This kind of words is killing people. When it comes out, people will feel that Shi Jin is willing to spend money for publicity, but refuses to do it for charity. Fan Yueqi's scheming is really deep.

Everyone is still staring at when Jin, looking at her this unprepared appearance, not from secretly shake head.

It's hard to say that there is any sincerity in coming here alone, isn't it?

"Forget it, Shijin. We don't blame you for not being prepared. I think it's better to forget it." Fan Yueqi continued to stir up the flames.

Everyone is also disappointed with Shijin.

A smile appeared at the end of Shijin's eyes.

She really didn't bring anything and didn't have any preparation.

But... If she dares to come here, she never thought that she would be beaten by fan Yueqi.

As far as fan Yueqi is concerned, she really doesn't care.

She lightly raised her arm, put her hand on her shoulder, picked up one of her naturally fallen hair and said, "I'm really in a hurry. I'm not prepared. But now that I'm here and doing publicity and contribution for charity, I can't come here for nothing, can I? Ladies and gentlemen, I'll auction this. "

She raised her hair and looked at the crowd.

A hair can't be seen under the light. Her white fingers seem to twist a touch of air. Only people close to her can see that she is really holding something.

"This one?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Do you really want to auction this?"

Just take a hair and want to auction it. Does anyone really buy it?

On this occasion today, Zeng Guangzhi specially arranged for fan Yueqi and Lu Feng to come here. In fact, it is because these celebrities have their fans that the auction can look like a model.

Obviously, there are no fans of Shijin in this group.

Even if Shijin looks like an immortal, but for the real star chasers, not their own food is not their own food.

Want to rely on a hair to set off everyone's auction enthusiasm, when Jin is too confident of himself, right?

Miss Li took Shijin's hair and put it on a brocade box..

It looks very solemn, but everyone's face is smiling.

"Now we are going to auction a hair of Shijin, donated by Shijin..." the auctioneer's face is also a little difficult to say, but he also saw the storm, and soon suppressed his emotions, business to business, said, "now and the bottom price of the auction, is... 1000 yuan."

It's really not easy to price, so the auctioneer used a regular price.

The auctioneer asked in a loud voice, "is there an offer?"

There is still silence.

Fan Yueqi can't help but feel funny. Shi Jin is really popular and powerful. She has been flourishing in the entertainment industry in the past two years. But does she really think that everything in the entertainment industry is the rule of everything in any industry?

It's popular in the small circle, but it's just a joke in the larger world.

She would like to know how passers-by will comment and evaluate her when this matter is hot tomorrow!

There was no bid from the people under the stage for a while. The main reason is that it seems useless to take this hair.

Some men, for Shi Jin, do have a good feeling. If they can buy her hair by shooting, they are willing to pay for it.

However, it's obvious that Shijin's kaolin flower seems to be hard to get close to, and it's impossible to make do with them. Isn't it ridiculous for them to bid for a hair?

"Did anyone bid?" The auctioneer asked again, "this is Shijin's hair. The bidder may get one of Shijin's hair. Is anyone there?"

At the time when everyone thought it was impossible for anyone to make a bid for this and hair, finally someone began to make a move.

"A hundred thousand." Yao Jiahong raised his hand and gave a price.

So we almost understand, this is when Jin again born, to donate money out, in addition to passers-by, only her own company to pay the bill.

Funny is funny, the heart of doing charity is really admirable.

"A million." Sitting in the corner, a man yelled. Next to him was a young girl, wearing a mask. She couldn't see her appearance, but she was very powerful. She didn't look like she often mixed up in the imperial capital.

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't recover from the shock. When they heard another sound, their pupils kept enlarging.

"Ten million." Someone in the corner called.

"This..." there was a sensation.

This time the price increase, the amount is too high.

But now this hair... What can I do with it?

According to scientific data, a normal person will drop 50 to 100 hairs every day. That is to say, although the hair belongs to Shi Jin, it has no uniqueness and rarity, and has no collection value at all.

Zeng Guangzhi couldn't help looking around.

Fan Yueqi can't help looking in the direction of these people. Are these people crazy? Do they do such things for Shijin's hair?

Even if they want to do charity, can't they find some other reason? Or take a picture of something else.

Why can Shijin get this price with a hair!

"Twenty million!" The man sitting next to the girl with the mask exits again.

Someone at the scene took a breath.

Obviously, the price really shocked the audience.

It's a sensation!

Let alone a hair, even if it's diamond hair, it's not worth so much!

"100 million!"

A strange voice, light said a number.

Holding a small hammer, the auctioneer couldn't believe his ears: "did the friend in the corner with No.78 brand give a price of 100 million? I confirm again, is it 100 million? Please give me an accurate answer. Thank you, my friend

"Yes." The voice was light, but firm.

With this sound, the audience fell into the extreme silence.

Everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

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