Shindai Sword shouted loudly.

Natsume didn’t mean to stop in the slightest.

Beckoned to the back.

“Next time…”

The leisurely sound comes with the wind.

“Young Master, it’s time to go back and hand over the task.”

The old man said aloud.

The Shindai Sword snorted.

Get in the car again.

Seems to remember something.

“Oops, forgot to ask his name!”

He said with great regret.

Hearing this, the old man smiled and said nothing.

Drive away….


ps: Well, the comment area is deserted, the data is not rising, is anyone really watching?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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