Hearing what Koyo said, Natsume walked out and fell into deep thought.

If it’s a meteorite…

In the world of Kotou.

Natsume did know something.

Although the original protozoa and alien insects came in batches, the way they came to this planet was meteorite fall~.

Compared with the aliens on very powerful spaceships, their pressing is more than one step weaker.

And in the future, when Kamen Rider Shiwang was born and came to the Koto world, everything has been over for a long time, but there are still meteorites adrift in the universe coming, and now… If nothing else, it’s probably ahead of schedule.

Natsume says this statement is still acceptable.

Thinking so, he walked out of the courtyard.

The night was there.

Holding a telescope and looking into the distance, it is a large leisure square, and when it is dusk, there will be many people resting and walking.

But at this time, there was gunsmoke.

But thankfully.

At this time, there was no one over there.

Natsume perceived.

Over there…

Sure enough, several special life energies appeared, different from humans, the frequency was closer to the protozoa, but not protozoa, but the fluctuations were somewhat similar.

Then there is only one answer!

The other party is, xenomorph!

Since the destruction of the alien insects, even the lurking ones, most of them have been cleaned by Zect.

Natsume hadn’t seen one in a long time.

I didn’t expect it to appear again today.

Moreover, it is still from the universe!

“Alien worms…”

Natsume whispered.

It looked like Xiao Ye said, “Another alien worm is coming, I’ll go back.” ”

Xiao Ye nodded.

“Brother Natsume, stay safe!”


The voice fell.

Natsume swept away, and after his physique was enhanced, his running speed was also very accessible.

That’s not a long way off.

So he doesn’t need to jump in space, just go straight over.

Soon arrived at the scene.

There is a deep pit there.


It is not large, only about ten meters in diameter, which is not much weaker than the catastrophe in Shibuya seven years ago.

But Natsume knew.

Even if one comes to this planet again, the number will not be so small.

There is only one possibility.

That’s one by one


The pioneers, just like Nobuhiko Tsukage, the leader of the previous overhaul card, asked the battery tiger to come with some combatants to explore the way.

From the deep pit.

Dozens of alien larvae appeared, they didn’t know the situation of the planet, there were no people around, and when they saw Natsume, they made Natsume a target.

If the alien insects that had been lurking for a long time were still there, they would definitely remind these stunned blues.

Natsume is not a weak person.

In front of him.

Few alien insects survive.

But these newcomers did not know that the self-confidence brought by the superiority of the race’s natural strength over humans made them look particularly inflated.

Quickly rushed towards Natsume.

They wander in the universe for a long time, and most of the time, they enter a state similar to slumber to avoid too much consumption.

Basically no eating.

Wake up now.

I was hungry.

Natsume appeared, and in their opinion, it was naturally food sent to the door.

There are quite a lot of them.

First come, first served!

The alien insects are not molting, all are larvae, small short legs, and the one that runs is called a fast.

Natsume’s eyes flashed slightly.

Perhaps, as the leader of the xenomorphs, the original Nogi Reiji had the means to summon his wandering companions in the universe! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Held hostage by the Divine Sword, he changed his form due to death, resulting in a gradual decline in strength.

He knew that what the Shendai Sword was going to do might be harmful to this race, and he couldn’t stop it.

So what he can do is use the means of summoning companions in the universe and gather some companions.

With this…

To make sure they don’t lose too ugly!

Such speculation is well founded!

Natsume thought it was very likely that this was the case.

If that’s the case.

Then, there is only one thing he has to do!

That’s to thank Nogi Reiji for bringing the Insect Points Package!


Because the restless and kind guys in the alien worms and protozoa have collapsed one after another, the overhaul card has suffered a wave of severe blows, so that it is still dormant and recuperating.

Natsume’s channels for earning points have become much less than before.

Probably only from the projection challenge of the system, and along with the projection challenge, some problems also arise.

That is, his new projection has gradually completed the challenge.

This means that the thousand points that can be guaranteed for almost six out of seven days are almost gone.

It’s a little uncomfortable.

Natsume originally planned to leave through the dimensional wall after the world was completely on track, and like Monyaji, he traveled through many worlds.

See different scenery from all over the world.

It’s also a great option.

He didn’t expect that there were unexpected surprises and gains, these alien insects that came again from the universe, weren’t they just points for sending to the door and walking?

Take out the Dark Emperor Riding Drive.


Natsume drank lightly, and then used the transformation card of the Dark Emperor Rider and sent it to the drive to read it.

This moment!

An electric sound sounded, and the wonderful armor also covered his body at this time.

【KamenRideDarkDecade! 】

It’s different from the pink emperor ride.

A set of armor in dark black tones…

This is the Dark Emperor Ride!

He also took out the Driving Card Box Sword.

With a skillful flick on the blade, Natsume went directly to the insect that was rushing towards him.

Battles, in reality, in the projection space of the system, Natsume has experienced it countless times.

It seems to have become instinctive, imprinted into the body.

Face any sudden attack.

He is also very skillful in coping.

The movements are light, like butterflies wearing flowers.

Navigating the swarm.

As soon as the ordinary sword fell, the alien insects fell, and there was a faint explosion.

He didn’t use any other abilities either.

Even the skill card is useless, just swinging the sword, but Ichigo can’t stop him from moving forward.

What awaits them is death!

One by one, the alien insects were cleaned up by him, and among them, there were more than a dozen molting, but they were all easily killed by him.

This wave, Natsume gained nearly two thousand points.

The harvest is already a lot…

….. Pill..

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