On the way back.

Natsume did not pass through the dark space, but walked slowly forward with Monya Koya, and the ingredients and daily necessities needed were almost purchased, and the Fujiwara Tofu Shop was the last stop.

“The uncle who sells tofu is very interesting.”

Menya fiddled with the camera and said with a light smile.

“Ah, Uncle Fujiwara is very good, but he often worries that his son does not want to inherit the mantle passed down from generation to generation by their family, and only wants to go to drag racing, but the uncle’s son is also very good at drag racing, and it is said that he drives tofu to practice.”

The corners of Natsume’s lips raised slightly.

I have to say that the son of the uncle is indeed very talented, which makes Natsume can’t help but think of the legendary Akina mountain car god in his previous life, AE86, drainage canal bend… It’s already super powerful.

Then again, in fact, the uncle’s car skills are the real hidden boss, who would have thought that “zero zero seven” to the small tofu shop hidden in the corner of the city is also a crouching tiger, hidden dragon


“Well, it sounds like watching a movie…”

Menya Xiaoye said.

Click, click…

She pressed the shutter.

On the surface, he was shooting the traffic on the street not far away, but in fact, he quickly captured Natsume’s handsome smile, and after shooting, he calmly put away the camera.

Natsume smiled.

This girl, probably thought he didn’t find out, right?

Soon back home.

Walk into the entrance.

Monya changed into his newly bought slippers and walked in after Natsume.

“Sit casually, there is a guest room on the second floor, you can find one you like.”

Natsume walked to the kitchen with the dishes and said to the door.

“Good! Thanks to Natsume’s brother for taking you in! ”

She sat on the sofa, exposing her fair legs.

A small sway.

Breaking free from the cage that the world imprisoned her, Menya Xiaoye gradually became cheerful, what she longed for was actually very simple, what she hated in her heart was actually not her brother Menyaji, but her brother left, but did not take her!


Natsume packed up and cooked, and among the series of skills he learned, cooking was one of Natsume’s favorites, and the dishes were passed down from person to person, and the taste also connected people.

Truly delicious dishes that can change even your life!

In this world, only chefs can be happy with a knife.

Living room on the sofa.

Monya Xiaoye skillfully adjusted the focus of the camera, turned his head to look at the busy figure of Natsume in the kitchen, subconsciously picked up the camera, and quietly took another picture.

Then carefully pretend that nothing happened.

The little heart plops.

Inside the kitchen.

Natsume chops the chopped green onion with a delicate knife technique and puts the chopped green onion into the miso soup that is about to be cooked.

He noticed the small movements of Menya Xiaoye, along with the physique surpassing the limits of humans, Natsume’s six senses became extremely keen, but he didn’t debunk it, he had to save some face for the little daughter’s family, right?

Monya Xiaoye came to this world not long after he came to this world from the random dimensional wall, but from the beginning to the present, the change of personality is obvious to all, and I don’t feel strange about this Natsume, so that she is the real her, like a normal girl.

As for the previous one.

She and her brother, but since childhood, have been fooled by the leader behind the overhaul card, Nobuhiko Tsukikage, that is, Kagegetsu, at that time, Monya Koye was a caged prisoner bird and had no freedom.

Because of the shadow in his heart, he did not dare to flutter his wings and fly.

But now.

Because of chance, she came to this world because of the dimensional wall, which seemed to be a pair of wings given to her by heaven….

“Little night, ready to eat.”

Natsume shouted.


“I’ll help!”

Ko Ye placed the camera on the coffee table and trotted towards the kitchen, lively and cheerful, full of youthful energy, Natsume felt that this is what a girl should look like.

Just like a tree flower!


When Xiao Ye ran in, he suddenly stumbled under his feet, lost his center of gravity, covered his face and screamed and fell forward, Natsume’s eyes were quick, and he took her in his arms, and his hand inevitably touched the earth stone hanging in front of her heart.

Release the hand that holds Xiao Ye’s thin waist.

Natsume poked her forehead with his index finger. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“I told you to be careful.”


She nodded shyly, her voice like a mosquito fly, and if it weren’t for Natsume’s horrible hearing, she might not have been able to hear it.

Natsume smiled, picked up two plates of dishes, and walked towards the dining room.

Just now, Brother Natsume ran into it, right? Not the stone of the earth…

On her pretty face, with a touch of red light……….

She pursed her lips.

Hurry up and help with the dishes.

On the table, hearty meals are already on the table, such as freshly cooked rice, freshly fried salmon, tofu miso soup, stir-fried meat with double pepper, and favorite mapo tofu.

“I’m moving!”

Xiao Ye looked at the hearty food, and couldn’t help but move, Fangcai’s episode, in front of the food, was directly forgotten by her.

“Delicious! It’s so delicious! ”

She gulped down the tofu miso soup.

Heart Road:

Brother Natsume is also too good, woo-woo~

“If it’s delicious, eat more.”

Natsume said with a smile.


Little Night Bunny nodded.

Lady or something, she has forgotten and turned into a dry rice machine for Mo De’s feelings.

Natsume looked at her cheerfully.

Xiao Ye, this girl is so cute…

However, I just don’t know how Brother Xiaoming will react when he knows that he has abducted his sister?


Menya sat down on the sofa at night, burped, touched his little belly that had become round, and his not ladylike behavior just now, and fell into deep thought.

The index fingertips of her hands touched together.


She whispered.

“Xiao Ye, what’s wrong with 0.0?”

Natsume looked at the girl with a smile.

The tone is soft.

“Brother Natsume, just now, I was not a particularly unlady.”

“No, not at all.”

Natsume said that he is rewarded with hard work and professional training, and will never laugh unless he can’t help it.

“Brother Natsume, you laugh like this, it’s not convincing at all!”

She shyly covered her face with a throw pillow.

Natsume touched her head gently.

“Be real, let go of your nature, be your true self, then you are the best.”


Xiao Ye responded softly, and she still did not take away the pillow covering her face.

She knew that it must be very red and red now…

PS: Thank you Asahingbuchi for your great monthly pass support!.

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