Xie Linglu

Chapter 162:

In the days that followed, for some unknown reason, the firm's orders suddenly increased. Although they were all small and scattered orders, sometimes after confirming the degree of danger, there would even be four people who deal with the four incidents separately.

However, they are all problems that can be solved on the same day, so it is not troublesome, but it is a bit cumbersome. Such optimistic business development makes several people feel very fulfilled. The business amount of the small order is not high, and the entrusted objects are also in all age groups. The amount varies from several hundred to several thousand, but the accumulated amount in one month is also very considerable.

After finally having two free days, Ji Xinxi sat in front of the computer to calculate the income during this period. After confirming that it was correct, she nodded with satisfaction. The performance and monthly income are also very gratifying.

The sudden influx of business made her a little surprised. She opened the office's website and found that the entire website was completely new. The concise and neat page made people feel comfortable at first glance, and it also enriched many small functions. The board page has been redesigned to make it more convenient and comfortable to use.

Ji Xinxi put down the coffee in her hand, and remembered when she was in Sakura Tune before, because she liked the design of the hotel's official website very much, so she asked Boss Yuan for the contact information of the designer, hoping to entrust the other party to design it.

Boss Yuan listened to her words and told her that he was an insider of his company. If he wanted to design a web page, he could provide the service for free. With such a good thing, Ji Xinxi certainly would not refuse, and he entrusted it to the other party happily. Because it was not charging, she did not urge the other party.

She was too busy during this time, and she didn't have time to go online to check the situation. She went in and was quite satisfied with the results of the other party. Compared with her original layman's design, it was really a difference.

She picked up her mobile phone and sent her thanks to Boss Yuan, but the other party replied very quickly.

Ji Xinxi clicked the mouse. After the business expansion of the message board during this period of time, the number of active people has increased a lot compared to before. Scrolling down, she found that many of them said that Ying Tiao's side clicked out of curiosity.

Seeing such a message, Ji Xinxi opened a new website to open the official website of Ying Tiao. She found that a link was added on the official website to promote Yan Shi's story. Clicking on it, you can go directly to the website of their firm.

Today's Cherry Blossoms are running very smoothly, with good reputation and revenue. It seems that they have been nominated for several major hotel design awards. The well-known Cherry Blossoms are at a new level, and they are irrelevant on the interface of such a hotel. Links, this advertising cost is not cheap.

As a result, Boss Yuan put up the link of their firm without saying a word. Such a loss-making business is not something someone like Boss Yuan would do.

"Sister, what's the matter? Have something on your mind?" Dong Yi pulled the chair opposite Ji Xinxi and sat down and asked with a smile.

Ji Xin used to come to the school today to deal with matters. After the matter was over, he checked some materials in the library. These few days were the peak period for students to go home, but the library seemed deserted.

Yang Queque went back to his hometown two days ago. Dong Yi had to go home a few days later because of his parents' recent trip abroad, so he basically stayed in the library when he had nothing to do.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about the office. Everyone is busy recently, so it's rare to have time to clear things up." Ji Xinxi replied with a smile. Now that there are not many people in the library, they didn't deliberately take it lightly.

"Yeah, the message board on your website is like a story meeting forum. Queque and I often go to see if we have nothing to do." Dong Yi replied, citing a few recent events above, and asked curiously. subsequent development.

Ji Xinxi picked a few harmless answers, then turned around and asked, "Que Que has returned to her hometown, isn't it very unaccustomed to not being with you these days?"

"It would be a lie to say no, but when we were at school, we were basically together 24 hours a day. I think it's good to be separated occasionally. Usually, it's always noisy. Now that we're separated, I remember her. The body is good." Dong Yi smiled, a little shy on his face, when he said this, his cheeks were stained with a little pink, which is the unique greenness of girls of this age.

Ji Xinxi was also in a happy mood when he saw it, and joked: "Xiaoyi, I found that your temperament and personality have changed a lot since you were with Que Que. Sure enough, love is the best skin care product."

Listening to Ji Xinxi's words, Dong Yi's face turned red. She has a thin face and is not as cheerful and lively as Yang Queque. Since He Chun's upper body has made her lose a lot of weight, she has developed the habit of fitness, plus Yang Queque's optimistic nature gave her the affirmation, and she became a lot more confident from the inside out.

"Sister, don't just talk about me, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, do you have any plans?" Dong Yi straightened his hair and changed the subject.

Ji Xinxi's eyes flickered, but he didn't answer immediately. Dong Yi looked at her like that, and suddenly remembered that the other party was an orphan. Ji Xinxi was a celebrity in a certain sense in F University. It is simple, so many people know that the other party is an orphan.

Dong Yi bit her lower lip angrily. She didn't really mean anything else, it was really just a simple chat between friends. If she poked Ji Xinxi's sensitive point, then she really made a big mistake.

Just when Dong Yi was about to apologize, Ji Xinxi lowered her head slightly, the laptop screen covered the lower half of her face, revealing only a pair of eyes like autumn water, and there was a smile and a little shyness in the eyes. , said softly: "Xiaochun said, take me back to Dingxuanguan this year for the New Year."

