Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 66: Little dilemma

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Li Xian, or the Bright Star Group, faced the first major difficulty. The traditional formation method once again constrained the development of the group due to the unstable movement.

If it can't be moved, then the mobile tool becomes a bubble, and Li Xian's industrial plan will also stand still.

But Li Xian was still not reconciled. "Isn't the fairy device flying in the past, those fairy devices are also moving, and moving faster!"

Tang Rong shook his head: "All the magical powers such as magic weapons and magic weapons are all provided by the monks themselves. Even in the practice, we still have to sit still and have five hearts in the sky.

Throughout all the practices, the monsters and the beasts must quietly absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

As long as it draws aura from the outside world, whether it is gathering together or practicing, you need to be'quiet', and you need to adapt to the yin and yang of the world.

In addition, there are some large items of warcraft, but they also need spirit stones to provide aura. "

Xu Ren immediately said, "Even if the young master wants to re-study and change the formation method, it will need to open up a new way of cultivation. That is what the saints are qualified to do.

Now, let's concentrate on the research of spirit stones. In contrast, studying spirit stones is more reliable. "

Xu Ren's words blocked Li Xian's last luck. I was stunned offline for a long time, and finally sighed: "Then study the spirit stone."

Tang Rong said very carefully: "Master, the spirit stone is not enough."

Not only is it not enough, after the last exchange with the Hai nationality, there was no exchange. Afterwards, several transactions were conducted, but they were all small transactions, mainly concentrated on the sea soul silk-the ore is an incidental item, not included.

"The next time you trade with the Hai nationality, you will get more spirit stones!" Li Xian gritted his teeth and said, no matter how expensive, you have to change! No change!

Coincidentally, the day after the locomotive was tested, Wei Zhe came again to discuss the transaction.

"50 million catties of stainless steel weapons! All trident shape, 360 tridents!" Wei Zhe spit out a number that surprised everyone.

Fang Shijing made a good calculation: "Last year we used 50 days to complete 1 million pounds of weapons, 50 million pounds took 2,500 days. However, considering the various conditions that may occur for a long time, it is estimated that it will take more than 2,700 days. It was seven and a half years.

In addition, according to our agreement, 50 million catties of stainless steel will be exchanged for 10,000 catties of sea soul silk and 1 billion catties of ore. "

Wei Zhe frowned slightly, "The sea soul silk and the ore are okay. But time... that is a little delayed, it is not eight years! No, it must be completed within one year!"

Fang Shijing turned to look at Li Xian. Li Xian shook his head very simply, "Even if we put all our current production capacity on and only make your weapons, it will take four years.

And Senior Wei, you need to give us an explanation. The quality of the Sea Soul Silk in the last two transactions has declined. The quality of our goods is improving, but your quality is declining. This must give us a statement. "

Wei Zhe's attitude is very tough: "The sea soul silk is not what you call an industrial product, it is naturally produced, and it can't be exactly the same."

"Well, let's think about it first." The word dragging formula is always the best to use, and Li Xian uses it well.

As soon as the Hai tribe completes within one year, they know they are in a hurry! If you don’t know how to serve softly, then everyone will drag on! Anyway, the wire problem was solved, and Li Xian was not in a hurry.

The sea soul wire that Li Xian and Hai clan trade now is mainly used to control the engine market; but if there is no sea soul wire, Li Xian can also sell the black iron wire-of course, the black iron wire Li Xian uses now , The impurity content is as high as 95%, it will cause some trouble, but not too big.

When Wei Zhe heard that Li Xian wanted to "consider", his heart was cold for a while. After hesitating for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "After trading, half of the spirit stone and half of the sea soul silk, the quality of the sea soul silk is according to the first time. In several transactions, I compensated 3 spirit stones."

Li Xian smiled, "Well, we promise to complete within four years."

"One year! It must be completed within one year!" Wei Zhe will not regress. At this time, Wei Zhe also knew that he had messed up things—the kind that took the initiative to stick out the bamboo pole and let others knock on it and knock on it casually; but there was really no way.

Li Xian looked at Xu Ren, Beichen Yuqing, and then Fang Shijing. He also tapped on the table to think and calculate: The Hai people must have promised someone else, so they were anxious; but Things cannot be squeezed too hard, otherwise the talks between the two sides will collapse, and no one will benefit.

The production capacity of the factory is indeed a bit tight. Fifty million pounds of stainless steel and a trident are also required. To complete it in one year, you need to triple the mining volume, double the smelter area, and double the related machine tools. ; Most importantly, manpower needs to be expanded!

If it is done, the factory will double in a short time; but the pressure is indeed too great! You have to know that this is just the completion of bidding and agents, and the agents’ goods must be guaranteed. This is an oath.

Beside, Xu Ren, Beichen Yuqing and Fang Shijing are also calculating. In Russia, Li Xian looked at each other and got a tacit understanding.

Li Xian got up, "Senior Wei, please allow us to discuss. Compressing four years to one year is indeed very tight. We need to discuss it; one hour."

"Okay." Wei Zhe was already sweating on his head, and he was already thinking about how much blood to produce-anyway, this situation would not work without bleeding.

After Li Xian came to the back office, everyone looked at Li Xian. After all, Li Xian is a "principal", you always have to set a tone.

Li Xian thought for a while, "The transaction still needs to be carried out. What I like is not only the resources in the sea, but also the navigability of the sea. So, if possible, try not to offend the Hai people.

But impunity does not mean good talk, let alone bullying! Therefore, this time we try to complete the transaction as much as possible; but we will not make any adulteration statistics for the expenses incurred because of this, and let the Hai people pay. If the Hai people are unwilling to pay, then this transaction is abandoned. "

"This method is good." Xu Ren and the three nodded in agreement, feeling that Li Xian was still very kind. Of course, if this is placed on the earth, Li Xian will be scolded-you expand the factory yourself, but let others pay the price, there is still such a thing in the world; but now, everyone praises Li Xian's "goodness"-good people .

The idea was set, the four people probably estimated the cost, and they came out, even for a moment.

Wei Zhe looked a little worried.

"Senior Wei, we discussed it. If 50 million catties of stainless steel are produced in a year, we must expand the factory, increase manpower, and delay other production. For this, an additional cost of about 15 to 180,000 gold will be incurred. .

If you are willing to pay this price, then I Li Xian swear to the sky, before next year, you will be able to see "360 tridents in front of you flawlessly.

"As long as gold?" Wei Zhe froze, not this high price, but cheap-for the Dragon Palace, gold or something belongs to the floor.

Yes, Li Xian is considered to be kind and has no other requirements. And just paying for gold is not much different from paying for ore. Anyway, whether it is gold or ore, it is a vulgar thing, and it is not helpful to practice.

Seeing Li Xian nodded again, Wei Zhe smiled, "Li Gongzi, Da En does not thank you. I will send 200,000 gold for up to 10 days!"

It was so pleasantly decided.

With 5000 jin of sea soul silk, 5,000 pieces of spirit stone, and 1 billion jin of ore-that is, one million tons of ore, plus 200,000 two gold, Li Xianxiao's soul will be flying.

In order to express gratitude and prevent Li Xian’s shortage of ore resources, Wei Zhe even promised that in addition to the delivery of gold within 10 days, the remaining ore, sea soul silk, spirit stone, etc., will be delivered within one month To.

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