Menya Xiaoye fell into deep thought.

It had only been a day since she had known each other, and in her heart, Natsume’s shadow had already appeared, which she thought was a guide of fate, and of course, there was also a little reason why she had never seen such a good person as Natsume in her life.

Feelings are coming, and they can’t stop it!

She previously worked on the Overhaul Card Organization.

What do the people in the organization say?

None of them are normal people.

Natsume punched a set, and after it was over, he saw Monya Xiaoye sitting there in a daze, stepped forward, and said with a smile: “Xiaoye, what are you thinking?” ”

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. ”

Xiao Ye blushed.

Natsume didn’t continue to ask.

Sometimes you need to break the casserole and ask the end, and other times, you don’t.

Zect was hidden in some secret research base in the city, the research room was a mess, many instruments and utensils were scattered all over the place, and the air was filled with a strange smell.

Obviously, there was a small experimental accident here.

“What happened to the Big 19?”

“Are you all right?”

The researcher in the white coat got up from the ground in embarrassment, and then quickly asked, for them, experimental accidents are commonplace, and they have long been accustomed to it.

As long as the person is okay.

“It’s okay.”

“How’s it going?”

One after another, people spoke up.

Right at this moment.

Bear the smell that permeates the air, completely show the edge, some choking smell, completely detonated, many people are unbearable coughing, some people have no change, while others…

It is bathed in a strange light, gradually fading the human skin and turning into a protozoa with a single horn on its head.


What has changed is the protozoa, and what has not changed is the human being.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

And exclaim!

This is…

The experiment was successful?

In this research room, they are immersed in research every day with the remnants of the insect explosion sent by the teams below who fight against the xenomorphs.

Nothing else was studied.

Rather, anti-mimic bullets!

As for the ClockDown system, a separate research lab is responsible.

They thought it was an experimental accident.

After all, it really exploded!

Judging from the current results, it seems to be good?

Protozoa and alien insects themselves are related, their mimicry ability is the same, after coming to this planet, they can imitate the appearance of human beings, including feelings and memories…

And now.

Doesn’t the smoke of the explosion make the protozoa who are experimenting with them visible, does it mean that the alien worm can also appear? In this case, if it is ClockDown

The system was also developed.

Their purpose of solving the insect is even further!

Immediately someone stepped forward and inspected the scene.

“Intact anti-mimicry shells, there are three left.”

The man said.

One of the researchers, who looked like a person in charge, stepped forward and said in a serious tone: “Put away the remaining anti-mimicry bombs, and you will continue to develop and strive to form a production line.”

I’m going to report the news to the top. ”

After he finished speaking, he left the laboratory.

Went to the dark and called Kaga Miriku.

“Hello? What’s up? ”

Kaga Miriku’s breathy voice came from the phone.

“Mr. Kagami, the anti-mimicry bomb was successfully developed by accident, and there are three left, and we are further adjusting the experimental data.”

He said in a somewhat excited tone.

They’re working hard in this lab!

Day and night are reversed.

It is basically rotated in two shifts, the purpose is to be able to transform the weapons in the concept into reality as soon as possible, and now that the experiment has begun to bear fruit, how can he not be happy?

“Success?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kaga Mitsuru said in surprise.

I thought it would be a long time.

“Yes, Mr. Kagami, but this is due to an experimental accident, and the specific link that went wrong before, resulting in the final gas, needs to be investigated.”

He explained.

Now the research can be said to be a success, but not completely!

In addition to the previous explosion, the ZECT does store three, which is an indisputable fact, but it is due to accident, which shows that the success of the research and development is accidental.

It was not in their previous plans.

All they have to do is investigate!

“I see.”

Kaga Miru said, then hung up the phone.

Empty and dark commander’s room.

He sat in a chair.

Hands on chin and lost in thought.

“Anti-mimicry bombs, ClockDown systems, once successfully developed, it will be much easier to deal with xenomorphs, if it can be mass-produced…” Kaga Miru said to himself.

In his eyes.

These two forces can not only be used to deal with the alien insects lurking in human society, but also to deal with the protozoa if they expose their wolf ambitions.

When designing the knight system, he knew that the insect instrument had a certain intelligence, but 783 was free to choose the person he recognized as the fittest, but the protozoa could easily transform into any knight.

Contains the sun god and the god of war.

But at that time.

If the sword scorpion, thunderfly, and royal bee all fall and walk to the back façade, they will still have the only hole card left! That is the new system one that is installed inside the God of War and the Sun God

Runaway… Red dancing shoes!

Once stormed.

They will become emotionless machines, and they will not be dismantled if they are not defeated or dismantled! Unless it is forcibly beaten to the point of disarming the transformation.

But Kaga Miriku knows that it is difficult for protozoa to molt.

Until now, three or five years have passed.

In the protozoa, there is still no molting.

Including Negishi as a leader, too…

“If possible, be sure to hold those two forces in your hands, the closer you are to the destruction of the alien worm, the more you feel that the crisis is approaching, the more cards in your hand, the better…”

He thought to himself.

I remembered the conversation with Natsume earlier.

Fortunately, there is another card that hides deeper.

Kamen Rider… Dark Emperor Ride!

PS: Thank you Fo Nai for my great monthly pass support!.

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