
This isn’t Natsume’s first time here, the last time he solved the first mutant adult he encountered with the Amazing Almighty Empty Self, and that time the lively Ginza became sparsely populated due to the appearance of weirdos.

But this time, there are still a lot of people.

The impact of the last incident has clearly passed.

People’s memories will subconsciously forget the previous things, unless they encounter danger again, they will be remembered again, this is the real world, people always have to continue to live-.

Time passes.

Natsume found that he had greatly underestimated the combat power of girls when shopping, at least it would increase several times, if he was still only a human extreme physique, he would definitely not be able to bear it!

And at this time.

The world occupied by the overhaul card.

Monya House Villa.

Ever since Monya Xiaoye disappeared from the mysterious dimensional wall, Nobuhiko Moonshadow, who is ostensibly the butler of the Monya family, but secretly the hidden boss of the Overhaul Card Organization, has been staying here.


In fact, he was still waiting for Menya to come back at night, and he felt that his brainwashing… No, it’s the level of speech flickering, it doesn’t seem to be low, right? Menya Xiaoye’s previous performance was also normal, how can he now look like a bird that left the cage, and he didn’t know to come back after leaving?

People just go.

How bad is it to leave the earth stone, right?

It turns out.

Even if Menya Xiaoye mastered the power of the dimensional wall, he didn’t have the slightest intention of coming back.

She, long ago, betrayed!

Nobuhiko Tsukikage probably guessed this.

He also appointed the members of the overhaul card in advance to go to various parallel worlds to make trouble, and by the way to find the whereabouts of the Earth Stone and Monya Koya, the reason why he left the base fortress of the overhaul card and stayed in the villa of the Monya family for the time being, this is probably the probability that Mokikage Nobuhiko is waiting for the last percent of Yaya Xiaoye will return, right?

“The pioneer troops that went to that world have been wiped out.”


“The energy of the Earth Stone, I have sensed it!”

Nobuhiko the Tsukikage transforms into the appearance of the Shadow Moon.


“Colonel Zor, you did a good job, this time is a great achievement!”

“But little things, you’re ridiculous.”

The man known as Colonel Zor said with a smile, he wore white gloves, a weird military uniform on the top, white pants underneath, a hat on his head, and a blindfold over his left eye, turning into a one-eyed dragon.

And look closely at his appearance…

He is, Naritaki!

“I don’t know, how long will it take us to invade that world?”

Colonel Zor, that is, Narutoki, asked about Moon Kage Nobuhiko in a respectful tone, and he did not hesitate to join the overhaul card, slowly guided, and waited for that moment.

Moon Shadow Nobuhiko also specially sent the vanguard troops who lined up to deliver vegetables, which in Nautaki’s opinion, there was no need because he was retrieved from that world, the main riding Heavenly Dao General acted in a very strange style, the world’s destroyer emperor horse has traveled to that world, and even in addition to the pink emperor horse, the black emperor horse has also appeared in that world!

“No hurry, it’s already soon.”

Tsukikage Nobuhiko replied.

This time, for him, the plan is considered to be developed in advance, after all, before Menya Xiaoye suddenly disappeared, he still maintained the original plan, if Menya Shi died, then no problem.

They developed their strength step by step, and then used this power to conquer the world.

If Menyaji can survive the attack of his satanic saber, he can continue to fool, and in his opinion, Menyaji is one of the best fools.

At that time, rearrange the reason, let Wang Xiaoming continue to sit in the position of leader for the time being, and start the knight war.

In this way, his real plan can be carried out smoothly.

Tsukikage Nobuhiko stood up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Instantly disappear in place.

I don’t know where he went, this world has long been included in the rule of the overhaul card, but there is obviously only one place where Moon Kage Nobuhiko left at this time.

That is…

Located on the outskirts of the city, the black tower with the DCD logo printed on it is the base of the headquarters of the overhaul card! As for how to invade the world where Monya Xiaoye is, Kagegetsu said that he still needs to plan more.

0 ask for flowers

According to Colonel Zor, the hateful imperial horse was also over there.

If you want to push horizontally with strength, you can’t do it.

But the shadow moon paved the way for a long time.

Still feel careful.

You need to think long-term!

And after Kagegetsu, that is, Tsukikage Nobuhiko left, Nautaki, who turned into Colonel Zor, a cadre of the Overhaul Card Organization, slowly walked out of the Dabetsuno of the Monya family, revealing a sneer.

“Abominable emperor rider! That world is the end of your trip! ”

He whispered!

In order to strangle the Emperor Rider and his unexpected Dark Emperor Rider in the Armory World, Nautaki felt that his sacrifice was great, and he even did not hesitate to join the evil Overhaul Card Organization.

Nautaki has no good feelings for these wicked organizations.

But now it’s different!

He was bound to make a little sacrifice.

Nautaki is still very confident about this.

The invasion of the overhaul card may cause some harm to that world, but in Narutoaki’s eyes, these are worth it, compared to the direct destruction of that world, which is already a very good ending.

Nautaki, no, it should be said that it is Colonel Zor, who is looking forward to the next action of the overhaul card at the moment, but he is not idle, but is thinking about how he should act in this role?

It is certainly not possible to carry out terrorist attacks with the overhaul card in complete disregard.

He also needs to leave some backhand.

After the Emperor Rider and the Dark Emperor Rider were all annihilated.

Gather the people and kill the overhaul card as well!

Jia Dou World.

Everything is calm.

The appearance of the vanguard of the overhaul card does not seem to have any impact on people, and for ordinary people, the newcomer overhaul card weirdos are actually no different from the alien insects hidden in human society!

Natsume and Monya spent a long time shopping in Ginza before they went to buy some vegetables and walked in the direction of home.

And another pier.

At this time a battle is going on…

ps: thanks wj101: Great monthly pass support! Tomorrow, strive for two more chapters bigger!.

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