"Okay, I'm going to prove it to you today, I, Huang Lei, used to be an idol singer, and I was also a little fresh meat, and I was also popular. Seeing a group of people mocking him, Huang Lei was so angry, he not only decided to prove himself immediately, but also prepared to start losing weight and exercising after today.

It's all because he is greedy and doesn't want to exercise, and recently even his daughter-in-law has begun to dislike him, in order not to become a greasy middle-aged uncle, Huang Lei is ready to counterattack.

"Okay, you Teacher Huang?" Lin Meng looked at Huang Lei with suspicious eyes.

"Oh, I'm so grumpy, I don't just want to sing today, I want to sing while dancing, and show you what an all-round singer is. Huang Lei took off his coat and walked to the bonfire while turning back to talk to Lin Meng.

"Wow! Dancing and singing, this is difficult, if Mr. Huang really does it, I Dahua is willing to admit that you are an idol singer. Dahua raised his hand and said.

"Just wait. Huang Lei posed and said confidently.

Everyone stopped talking when they heard this, and waited patiently for Huang Lei's next performance.

Ten seconds later.

Thirty seconds later.

A minute later.

Huang Lei kept that action motionless, and everyone watching was confused.

Don't you want to perform, what does it mean to just stand still?

"Ahem..." Huang Lei also noticed the strange eyes of everyone.

"I'm sorry, I haven't sung it for too long, I forgot the name of my song, you wait, I'll use my mobile phone to search the Internet. Huang Lei smiled, shook his somewhat sore arm, and then took out his mobile phone and began to search.

Everyone: "······"

Wonderful, this person is simply too strange, he swears by it, and he actually forgot his famous songs at the critical moment, which made everyone lose confidence in him in an instant.

"I said Mr. Huang, if it doesn't work, forget it, I've already baked it, you haven't moved yet, if you really can't do it, I'll give you a few skewers later, and I won't let you watch us eat empty-handed." The corners of Lin Meng's mouth curled up and said with a smile.

"! you are humiliating me, I won't eat the food that comes from me, my Huang Lei is talented. Huang Lei immediately blushed, this kid is always so angry when he speaks.

Even if I sing a song casually, I have a kebab share, so I need your charity.

"I've found it, you guys just wait for my good show!" Huang Lei suddenly jumped up, it seemed that he had really found the song he sang back then, and he showed off his mobile phone to everyone.

"I said Lao Huang, you are not stupid, you are so far away from us and the lights are still blind, how can we see what is on your phone. He Yu didn't have to look at Huang Lei, who was waving his mobile phone like a fool.

"Teacher Huang, if you don't hurry up, you really won't have your share!" Lin Meng also warned.

He wasn't joking, if Huang Lei didn't perform again, Lin Meng decided to cancel his share later, and he would eat it himself, after all, he had a big appetite, and he would be happier if he had one less person to eat.

Huang Lei listened to Lin Meng's words, and didn't dare to delay any longer, and began to introduce the song he sang back then.

"The song I'm going to sing next is called 'While Walking: The Title Song of My Debut.' Huang Lei said the name of the song.

"Poof, that's a funny name, why don't you just call it Bian. Dahua couldn't help but laugh.

But Huang Lei ignored him and began to perform on his own.

"I'm used to looking out of the wind

Across the mountains and across the sea, whether you have the eyes of sorrow and waiting


This is a very old song, six years before Mr. Huang's gardenia bloomed, but I have to say that this song is still very flavorful, and the melody is quite beautiful.

As Huang Lei said, his singing skills are still online, although he is not as handsome as when he was young, so perfect and beautiful, but it is still good.

The only flaw is that it would be nice if Huang Lei didn't dance.

The dance of this song was originally similar to jazz dance in the eighties and nineties, and the movements are very funny in the eyes of people now, if it's just like this, it's okay, the key is that Huang Lei's figure is deformed, and he can't dance the elegance and luxury of jazz dance, and he is like a fat man twisting his ass.

"Poof!" Lin Meng was the first to hold back, and he hurriedly turned his head.

It's okay just to listen to the song, but watching Teacher Huang dance is to find guilt, and he is afraid that he will not be able to help but spit on the skewers.

"Poof... Haha!" the others didn't hold back for a few seconds, and they all turned their heads to laugh.

Huang Lei looked at the movements of a group of people, his face was wonderful, he sang okay, what does it mean for you to laugh collectively.

What's the saying?

I don't know how ugly I look, of course, this is not scolding Mr. Huang, but giving a similar example.

Huang Lei's situation is like this now.

Only others could see his dancing movements, but he himself could not see it, and thought that his dancing was very beautiful.

In his heart, his movements are as graceful as they were when he was younger, and yet everyone is laughing at him.

Just when Huang Lei was depressed and didn't want to jump anymore, Dahua began to encourage him.

"Teacher Huang, you dance well, very nice, hold on, don't stop!" Dahua was holding his mobile phone to take a picture to cheer Teacher Huang on.

Dahua's words were like a clear spring pouring into Huang Lei's heart, and he was now a little guilty that he had always teased Dahua before.

Although this kid is stupid, he still stands on the side of his old Huang family at the critical moment, and he is moved.

"Dahua, it's enough to have your encouragement, I will definitely finish this dance. Huang Lei said movingly towards Dahua.

Although many years have passed, the actions are all recorded in Huang Lei's heart, and the rustiness is also the beginning, and the more he jumps, the better he becomes, of course, if he is not a fat man.

With the last finishing touch, Huang Lei finally finished his performance.

At this time, everyone else had already laughed all over the ground, and only Dahua nodded in satisfaction.

"Dahua, isn't my brother dancing very well, it's rare that you still have the heart to record my performance. Huang Lei walked over and patted Dahua on the shoulder and said.

If it was before, Huang Lei might not have been able to finish that dance, because the dance was too intense and the amount of action was relatively large, but fortunately, there was a poisoning incident last time, and he was reactivated by Lin Meng, so after dancing a song, he didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, and he was also grateful to Lin Meng for saving him that time.

"Hehe's really good-looking, like wearing an inflatable suit. Dahua said with a smile.

Huang Lei had a bad premonition: "What inflatable suit, Dahua, what do you mean by this?"

"I also want to thank Mr. Huang for finishing the dance seriously, such a stylish dance, if you dare to bully me in the future, I will show you this. Dahua smiled sinisterly, and he showed Huang Lei the video he had recorded.

Inside is the figure he danced just now, a fat man is dancing, very spicy eyes.

Huang Lei was like a thunderbolt from the sky.

Dahua did it for a long time not to support him, but to record jokes, and when he wanted to bully Dahua again, he would take it out and threaten himself.

"Okay, you Dahua, even Brother Huang dared to play, so quickly deleted the video for me. Huang Lei took off his shoes and roared angrily to trouble Dahua.

"If you don't delete it, you won't delete it, you have the ability to catch up with me. "Dahua ran away.

"Haha!" The crowd who had fallen to the ground laughing had tears of laughter coming out.

Originally, they all thought that Dahua was comforting Mr. Huang, and they had been recording evidence for a long time, why didn't they find out that Dahua was so bad. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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