Leader Xuantian didn't feel anything about Leader Tongtian's yelling, so he just pretended he didn't see it.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the quarrel between the two of them. He just lamented that the sect was rich, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the treasure box.

Mu Lao didn't want the atmosphere to continue to be so heavy. He clapped his hands and everyone's attention returned to him.

"Okay, the treasure chest just now has found its owner. We now have the last auction item left. You can look forward to it. This last auction item is very precious."

After finishing speaking, seeing that everyone's reaction was not very intense, Mu Lao said again,"Since you are all looking forward to it, I will ask someone to bring the next lot."

As soon as Mr. Mu finished speaking, four people carried a medium-sized cage onto the stage, and you could vaguely hear some movement coming from inside.

Jiang Chen, who had lost interest, He was instantly refreshed and sat up straight. After all, what was lifted up was a cage, and the things inside must have a certain value.

After the cage was placed on the ground, the creatures inside seemed to have noticed something and began to become a little restless. The restless and tired people regained their energy.

Seeing this, Mu Lao was sure that the effect he wanted was back, so he stopped playing tricks and walked directly forward and took off the red cloth covering the cage. , revealing the creature inside.

It turned out to be a little unicorn! Everyone present was shocked when they saw the little unicorn. No one knew what to say. Even Jiang Chen was immersed in madness. After all, Everyone knows how rare a unicorn is.

"Okay, I think I don’t need to say more. Everyone knows what kind of creature this is, but we still have to follow the procedures. Now let me introduce this creature to you."

Mr. Mu knew that after he lifted the red cloth, it would attract everyone's attention. This was the result he wanted, so he struck while the iron was hot and introduced everything about Little Qilin.

"Let me tell you, this little unicorn is a little unicorn captured by our expedition team when they were out. It was purely due to good luck, so it didn’t take much effort."

When Mr. Mu was talking, not many people in the audience were listening to him. Everyone was staring at the little unicorn feverishly, even Jiang Chen.

He was already thinking about this. He might not be able to take a picture of the little Qilin even if he spent all his money on it. However, after such treasures appear, there will definitely be murders and looting. At that time, he can take the opportunity to pick up and miss something.

Just when Jiang Chen continued to be distracted, The two familiar voices appeared again,"Master Tongtian, do you regret it now? You took a picture of a treasure chest, but lost a unicorn holy beast."

The person who spoke was naturally the leader Xuantian. Looking at the Qilin Holy Beast below, the leader Xuantian felt that he did the right thing by not taking a picture of the treasure box just now. The leader Tongtian was successfully angered by the tone of the leader Xuantian, but he also Not to be outdone, he continued to return,"Master Xuantian, there is no need for you to be happy too early. After all, it is not certain who will end up with this Qilin beast!""

Hearing this, Master Xuantian was furious and said,"Master Tongtian, what do you mean by this!"

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