After defeating the Queenbee, Natsume received points and new cards.

It’s as if the duel arena in system space materialized in the real world.

Natsume didn’t dwell too much about this kind of thing.

Reality or ‘daily projection’.

The ultimate goal is all the same.

Set a small goal first, such as a thousand people chopping….

No, collect the cards of the full knight first.

You can’t use it, but you can’t do without!

Immediately following.

Another prompt sounded through the system space.

[Congratulations to the host, Duel Connectivity System and Reality, Reward: Passion Experience Card x1].

Natsume couldn’t help but be stunned.

‘But… Doesn’t connecting the unreal and the real from the time you defeat the alien to earn points? ’

‘Oh, duel, that’s all right. ’

He thought to himself.

His eyes fell on the reward this time.

‘When the purple light is turned on, no one loves’!

This sentence suddenly came to his mind.

To say, the war ghost form, when fighting with knights, superimposed buffs are indeed terrifying.

I didn’t expect to get an experience card in that form this time.

Natsume was a little itchy.

It’s good to have a chance to experiment.

Exiting the system space, Natsume cleaned up the house, went to the bathroom to wash up, and returned to the bedroom to lie down.

Looked at the time.

After eleven.

There is less than an hour to go before the ‘daily projection’ refresh in the early hours of the morning.

“Well, just take advantage of this time…”

Natsume muttered.

Today re-enter the system space.

“Start the duel!”

His eyes narrowed.

The ‘Daily Projection’ has not yet refreshed the time to draw new knights, but the projected ones that have already been challenged, there will be three opportunities to challenge each day, and there is a chance that items will be dropped.

Natsume remembered such an introduction before.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Faiz Projection, Reward: Physique +1].

[Defeat Kamen Rider Dragon Tooth Projection, Reward: None].

[Defeat Kamen Rider Queenbee, reward: none].


[Defeat Kamen Rider Golden Dou Projection, Reward: Beyond Insect Instrument].

The knight projection controlled by the system’s AI is indeed very strong.

Much more intelligence than the intelligence summoned by Diend.

But after all, it is a procedure that can be handled!

Every move has a method.

Intelligent, but not fully intelligent.

Compared with the idealistic knight, it is weaker than the stubble.

However, Natsume still did not slowly hone his fighting and combat skills when repeating the challenge today, but chose to give priority to killing his opponent before he switched to a stronger form according to the program.

According to the words of a past life.

It is the ‘brush copy’ when playing the game, the copy that has passed perfectly, and when you want to pass it the second time, you can skip it directly without thinking about anything else.

This is faster.

In fact, even so, Natsume’s fighting skills are still growing rapidly, and his evolution is faster than light, ‘universal talent’, ‘heavenly reward’.

These unique talents are superimposed on the body, allowing Natsume to become stronger at a speed beyond imagination.

There are limits to the human body!


Natsume’s gaze fell on the reward, and he brushed the knight projection he had obtained, basically there was no reward, only after defeating the Faiz projection, he obtained a physique +1.

And after defeating Jindou… Beyond the insect meter?

Natsume’s eyes widened in surprise!

As a traverser, he certainly knows what the Transcendent Insect Instrument is, which is an indispensable prop that allows Zect knights such as armor, steel, and gold to enter the transcendent form.

The transcendent form of the armor bucket can reverse time.

“I didn’t expect my luck to be so good today!”

Natsume spread his hands.

In his hand, the little beetle seemed to surpass the insect instrument condensation.

He is the Dark Emperor Rider.

You can use the knight to control the card and transform into the appearance of other Kamen Riders, the basic form, the sublimation form, the ultimate form, one does not fall, and the transcendent form is of course.

It seems that beyond the insect instrument he cannot use it.

But that’s not a problem.

If he remembers well….

The transcendent insect instrument has self-awareness, can drive the ability to manipulate time and shuttle through various time and space, and the unicorn at the front end rotates at high speed, which can burst out strong power.

Similar to the place beyond the eyes of the insect instrument, it can also be recorded and played.

That’s a great ability, isn’t it?

Natsume thought to himself.

“System, open the Properties panel.”

The voice fell, and the virtual panel appeared.

The above content has been updated to a certain extent.

Character: Natsume

Age: 21 years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Knight Drive: Dark Emperor Ride Drive

Physique: 12 (human limit is 10).

Props: Beyond the Insect Instrument

Points: 34540

“Sure enough, the props column added something.”

Natsume took a deep breath.

I looked at the time again.

The daily projection has been refreshed, and there is an agreement tomorrow morning, since it is in the system space, it is simply necessary to challenge the new projection first, as long as it is not the Leo cavalry.

Natsume immediately asked the system to extract the projection.

‘Knight projection extraction…’

Familiar screen scrolling.

Passing through the projection of the armor bucket, it then stopped.

“Black Armor?”

It is a knight who looks the same as the armor bucket, only the color of the body is different, the armor bucket is a red body, blue compound eyes, and the black armor bucket body is dark red, and there are many more lines, and the compound eyes are also yellow.

Surprised for a moment.

Natsume went directly into the battle state, but fortunately, after the battle just now, he did not lift the transformation, otherwise it would have been more troublesome, entering the messy scene of the ruins of Shibuya.

The figure of the black armored dou appeared in front of the dark emperor.

This time, Natsume used the power of the Imperial Bee.

In the ultra-high-speed field, there was a confrontation.

Then, with his superb fighting skills, he defeated the black armor projection, and in the moment of ‘Clock.Over’, the royal bee ended the battle with a slash of the knight.

The cards slowly condensed in their hands with a shimmering light.

Black armor bucket cards, get!

“But then again, the ones who have recently obtained are all knights of the dark system.”

Natsume wanted to complain a little.

Not to mention the unexpected harvest of royal bees, from the king sword to the dragon’s tooth, and then to the black armor fight.

It seems to smell like that….


PS: It’s a new January, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes! Little author, thank you….

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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