The ugly man couldn't help but blinked after hearing what the little girl said, and then responded."Is this really the case?"

The little girl nodded slightly, sighed helplessly, and responded immediately."Of course it's true. What did I do to deceive you? In fact, you really don't need to mind so much about your appearance."

After hearing this, the ugly man raised his head slightly and smiled at the little girl, and said in response."Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would still be crying."

Seeing the ugly man's appearance, the little girl sighed softly and shook her head,"You don't have to thank me like this. Yes. I really can't stand it. Besides, you should be the one who is wrong. It should be those people who wantonly ridicule other people's appearance. Just don't take it too seriously."

Little girl The words made the ugly man silent for a moment, and after a moment, the ugly man spoke."But after I go out, these people still won't repent. What should I do?"

After the ugly man's words fell, the little girl felt a little headache. Good guy, he had just persuaded so many ugly men. Didn't you hear it in your ears? This is really too irritating...

The little girl thought so in her heart, she shook her head helplessly, patted the ugly man on the shoulder, and said bluntly."I've said it before, you don't need to be so sad. If you are strong, you can directly study the art of disguise and change your appearance. And if you are strong, they won't care about your appearance. What's wrong? In the final analysis, you are just not confident enough." After saying this, the ugly man was no longer as sad as before, and he nodded slightly in response."Okay, I will listen to you."

Jiang Chen on the other side immediately started researching.

No matter what, he must succeed in the disguise technique in the next few days.

With determination made in his heart, Jiang Chen also stayed behind closed doors these past few days.

Fortunately, hard work paid off. After a few experiments, Jiang Chen looked at himself in the mirror and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had upgraded a little, but he was still far away from achieving his goal of upgrading successfully. There is a gap.

Since he can succeed, it means that his idea is not wrong. In this case, it is better to study this direction directly.

With this idea in mind, Jiang Chen continued his research.

However, after a while, Jiang Chen looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. He really did not waste so much effort. Now he has finally succeeded.

Jiang Chen felt very proud of successfully upgrading his disguise technique. He smiled at himself in the mirror and made various faces at will without seeing any changes.

At this moment, Jiang Chen completely understood. It seemed that his disguise technique was really successful.

Just like this, after playing with his face in the mirror for a while, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile. His pride made him feel happier.

After playing for a while, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and strode out of the door. He looked at the sun outside and couldn't help but sigh.

It's great to successfully upgrade the disguise skill.

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