Step into a dark space.

The card of the armor bucket appears in the hand.

Normal forms, final forms, and FFR cards are available.

“The acceleration of surpassing the armor bucket is faster than the acceleration of the golden dou… I’m getting stronger again. ”

Placing the card in the card case, Natsume muttered.


A prompt sounded.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Koto and reward 1000 points, physique +3, old butler recipe x1].

It is a reward for defeating Koto.

There are defeats of the Queenbee, and of course there are defeats of Jia Dou.

And the rewards are even greater.

Physique +3

After Natsume integrated this reward into his body, his muscles and flesh continued to strengthen, and after breaking through the human limit, everything seemed to be developing in another direction.

Above humans, what is it?

“But the old butler’s recipe…”

Natsume took it out.

This is a recipe written by the old butler of the Shindai family when he was 45 years old, and the heavenly way has always been carried with him, and like the old butler (old man), he called it a treasure of mankind.

After the system enters ‘Duel Mode’, defeating the opponent has a chance to gain the opponent’s power.

Includes various power-ups, bloodlines, and more.

The old butler’s recipe was cherished by Tendo, so it fell from him, and Natsume was not surprised.

“What a good treasure!”

Natsume stores recipes in system space.

With a light thought, he found the coordinates of Bsitro.Salle and quietly appeared outside the store.


Outside Tokyo.

On a fairly spacious river, there is a boat with a small hull, but ‘the sparrow is small, but it is all the organs’, which is a small boat used to hold fraternity parties.

Kagami and her friend made an appointment to go to the friendship.

It’s a pity that a friend can’t come when something happens temporarily.

He himself feels that he can’t hold the scene alone, and he doesn’t know what to say if he wants to refuse, and the rest are girls… Fortunately, Mr. Tasho saved him in time.

Early this morning, let him go to the branch, and the newcomer Taka Tori Lianhua joined in, and then went on the task of exterminating the alien worm.

In this way, the sorority will definitely not be able to go.

A boat for friendship.

A table full of delicacies.

Several young and beautiful women sat at the table.

“What about the little brothers of friendship?”

“What, the pigeons were released.”

All four of them were women.

The man they were waiting for did not come.

The tone is somewhat regretful.

It’s also a little unpleasant.

‘Boom one’

The door connecting to the deck was pulled open.

Daisuke Kazama walked in.

“Hello, my name is Daisuke Kazama, I advocate to participate in every friendship, I am the guardian of all women in the world.”

He introduced himself with a smile.

Xiao Yan carried Daisuke Kazama’s violin makeup case and followed him without speaking.

Daisuke Kazama continued.

“You are all beautiful flowers, but I can make you more beautiful.”

The sorority girls had excited expressions on their faces.

Daisuke Kazama struck while the iron was hot and performed his Kazama Ryu makeup secret skills.

But what he didn’t notice was that there was a different kind of look hidden in the depths of these girls’ eyes, and in their eyes, Daisuke Kazama and Koyan were not friends who participated in the sorority.



They had been waiting for a long time, and they thought that the person who had agreed to participate in the sorority had not come, but this time the purpose was frustrated, and as a result, this ‘central air conditioner’ said that he would protect all women appeared.

In this case, they are not worth the trip!

Xiao Yan felt that the women were a little strange and walked to the deck behind the ship.

She leaned against the guardrail of the boat, the breeze blowing.

Suddenly she smelled a strange smell.

It happened that a strong wind blew through.

Where the tarp was covered, a corpse appeared, wrapped in strange slime.

It looks terrifying!

Xiao Yan has been following Daisuke Kazama for a while, and he has seen a lot of alien insects, and people who died because of alien insects have also seen them, so he looks quite calm, and after taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan hurriedly ran into the cabin.

“Daisuke, something happened!”

Xiao Yan tugged at Daisuke Kazama’s sleeve and said with some concern.

If someone on this ship is killed by a worm, it means that at least one person’s true identity is a disgusting bug, lurking among the women participating in the sorority.

“Xiaoyan, I’m working, if there is anything, I will talk about it later.”

Daisuke Kazama continued to make up.

However, the human skin on the woman’s body suddenly faded in a strange light, turning into its original appearance, which was an adult fly with blue skin and red eyes.

Daisuke Kazama was suddenly taken aback.

But more anger.

This guy… Ruin the perfect makeup he painted!

This is absolutely unbearable for him!

Beach on the shore.

After receiving an order from the headquarters to eliminate the mission of ‘fishing law enforcement’ insect here using the sorority as bait, Yacha wanted to bring the ant soldiers of the phantom team here, and the fly adult that happened to return to its original state broke through the cabin and flew into the air.

“Weave a web of fire, attack!”

Yacha wanted to give the order.

Ant soldiers combined attack.

The dense firepower made the fly adults flying in the air suddenly stagnate, and they were about to enter the cabin to eat the two guys first, but they were attacked by the ant soldiers, he deftly avoided, but there were still many bullets hitting him.

This makes the insect feel very uncomfortable.

The attack will not be fatal, but it will hurt….

The insect immediately attacked the ant soldiers.

Over there in the cabin, there are companions anyway.

Yachi wanted to snort coldly.

Summon the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument.


Inside the cabin.

Because of the appearance of the alien insect, Daisuke Kazama subconsciously protected Xiaoyan behind him, and then asked the other three women to run quickly, but they all turned into alien insects in Kazama Daisuke’s surprised eyes.

“It’s all…”

He let out a little irritated ‘sigh’, took out the handle of the transformation gun, and the thunder fly insect instrument appeared, fell on it and combined into a transformer, drank ‘transformation’ lightly, and then transformed into Kamen Rider Thunderfly!

He held Xiao Yan and jumped to the shore and put her down, and the insect followed him.

Thunder Fly instantly turned into a melee shooter and fought with three larvae!


PS: Thank you for the support of ‘18021..’ and ‘Baili Yuanyi’!

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