Ying Shao is a Girl

Chapter 357 The new head of the Wen family (3)

Just when Wen Wen took out his cell phone and was about to call someone to handle the matter.

A cold and sharp knife suddenly touched the back of his neck.

"do not move."

Wen Wen couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine, and there was a chill from head to toe.

There was no one around and there was silence.

Was he robbed on the way?

"What do you want? I can give you money or not call the police, but you can't do anything..."

Wen Wen tried to discuss with the knife-wielding gangster behind him.

He is a man who has seen the world. Even if he is afraid when something like this happens, he cannot show it and must try his best to stay calm.

The person behind him didn't want to hear Wen Wen's beeping at all, so he raised his hand and knocked the person unconscious.

Then Tuanba Tuanba stuffed Wenwen into his linen pocket.

The cameras on the roadside were completely dark and had been vandalized long ago.

After Wen Wen was taken away, the dark camera lit up again and operated normally, as if nothing had happened.


"Mr. Ying, we're here."

Bai Su patted his clothes and then straightened his tie.

His slender hands pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses, and his whole person looked as gentle as jade and meticulous.

His eyes rested on an irregular pile of sacks on the ground for a second.

It contains gentleness.


Ever since he followed Mr. Ying, Bai Su felt that he was an all-rounder.

He was a lawyer and a representative of justice, but he actually committed kidnapping.

What a sin.

Ying Junchu nodded.

His eyes were cold, his eyebrows filled with indifference, and he stared at the sack expressionlessly for a long time.

Bai Su had someone untie the sack, and Wen Wen, who had bruised his forehead, was poured out of the sack.

"Wake people up."

Ying Junchu gave the order in a calm and calm voice.

The bodyguard brought by Bai Su poured a bucket of ice water on Wen Wen.

Run down your cheeks.

It's December now and it's very cold.

Wen Wen shivered from the cold, his eyes suddenly opened, and he woke up from his coma instantly.


He was so cold that his teeth kept chattering.

There are benefits to cold spots.

Wen Wen quickly woke up.

He roughly understood his current situation.

Wen Wen is currently in an abandoned factory in the wilderness. No one will come at all, so he can't expect to be rescued.

The light was dim, and then with a hazy light, Wen Wen could clearly see that he was almost surrounded by bodyguards in black clothes.

It was so dark, everyone was wearing sunglasses and masks, and the light was dim, so it was impossible to see their faces clearly.

Now Wen Wen was 100% sure that he had been kidnapped.

Not kidnapped by a few people, but kidnapped by a group of people.

He was in danger now. Wen Wen forced himself to calm down and think carefully. No matter what, it was important to save his life.

"Who ordered you to kidnap me?"

Wen Wen's voice was calm and he didn't look panicked at all, completely unlike the reaction a kidnapped person should have.

But his slightly trembling legs betrayed his true state.

But the surrounding light was dim and blurry, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

It just covered up the fear in his heart.

On the surface, he is as calm as an old dog, but on the inside he is panicking.

"Our boss." One of the bodyguards answered him.

"Who is your boss? What does he want?"

Wen Wen then asked the bodyguard, trying to get something out of him.

This bodyguard is professionally trained. No matter what tricks Wen Wen uses, he will not be fooled.

"You don't need to know who our boss is."

"All you need to know is that our boss wants..."

"Your life..."


The bodyguard spoke calmly, as if he was saying that the weather was nice today.

But it scared Wen Wen enough.

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