After the adult praying mantis explodes.

The armor insect instrument fell off, and with the armor on the body of the heavenly path was lifted, he slowly raised his hand, raised his index finger and pointed to the sky, Yache wanted to subconsciously look up at the tip of his index finger, his hand seemed to be holding the sun.

Behind the still dazzling Heavenly Dao, there seemed to be a divine aura.

Yacha thought about suddenly remembering what Tendo had said.

The way of heaven, the one who is in charge of everything.

I, the sun…

His apparatus is equal to heaven and earth.

That kind of divinity made Yacha can’t help but look stupid.

Tiandao looked at him strangely.

This guy, isn’t it a bend?

Fortunately, Yache thought about it and reacted quickly.

“Just now… Thank you. ”

Yacha thought to say.

“It’s changed a lot lately.”

Tiandao looked at the Ya “seven six zero” car.

Yacha wanted to smile.

The breeze ruffled his hair, “Something has been done, and people always have to grow.” ”

“Oh? That said, I’m looking forward to it. ”

“Brother Yache!”


Kageyama instantly trotted over, his face – with surprise, and did not care about the Tendo next to him, he arrived in front of Yacha Xiang, Tendo did not care, standing next to watch the play.

He always felt that Kageyama had ulterior motives.

This is his intuition.

Grandma once said that as long as he wants, fate will definitely be on his side, and the sixth sense of Heaven’s Dao can never be wrong, he said that if there is a problem in Kageyama, there must be a problem.

“Kageyama? What’s going on with the recent attacks on members of the Phantom Squad? ”

Yachi wanted to ask.

In recent times, he has been on the road to finding himself.

I didn’t go back to the organization, so I don’t know what happened, why were the Phantom team members assassinated by xenomorphs? Kageyama has always been his little brother who values very much, and at this time, Kageyama came over instantly, which can be regarded as solving his urgent needs.

Kageyama’s face still showed admiration when he heard this.

The tone was helpless:

“Brother Yacha, because there is no captain, the phantom team has temporarily disbanded, and recently there have been alien insects that attacked the team members, I am really a little puzzled, in order to find out this, I recently temporarily joined Mr. Tasho’s team.”

“This way…”

Listening to what Kageyama said, Yacha thought that he was happy in his heart, he was not yet a captain, didn’t this mean that the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument was still waiting for him?

Suppress the joy in your heart.

Yacha tried to make himself look – more – calmer.

Clasp your hands together.

“I protect the lives of my teammates, and this is the spirit of perfect reconciliation that I advocate.”

“Brother Yache!”

Kageyama was instantly delighted.

“Sure enough, only you are suitable to be the captain of the Phantom, please, come back!”

He prayed sincerely.

But I had a different idea in mind.

One word, cool!


Yacha wanted to put his hands in his pockets and took two steps forward.

“The Phantom has disbanded, and I too…”

“I’ll go and call everyone back! If they know you’re back, they’ll be willing to return! Kageyama said instantly, as if he was afraid that Yachi would not be able to come back.

“Kageyama, let’s play a perfectly harmonized music again.”


“I will definitely protect everyone, do you know where the rest of the team is now?”

Kageyama nodded instantly, “I know, Brother Yacha, let’s go.” ”

The two people said nonchalantly.

One dares to say.

One dares to believe!

The corners of Tiandao’s mouth twitched innocently.

“I’ll go with you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The General Director General of Heavenly Dao Melon Eating Masses said.

“Yes, anyway… It’s time to go back to the time I was in control! ”

Yache thought seriously.


“Hey, Kageyama, I just said how the patrol suddenly disappeared, so you are here.” Kagami ran over with a video camera, “Tendo, Mr. Yacha? You’re there too. ”

He greeted them one by one.

Kageyama pouted instantly, and Yachi wanted to smile and nod, which was considered a response.

Kagami followed the trio.

At this moment, the F4 group debut~

Kagami whispered in Tendo’s ear, “Tendo, what are you doing with Mr. Yacha?” Have you decided to join zect? ”

His mouth opened into an O shape, and he was about to stuff an egg.

Tendo gave Kagami a blank look.

This guy really is a.

“You have your ear attached.”

He said…….

Kagami’s eyes lit up when she heard this, flashing with the light of gossip, he was like those obasans, it was literally carved out of the same mold.

Kagami leaned over.

Tendo reached out and pressed down Kankagami, who was about to be pasted.

“Watch the play.”

He said two words.

Kagami: ????

Natsume ate breakfast, entered the system space again, and first challenged the projection that was refreshed today, and soon after he reluctantly walked out the door, without him, just because today he drew the Leo cavalry again.

Good luck seems to be over.

Cycling to Bsitro.

Just happened to see Xiao Xu go out.

She was carrying a satchel, very cold.

“Xiao Xu, where are you going? I’ll send you. ”

Natsume asked aloud.

Xiao Xu heard the sound that he had been thinking in his heart, his heart was so excited that he almost jumped out, raised his head, saw Natsume, his eyes were facing each other, Xiao Xu pursed his lips and felt shy.

She said sticky, “Natsume-kun…”

The face that can be broken by blowing bombs is blushing.

Something like Steamie.

“I, I’ll go buy a bottle of olive oil for Aunt Takemiya.”

“Get in the car, I’ll take you.”


Xiao Xu placed the bicycle, pinched the corner of Natsume’s clothes, and skillfully sat in the back, Natsume had a good smell on his body, staying by his side, Xiao Xu felt at peace with his heart.

Natsume engine car.

3.6 galloped away.

The white bungalow is a small supermarket selling olive oil, but when Natsume passed, there was no one in the supermarket, the owner was not there, and the inside of the store was destroyed, which looked very messy.

This scene Natsume feels a little familiar.

Thought about it.

This is exactly the scene in the original plot, the royal bee changes owners again, and unlike the armor fighting insect instrument from the beginning to the end, the adaptor of the royal bee insect instrument, but it has changed generation after generation.

Natsume remembered that the store’s warehouse was nearby, so he took Xiao Xu over.

There should be alien worms over there.

But that’s not a problem.

As long as all the alien insects that appear are killed, Xiao Xu will be very safe, come out – come out and slaughter some alien insects by the way, and enrich the small treasury of points, isn’t it beautiful?

ps: Five more, please order first!.

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