It was already late at night.

Since it came out, Natsume was not in a hurry to go back, although it was a wilderness, the scenery was still beautiful, and after a while, the moon, which was shy to hide in the clouds, appeared again.

A clear moonlight has painted the shadows of mountain peaks, the faces of rocks and the jaggedness of trees, thickly or lightly, and the moon’s disc is also reflected on the surface of the winding river not far away.

However, such a comfortable scene did not last long.


As if sensing the popularity, several alien insects hiding in the mountains and forests foraging came behind Natsume.

Natsume raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“I didn’t expect that there would be an unexpected gain from coming out to do an experiment.”

Raise your hands.

On the ten fingers, light bullets were condensed.


It was like the ten fingers of a corpse’s bone vein.

Natsume’s mind moved.

Ten small light bullets instantly emitted a sound of breaking the air and shot out.

In just an instant, they all fell on the body of the alien insects.

Explosions continued to sound.

The body of the alien insect was directly blown out of a terrifying hole, this is not the end, the venom continues to corrode the alien worm, regardless of grass and trees, the alien worm, will be annihilated by this venom.


023 Squeak!

The alien insects let out miserable screams in unison, moving step by step to attack Natsume, but before they could get closer, they had been invaded by toxins all over their bodies, lost their mobility, and exploded one after another.

However, there is a xenomorph that is independent.

It was still screaming.

But the temperature of the body also increased, steaming, dyeing the whole insect red, and the thick cocoon chrysalis wrapped around the outside of the body continued to molt.

Turned into an adult!

After molting, the venom attached to the alien worm like a bone appendage disappeared and became intact, as if it had never been injured, and was revived with blood.

This is a spider-type adult full of loyalists!

Natsume didn’t expect that the insect molt would have this effect.

He threw another light bomb.

It was quickly evaded by the adult worm, and although some venom splashed on the adult when the light bullet exploded, it did not continue to spread, but quickly recovered.


The adults immediately slaughter Natsume.

“It’s okay to attack the larvae, the adult worm’s defense and resilience are stronger, and it requires more physical strength to condense a more powerful ball of light, not to mention the adult will be super fast…”

Natsume said to himself.

Take out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.

Move under your feet.

Bending down to avoid the menacing attack of the adult spider, a card has fallen into his hand.

“It’s practical, though.”

The card feeds into the drive.

Put your hands together.



The armor of the sword scorpion, covering Natsume’s body.

This is the knight control card of the sword scorpion, and after Natsume defeated the sword scorpion before, he automatically obtained the card, and Natsume thought that since it was a superpower that was experimented with the fusion of poisonous scorpion insects, he simply used the sword scorpion.

Anyway, Sword Scorpion is a knight developed by Zect and is able to use super speed.

In the face of alien insects, it will not suffer.

Harness the card box sword to transform into a sword scorpion blade.

Cut towards the adult spider.

Adult spiders do not retreat, and the mouthparts continue to spit out slimy spider silk, but it is not used to stick people, and the bullet-sized spider silk falls on the ground and explodes directly.

Smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

Natsume avoided it.

Thousands of flowers pass in the bush, and the leaves do not stick to the body.

Then he jumped up, swung his knife with one arm, and slashed towards the spider adult, stabbed, and the sharp blade directly cut a hole in the boss’s body.

Adult spiders eat pain and can’t help but fall backwards.

Subconsciously rattling a painful wail.

Natsume’s attack did not stop there.

The real battle is not like a turn-based game, you hit me, I hit you again, ordinary attacks or skill special moves, must be in accordance with the rules of the game, there are rules.

Or (bgcb), exactly the opposite of that!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Natsume strides forward.

Swing your blade to deliver continuous slashes.

On the adult spider, there are no sparks splashing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The adult spider disappeared.

Enter super-high-speed movement.

【Clock.Up! (Ultra High Speed)】

Almost instantly, with the sound of mechatronic synthesis, Natsume also disappeared in place, entering a super-high-speed movement, and at almost the same speed, the insect was no match for Natsume.

It has been suppressed and beaten.

The adult spider found that he couldn’t fight in combat, and even if he completely released his fighting instinct, he still only had to be beaten in front of Natsume.

He chose to distance himself.

Spider silk bombs appeared one after another.

This is also the attack method he is best at.

Natsume sends directly to the kill card.

【Rider… Slash

All the arcs and energy are gathered into the sword scorpion blade in Natsume’s hand, and the faster-than-light particles gather the energy that bursts out, and just looking at it, it feels a little terrifying.

On the blade of the sword scorpion, the light flashed.

Natsume approached the adult spider step by step.

Every time I walked, it was like the cry of death.

And the spider silk bomb of the spider adult either fell next to Natsume, triggering the effect of smoke without injury, or was easily dodged by Natsume’s head, getting closer and closer, and Natsume directly wielded the sword and scorpion blade and slashed repeatedly.

The power of atomic destruction is constantly poured into the body of the spider adult.

In the end, it was difficult to withstand the restriction and exploded.

[Kill adult alien worms, reward 100 points]

【Kill the alien insect, reward 10 points】

Hints of killing the insect keep appearing.

Natsume lifts his transformation.

Open the Properties panel.

Character: Natsume

Age: 21 years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Knight Drive: Dark Emperor Ride Drive

Physique: 26 (human limit is 10)

Items: Transcendent Insect Instrument, Passion Experience Card x1, Old Butler Recipe x1, Light Power Seed x1

Special abilities: dark space, poison superpowers

Points: 41600

Natsume was stunned.

“After fusing the alien bloodline of the Divine Generation Sword, the physique actually rose to 26?”

It increased by almost ten points at once.

Natsume was surprised.

Sure enough, if it is not human, in terms of physical fitness, it is much stronger than humans!


Feeling a little tired in my body.

“I’m a little sleepy.”

Natsume muttered.

Then opening the passage of the dark space and returning home, Natsume washed up and slept with his head stuffed, even the daily projection of the knight’s fighting evolution system was refreshed, and he ignored it.

ps: Three more, please order first! Thanks z1301: Great monthly pass support!.

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