I just want to argue with you, but you are so unreasonable and want to add such unreasonable charges to others. I think you have some shady purpose."

But before Yamanashi could finish his last sentence, the guest's energy seemed to be released all of a sudden. He was at a loss for a moment, and the confusion in his eyes became even heavier. Yamanashi didn't notice it, but he stood there Jiang Chen, who was on the side, could see it clearly.

Seeing that the guest didn't talk back, Yamanashi wondered if it was because he knew that he was in the wrong and didn't dare to speak. He was about to take advantage of the victory and hit her a few more times, but he kept standing next to her. Jiang Chen, who was watching the show, reached out and pulled Yamanashi's sleeve, hinting her to stop talking. Although Yamanashi was puzzled, she still did as she was told.

Ever since this guest came in, she had been acting recklessly, and Jiang Chen didn't even have the chance to look at her carefully. At this moment, I carefully looked at the guest from head to toe. There was nothing special about him.

I saw that there was a faint red smoke surrounding the guest's feet. There were very few spots and the color was extremely light.You can't even spot it if you look closely.

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the guest's eyes again, and saw that the guest's eyes were full of struggle, as if there were two consciousnesses fighting in his mind, and soon he became very confused again.

Jiang Chen looked at the person like this and thought that something must be controlling his mind, so Jiang Chen slowly poured out his luck and spiritual power from the palm of his hand, wrapping the guest, until a thin layer of golden color floated around the guest. smoke.

Jiang Chen used a little more spiritual power to test the red mist, and saw that the red mist fled away as if it was frightened, and directly passed through the protective shield set up by Jiang Chen. The speed was too fast for Jiang Chen to react, so he had no choice but to let it escape.

Jiang Chen thought about it carefully and estimated that the customer was mentally affected by the unknown red mist. After all, which normal person would go to a stranger's shop and mess around? What's the benefit of doing so? Moreover, the guest seemed to have two different consciousnesses fighting.

As for the guest who only showed doubts after being choked by Yamanashi, he must have subconsciously felt that Yamanashi was right, so he became suspicious of that strange idea.

Looking at the guest now, I saw that the guest seemed very confused about his situation. He looked at Shanli and then at Jiang Chen in confusion.

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