Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 78: Take over Anyang

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The imperial capital has been very lively these past few days. The unprecedented victory, the ears of one car after another, is the best proof; and the information from Cai Guo further proves that this information is not false. I heard that the two counties in the southeast of Cai Guo were crying, which was called Dai Xiao.

The Li family is completely on fire, Li Yulong is the master of Zheng Yipin; the eldest son Li Liang is the local official of Zheng Erpin; the third son Li Xian is even more dazzling.

Only the Wang family was very annoyed. In the past few days, Wang Chuan has killed several servants of the maidservants, making everyone in the Wang family tremble with fear.

In the south of Wuyang City, a large road leading to the south, Kong Xiang waited quietly at the intersection of Sancha.

"Why didn't the master leave?" The butler was puzzled.

"Wait!" Kong Xiang's tone was not very happy, and the steward did not dare to ask. Soon there was a squeaky wagon sound in the distance, and a team of wagons came slowly.

Beichen Yuqing jumped from the carriage, "Master Kong, 500 corpses are here. Retreat next."

After finishing talking, take people away immediately.

Kong Xiang opened the carriage and looked at it. The corpses had been frozen and stored. Sigh: "Let's go."

The guards of the Confucian family hurried back to the carriage, and wandered to the south. The atmosphere was very depressed.


Anyang, Li Xian's face turned green, his elder brother walked too smartly, waved his hand, did not take away a little trouble, all the trouble was left to Li Xian.

Li Liang took 5,000 personal soldiers, Zou Hui, his wife and nearly 6,000 people left, leaving Li Xian with the rest.

Including 30,000 elite soldiers, including rewards that have not yet been sent, including post-war comforts, including broken city walls, including...all troubles!

The only gratification is that Li Liang wanted to leave Zhang Hongtao's ten people, and Zhang Hongtao's ten people resolutely refused to follow;

"Master, the statistics are calculated. All the bonuses, appeasements, etc. add up to 27,600 gold!" Fang Shijing placed the detailed data sheet in front of Li Xian.

"How come there are so many! If you add other expenses, you can't ask for thirty-two thousand gold!"

Fang Shijing said calmly: "The eldest son's military pay this month has not been issued."

"I..." Li Xian didn't come up in a single breath. "When will your majesty's rewards arrive?"

"Your Majesty's reward has arrived." Fang Shijing was helpless.

"Here? Why didn't I see it?"

"Anyang County is tax-free for 50 years."

"I ¥*&&..." Li Xian was trembling with rage.

Xu Ren sighed slightly, "Master, don't you know that now all parts of the Daxia country have long been responsible alone. It is said that some counties have been tax-free for hundreds of years. For example, Nanyang County where the Confucian family is located.

Today, only 12 counties can be directly controlled by His Majesty. "

Li Xian was stunned for a long time, and finally sighed, "Sir, Da Xia Guo can't persevere for a few years. Even if your majesty now attaches importance to industry, it will at most support three to five years."

"Five years is no problem." Xu Ren smiled confidently. "This war has given Da Xia Guo a breathing opportunity for at least three years."

"Well." Li Xian looked at the things in his hand, and finally clicked on a very important item. "Sir, we have discussed the purchase of migrants and food with various places before. We can start now. Anyang is ours. And, Anyang has a small population, and it is estimated that 300,000 to 500,000 people can be accommodated."

"Okay." Xu Ren nodded.

Then, the task was given to Fang Shijing. Fang Shijing's turn this time is bitter: This post-war work has not been completed yet, and another task has been pressed down; Fang Shijing looks at Li Xian and Xu Ren with a grudge.

Xu Ren smiled proudly: "Lao Fang, I am a strategist, you are a scribe, you should do this. If you can't do it, can you find someone by yourself, I will find you if I don't. The young master can come forward in person.

In addition, all the migrants should also be divided into categories and classified according to their special abilities. Also, when buying a diaspora, try to ensure a complete family. "

Fang Shijing grimaced, "Master, we now only have 142,000 gold. Not to mention the purchase of migrants and food, even the rewards of the soldiers are not enough."

"How could it not be enough? Didn't Wei Zhe send two hundred and twenty thousand gold?" Li Xian was really surprised. There is no shortage of gold in the sea, Wei Zhe almost made up 200,000 two gold over the first time.

Fang Shijing took out a small book, "The cement plant was expanded and a total of 20,000 gold was paid. The locomotive plant was expanded and a total of 20,000 gold was paid. The research department and the internal rewards of the factory were up to 20,000. The Xuantie Smelter paid a total of 4 Wanliang. There are also chemical and explosive factories and arsenals, paying a total of 30,000. The rest are expanded to a smelting branch to build a trident.

The remaining 14,000 gold was still accumulated in the past.

Master, according to the reward rules you have set, there are 142,000 gold, which is only enough to pay the rewards and salaries in the factory next month.

Today, whether it is textiles or electricity, almost all factories have a large number of new inventions born every day. Today, we are in a stage of great outbreak. "

"Oh..." Li Xian rubbed his brows and had an unusual headache.

This fairyland is not lacking in wise people or skilled craftsmen, and every practitioner is a talent. Now, under the guidance of Li Xian, after the initial introductory stage in the group, everything is in a blowout state; naturally, the rewards will sprinkle like water.

Everyone was a little silent for a while. How to run the group and how to get money depends on Li Xian's attitude.

"Slap!" Li Xian slapped the table and looked at Xu Ren: "Sir, we will ask Cai Guo for war compensation!"

Xu Ren had a good calculation in his head, and finally nodded: "It is feasible. But to operate, get permission from His Majesty, we will negotiate with us, and the compensation obtained must remain in Anyang."

"Leave it to my father!" Li Xian immediately raised a pen and wrote a letter.

The next thing is a mess, Li Xian and others are busy feet. Disabled soldiers should be appeased, and dead soldiers should be buried. When money was insufficient, Li Xian had to give priority to taking care of dead and wounded soldiers; as for the rewards of the rest of the soldiers, they could only be owed temporarily. Fortunately, Li Xian now has a little prestige, the soldiers can still forgive, but there is inevitably a little dissatisfaction in his heart.

In order to compensate for the dissatisfaction of the soldiers, Li Xian ordered that each person send a large stainless steel knife, which alleviated the dissatisfaction of the soldiers for a while.

In addition, the broken border defense Great Wall needs to be repaired, and the **** ground needs to be treated to prevent plague.

Later, Li Xian also appeared to attend the funeral. The funeral of seven or eight thousand people made Li Xian look dignified and heavy. This funeral made Li Xian determined that he must get justice from Cai Guo; of course, the Confucian family can't let it go easily.

After being busy for six days, I finally sorted things out temporarily. Then Li Xian's first order was to separate the textile branch and move it out of Qingyun Valley to near Anyang.

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