Dong Yi was surprised, the big stone in her heart went away, she understood the meaning of Ji Xinxi's words, listening to the other party's words seemed to be a little bragging, she said cooperatively: "Sister, you are going to see your parents. rhythm."

Ji Xinxi straightened up, covered his face and coughed lightly, without refuting two syllables spilling out of his mouth: "Hmm~"

Dong Yi's fingers paused, because she squeezed a corner of the book page in her hand with too much force. She couldn't help feeling that the other party was such a peerless cutie. She couldn't help her heart skip a beat when she had such a master. How can people who spread rumors be willing to slander.

Thinking of this, Dong Yi loosened the book, looked at Ji Xinxi and said sincerely: "Sister Xue, I wish you and Sister Youling a long time, and you must always be so happy."

Ji Xin was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then opened a soft smile and said firmly, "Of course."

The two were talking and laughing, and there was the sound of books falling not far away. There were not many people in the library, and the movement was very obvious. The two turned their heads to look and found that it was a man with black-rimmed glasses, looking at thirty. Around his age, the tall, thin, tall hand held a pile of books, and a few were scattered on the ground, and he was bending over to pick it up.

Dong Yi frowned at the man and said to himself, "This man looks a little familiar."

Ji Xinxi heard the words and said, "Do you know?"

Dong Yi turned around and thought for a while, then turned his head to look twice, and then suddenly realized: "Ah, senior, do you remember the previous archaeological operation in Sihou Village?"

Ji Xinxi nodded: "Of course I remember, how could I have forgotten about this, so many things happened after us."

"Yes, yes, that is the time. Wasn't the tomb reported by the teacher who used to teach at F University at the beginning? This person was the teacher who supported the teaching at that time, and he has come back now." Dong Yi nodded again and again.

"Oh?" Ji Xinxi was surprised when he heard the words and looked again, and found that the man took a seat and sat down with his book in his arms, and began to bury his head in reading.

At that time, the situation they encountered was special, and they did not meet at this level, but she had never met each other.

Dong Yi also looked back and continued: "He originally wanted to make meritorious service that time, but didn't the archaeological team have an accident, so his benefits naturally went to waste, people came back, but the location is relatively Embarrassing, it is said that this library was built with investment from a family, and Cheng Wenxing asked him to manage the library here."

"Sure enough, money can make a ghost run the mill. Normally, Cheng Wenxing is still a student here. Now he can interfere in part of the personnel transfer. He really is the son of a married man. His methods and vision are different from ordinary people." Ji Xin Xi sighed and couldn't help but look at the man a few more times.

The man seemed to sense Ji Xinxi's gaze, so he raised his eyes and looked back. Ji Xinxi smiled generously when he saw it, but the other party lowered his head in a panic.

Seeing this, Dong Yi smiled and said, "Senior sister, your charm is not hidden, you should restrain yourself."

Ji Xinxi smiled and didn't say anything more, took his eyes away from the man, and chatted with Dong Yi for a few more words, and the two packed their things and said goodbye.

. . . . . .

Just over a week before the new year, Xun Youling began to prepare to bring Ji Xin back to Dingxuan Temple. She has had ups and downs this year. She sneaked down the mountain with a few belongings and opened a business in F city. After a few months in the office, I almost couldn’t even afford to eat, and now I have nowhere to go and another village, my career and my family have had a good harvest.

She was planning to return home in fine clothes, to be proud of herself in front of the group of gentlemen at home. She spent a lot of money to buy a lot of gifts, not only ordered a high-end suit for each person, but also bought a lot of others, When the payment was made, her heart was bleeding, and she fell into Ji Xinxi's arms, humming and begging for comfort for a long time.

Ji Xin coaxed helplessly, but she didn't say anything to dissuade her. In her opinion, Xun Youling's family belonged to her. It was nothing to buy gifts for her family throughout the year, and she still remembered that when Xun Youling went down the mountain, she took it with her. I have lost a lot of things, this time I should return some more.

However, these expenses will not hurt them, after all, they are still very wealthy recently.

After packing up everything and sending all the unreachable items back by courier in advance, Ji Xinxi and a few people set foot on the road back to Dingxuan Temple with light clothes. Layers of sweat.

Different from the last time she came here as a friend, she had no burden at all at that time, but now she is not what she used to be, and she has a feeling of coming to the door to ask for someone's daughter, and her nervousness has increased sharply.

Xun Youling looked at Ji Xinxi, who was at a loss, and said with a smirk: "Xixi, don't be nervous, if they don't agree with us, I'll run away with you without a word."

When Ji Xin heard the words, he replied angrily, "Then what would you do if Xun Daochang was determined and locked you up?"

"What's the matter? I'm going to dig the tunnel. If he sets up a formation and we have money, let him make things difficult for me. I have my own countermeasures." Xun Youling said no more words, and pulled Ji Xinxi to the mountain. go up.

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