Repeated slashes, the effect is outstanding!

The night rider was suppressed by Natsume in an instant, and in the blink of an eye completed the offensive and defensive transformation from launching an offensive to passive defense, and Natsume’s slash fell on the night rider’s armor, and suddenly sparks splashed.

A slash down obliquely.

Heavy slash.

The night rider was slammed back, tumbling on the ground several times before he could stop, and then the night rider pulled out the card and read it.

【TrickVent! 】

Doppelgänger comes!

The night rider suddenly turned into four, from four directions, towards Natsume, Natsume was not afraid at all, nor did he have the mind to change his form, and the wonderful power converged on the Garuru Saber.

Select the right as the breakthrough.

Raise your legs and step forward.

Raising his sword and slashing horizontally, he cast a full moon-like slash, Natsume rotated 360 degrees in place, the light of the slash appeared like the “070” Buddha, and the doppelganger of the night rider was all cut off, and the body also retreated one after another.

The system AI embodied a night ride, no emotion, no pain, Fang Natsume’s slash, obviously not yet reached his tolerance limit, after the avatar was eliminated, he took the opportunity to use the survival card.

【Survive! 】

The night ride goes into a survival state.

The shoulder armor of both shoulders is extended and a cape hangs.

“Oh? Survival…”

Natsume murmured.

He has a Dragoon card from the same world as the Night Rider, including the final survival state, but Natsume is useless, and seeing this, he draws another form to control the card.

Feed drive read.

The electric sound is playing!

【FromRideKivaEmperor! 】

Form control, Demon Emperor

Natsume said it before the war.

To use bats, fight bats.

The final form of the Moon Rider is the Demon Emperor form, as if there is a strange flute playing, and the Garuru armor covering the outside of Natsume is shattered, replaced by the Demon Emperor!

The Demon Emperor form has a metallic armor, a pair of scarlet compound eyes, and a blood-colored cloak that seems to be windless and automatic, with the momentum of watching everything.

This is a born king!

It is an armor customized for the single body of the King of Toothed Vampires, and ordinary people wearing this armor will absorb life energy and cannot maintain long-term transformation, while Natsume uses the Dark Emperor Rider to control it, there is no problem.

He can be used easily!

The Demon Emperor Moon Rider stood still.

Suddenly, the Survival Night Rider took action.

【FinalVent! 】

There is no superfluous, the temptation of bells and whistles, the direct use is the final arrival, the target is of course the transformed form of Natsume, the night riding finally descends on the wind breaking combat method, which reminds Natsume of a certain emoji.

I create you jpg!

Natsume didn’t panic in the slightest.

When the time approaches.

He jumped up and down, deftly dodging the locking beam, and the intelligent AI was still not as adaptable as it was.

Take out the card that launches the kill.

【WakeUpFever! 】

Natsume’s whole body was entangled in the power of the Demon Emperor, and on his feet, it seemed that a pair of blood-colored bat wings were condensed by the Demon Emperor Force, named Emperor Yue Broken’s Killer, and disappeared into the body of the night rider.

The picture freezes and the duel ends.

A tone appears.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Night Ride and reward 1,000 points!] 】

Night Ride Card in hand!

And in addition to the points.

Without the rest of the rewards, Natsume is used to it.

Light Photo Museum.

Turning on the dim light, Monyaki washed out the photos taken these days, no doubt the same as before, all distorted, the light of this world, pedestrians, scenes…

are running away from him!

“This world is not my world.”

Sigh softly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He picked up a photo of Kageyama as an imperial bee instantly deflated, but the photo also became very strange, which was very funny from ordinary eyes.

And if you look at it from an artistic point of view, it is very good.

In fact, it was not his world, it was the city that Kamen Rider Armor, a city infested by alien insects, they had experienced when they traveled through nine parallel worlds.

This time, compared with the parallel world, is inevitably a little more strange.

On the picture, the look of Jia Dou next to the emperor rides…

Monyaji was convinced that it wasn’t him.

After all, the emperor horse he transformed into was a fan… No, it’s magenta.

Yusuke Onodera, who was sleepy-eyed, got up to go to the toilet, saw the doorman standing in the photo processing room, was stunned, and then said: “Shi, you haven’t slept yet?” ”

“Ah, soon fell asleep……….”

Shi answered casually.

“By the way, Yusuke, you haven’t been notified by Phantom these days, have you?”


Onodera nodded, he was still excited and looking forward to being given an identity by the world this time, but unfortunately he had not been notified since the Harajuku Private Hospital.

They did know that the Phantom Squad was stationed on the Ginza side, but they did not choose to take the initiative to go over.

If there is no task, the past is idle.

And there is no need to clock in at 9 and 5.

Onodera has also gone out alone these days.

However, no alien insects were encountered.

Onodera even thought that the alien insects had recently ceased to exist.

“Oh, that man, really a stingy guy.”

Shi said casually.

The man in his mouth.

It is the captain of the Phantom, Instant Kageyama, Kamen Rider… Royalbee!

I just met that day.

Monyaji saw Kageyama’s personality clearly.

“Ah, so sleepy, I slept first, and you also rest early.”

Onodera yawned one after another.

Shi nodded.

Throwing the washed photo aside, returning to the living room and sitting on the sofa, Shi picked up the pink Polaroid camera, slowly adjusted the focus, and took a picture of the picture with a 4.2 click.

“Black undertone, darkness… Emperor Ride? ”

Whispering the name.

His travels begin when he meets Red Cross, and Nautaki like cowhide candy, who calls himself the destroyer of the world, the demon, and he feels innocent after losing his memory.

Came into the world yourself.

Black emperor riding on the screen.

Is that who he is?

Brows furrowed slightly.


For some reason, he always had the illusion that since he was forced to come to this world, it seemed that something important was gradually leaving him…

PS: Thank you to each other Kina’s great monthly pass support!.

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