"But based on my intuition, your red lotus is not ordinary. If you make good use of it, it will definitely be no less powerful than my magic knife."

Just because the body cultivators and others don't know the goods, it doesn't mean that Ding Peng doesn't know the goods either. In his opinion, Jiang Chen's red lotus should be the most powerful among these rewards.

"With your auspicious words, I also hope that these red lotuses can have great effects."

Jiang Chen has no intention of exposing his strength. Although he doesn't understand what is going on with this Honglian, there is no problem in pretending. Dilong, who has been watching everyone's actions silently, After he estimated that everyone had communicated with each other, he spoke.

"You have all chosen your rewards. Next, I will send you back to where you came from. Are you ready?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed. After all, no one thought that Earth Dragon would actually send them back to where they were. For a moment, a faint feeling of reluctance spread among everyone.

Jiang Chen thought Earth Dragon would send them back to where they were. Long said he would send everyone back one by one in a certain order. As a result, Earth Dragon spit out a breath of mist and everyone was hit by a halo of light.

Jiang Chen looked at the light ball on his body in confusion. , I didn’t feel anything at all, it was like a light was shining on my body, but there was no other feeling at all.

Probably because they sensed that Earth Dragon was about to make some move, Jiang Chen and Ding Peng nodded and signaled, and then stopped. Too many exchanges.

Jiang Chen turned around and looked for Zhou Yan'er and others in the crowd. After all, in his opinion, they were all caught from the same place, so they would definitely go back together in the end.

But he didn't know what Earth Dragon's light group would do He would not follow people as they walked around. If it wasn't the wrong time, he really wanted to ask Di Long.

Jiang Chen finally found Zhou Yan'er and others in the crowd, and they all gathered together, so Di Long He hit them with a big ball of light.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he shouted towards them,"When you go back, don't wander around, contact me as soon as possible, you know?""

As soon as these words came out, all the people who were staying in the light group looked at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zhou Yan'er naturally heard Jiang Chen's shouting, and they also looked at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen returns

"Okay, we get it, we are still gathering in the inn, in the same room."

The Earth Dragon, who was preparing the teleportation work above, sneered mercilessly.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such ignorant people like you. You have magic power but don’t use it. It’s interesting to shout here and there."

After Jiang Chen heard this, his face was full of embarrassment. He was sure that this earth dragon must have done it on purpose just to see them make a fool of themselves, so he didn't tell them what the light group contained. Naturally,

Zhou Yan'er and others felt the same in their hearts. They were about to cry without tears, but due to the power of the Earth Dragon, they did not dare to say anything, for fear that if they were targeted by the Earth Dragon again, it would be worth the loss.

After a long preparation, the Earth Dragon turned around and looked at everyone

"Okay, now we are going to teleport you all back. Please pay attention to all of you. During the teleportation process, remember not to open your eyes. When you feel that your feet are on the ground, you can just open your eyes."

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