He manifested the Dark Emperor Riding Bazoo Card.

It’s a bazooka.

The weapons used by the Emperor Rider in TV Jun were originally paper killer weapons, but after being assembled and landed on the Emperor Rider, they became weapons that could really be used in reality like a fantasy.

The power of the unleashed shells should not be underestimated!

Natsume exits system space.

The bazooka turned into a card, a weapon that itself did not belong to the conventional weapons of the Dark Emperor Rider, and now that it is obtained, it becomes a card that can be driven by Natsume.


That’s not the point, the appearance of bazooka, for Natsume, is just the icing on the cake.

Natsume took out the Emperor Rider’s transformation card.

The cards of the Dark Emperor Rider and the Emperor Rider are basically the same, and the Dark Emperor Rider Drive can summon and harness knightly powers, which is equivalent to the fusion version of the Emperor Rider and the Final Rider.

So those cards Natsume have it.

All he got was the Emperor Rider’s transformation card.

Even the K touch screen, the God Lord card does not have 19.

Natsume said very good!

“Unfortunately, this card is basically not used except when making trouble.”

Natsume shook his head and muttered.

The strength of the two is not much different, and in terms of data, the Dark Emperor is stronger!

Unless Natsume especially likes the pink color of the emperor ride.

But Natsume considers himself more restrained.

The Dark Emperor ride is good.


On the card of the emperor horse, there was a strange light, and a prompt sounded in Natsume’s ears.

[Congratulations to the host, get both the Dark Emperor Ride and the Emperor Rider card, rewards: K Touch Screen (upgradeable), Random Dimension Wall x1 (used), Monya Konoya’s vintage camera x1]

Natsume raised an eyebrow, not looking too surprised.

The last time he defeated the Imperial Bee that Yachi wanted to transform, the duel connected to reality and also triggered the reward… The Dark Emperor Rider is owned by Natsume himself, and the Dark Emperor Rider and the Emperor Rider are the same knight power developed for the Overhaul Card, from this point of view.

Between the Emperor Rider and the Dark Emperor Rider, there is a power called bonding.

Once you combine as a bond, you can get a reward.

And what about the final ride?

Thinking of this, the corners of Natsume’s lips raised a slight arc.


In a certain parallel world, Haidong Dashu, who was stealing the best treasure, sneezed inexplicably, he wiped his nose, his brows wrinkled slightly, could it be that some bitter lord was nagging him?

Natsume’s gaze fell on the reward.

K touch screen!

The later note that it can be upgraded means that this is a god lord sublimation device that harnesses the power of the old decade of Heisei, and after the K touch screen is upgraded, it is God Lord 21, all the power of the old and new decades of Heisei.

Now Natsume has the power of all the main riders of the old decade except the Electric King.

As long as the electric king is gathered, the ancestors and ancestors will have the pattern.

“This wave of blood is earned!” Natsume grinned and said to himself, but he looked at the other reward, a little bit of the second monk scratched his head, what is the meaning of the random dimensional wall?

It is also noted that it has been used.

This made Natsume a little confused.

I really don’t understand!

Is there any connection with my strange dream?

Monya Koya’s vintage camera Natsume wasn’t surprised.

After all, there is a previous lesson from the old man’s recipe from Heaven’s Dao, Natsume is an all-round player, and the skill of taking pictures has long been full, but this skill is just one of all his skills.

Although he is a dark emperor rider, he is not so paranoid about taking pictures.

“That’s it, no matter how much it is, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it.”

Natsume shook his head.

There is no point in thinking so much now!

“It’s time, let’s go out and wander.”

Do what you say.

Natsume straightened up and went out.

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Another world.

It was late at night.

The bright moon hangs in the sky.

In the villa of an old manor, empty, a young girl in a floral dress is playing a piano song alone, the title of Debussy’s moonlight, the young bird that cannot leave the nest, alone and looking at the moon.

While playing, my mood became more and more irritable.


Hands fall heavily on the piano keys, and the piece ends halfway.

Menya looked at the moonlight outside the window.

Brother, why did you abandon me and leave alone?

She pursed her lips.

In his eyes, he revealed loneliness and sadness.

There is also longing and hatred.

Lost his parents at an early age.

She grew up with her brother and was valued by the Overhaul Card because of her special strength, and her brother Monyaji became the leader of the Overhaul Card, and Monya Koye became a researcher.

But half a year ago, the cadre of the organization, the housekeeper Nobuhiko Tsukikage, told her that her brother betrayed the organization and left this world through the power of the dimensional wall, abandoning her.

She didn’t believe it at first.

But since.

None of my brothers came back.

She also really wanted to leave this cage-like place and fly, but she couldn’t, ten years ago because of the death of her parents, she became afraid to go out, if her brother was not around…

Right at this moment.

A silver curtain appeared, from above that curtain, countless worlds could be seen, seeing this, Menya Xiaoye couldn’t help but be stunned, the power of the dimensional wall was no stranger to her.

But why did it happen?

Just as she was stunned.

The strange dimensional wall shrouded her entirely, and in a flash, this world, everything else 770 has not changed, only in the ancient villa, the door Ya Xiaoye disappeared.

Kagegetsu, the real leader behind the overhaul card, Moon Kage Nobuhiko noticed the appearance of the dimensional wall and immediately rushed towards the kotobu.

The tool he fools can be left alone, but the night is a key part of his plan.

Menya Xiaoye’s research talent is enough to make the overhaul card pay attention.

What’s more, the Earth Stone is still on her body.

He came to the piano room.

The building is already empty.

Moon Shadow Nobuhiko clenched his fists with both hands and sensed that there were indeed traces of the dimensional wall passing by, but where were the coordinates leading to the world? Everything is unknown, so many parallel worlds…

“Damn it!”

“It’s so bad, leave the earth stone for me!”

Moon Shadow Nobuhiko exploded.

Jia Dou World.

Natsume was walking down the road with an old-fashioned camera, and suddenly saw the dimensional wall streaked by from a distance, and at the same time, there was also the vigilance of the appearance of strange people! Natsume’s brows frowned slightly, the dimensional wall brought a weirdo?

Could it be…

Natsume thought of his dream yesterday night, as well as the random dimensional wall that had been used in the reward, could it be that the dimensional wall brought weirdos and caused the dream event?

This is also too gone!

PS: Thanks for SCP-3812 I am right behind you for the big monthly pass support!.

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