After the Buddha's light was injected, the relic instantly turned golden, but in order for the relic to explode with power, a final boost was needed.

The relics, which already contain all the cultivation skills of the eminent monks, coupled with the injection of Buddha's light, will definitely explode with more powerful power, and its microwaves will also harm innocent people nearby.

Jiang Chen asked Zhou Yan'er to settle the nearby people first. Zhou Yan'er followed Jiang Chen's instructions and brought the nearby people to a safe place.

When Zhou Yan'er rushed back, Han Ba's anger had reached its peak, so with a roar, flames spurted out, and the Taoist priest who was facing Han Ba ​​was knocked away by the heat wave.

Jiang Chen saw Han Ba ​​getting angry, but he could not take action to trigger the relic's maximum ability at this time, because if Han Ba ​​was not lured to a wider area, nearby buildings would be destroyed.

If this is done, even if the drought demons are driven away, the people will not have a place to live. They will have to spend more time repairing these buildings. During this time, these people will have no fixed place to live.

After considering this, Jiang Chen took control of the relic and led Hanbao to the open space outside the city.

When Hanba arrived at the designated place, Jiang Chen helped the relic to explode to its maximum power.

When the relic reached its final boost, the relic instantly erupted into a Buddha statue. The Buddha statue slowly grew in size, and finally covered the sky and the earth.

Everyone opened their mouths wide because they had never seen such a scene before. It was as if the entire sky turned golden, the Buddha statue became huge, and even the Drought Demon became as small as an ant in front of him.

Jiang Chen was also surprised when he saw this scene. After all, he rarely saw this kind of situation.

Although Hanbao was very small, he still resisted and trapped all the Taoist priests around him into his circle of fire. This ring of fire is like a prison from which there is no way to escape.

Although Hanbao is simple-minded, he still knows that he is no match for Relic. If he wants to escape, he can only find a new way.

"Don't come here, come here and I will burn all these Taoist priests to death."Han Ba ​​said angrily to Shari Zi and Jiang Chen's group that Jiang Chen knew that he could not press forward step by step. After all, he had so many Taoist priests in his hands.

Jiang Chen and his party agreed to Han Ba's request and did not press forward step by step. , Hanba still didn’t let the Taoist priests go, and still trapped them.

Jiang Chen was afraid that the Taoist priests trapped in the fire would be burned to death, so he quickly thought of a way.

Jiang Chen asked Zhou Yaner and himself to block Hanbao’s path to prevent Hanbao from escaping. The further away, and a ruthless guy like Han Ba ​​would not let these Taoist priests go in the end if they escaped.

Jiang Chen and Zhou Yan'er distracted Han Ba's attention, while Fang Kong cut off Han Ba's fire ring from the side and pulled the group away. Next.

At this moment, Hanba discovered their plan and became even more angry, so he increased the heat of the fire ring. The people in the fire ring were already in agony. When

Jiang Chen saw this, he knew he couldn't wait any longer, so the three of them Attack directly. Although Hanbao is powerful, it is impossible for the three of them to besiege together and concentrate very much.

So Jiang Chen took advantage of Hanbao's inattention and intercepted the Taoist priests and broke the fire circle. After being rescued, the Taoist priests were already exhausted and lying on the ground. On the ground.

After getting off the Taoist priest, Relic knew that the opportunity had come, so he concentrated all his strength on his hand. His hand became bigger and bigger, as if it was like the sky.

Relic stretched out his other hand and pulled Jiang Chen and his party After the person was sent to a safe position, he then slapped it down with a palm. The Hanba in the center of his hand was directly smashed to pieces with a palm.

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