"I didn't think it was necessary before. I didn't have to give an account to others in my marriage. But since everyone is so concerned, let's make it public. "

Shijin doesn't want to be talked about by others about her feelings, let alone Fu Xiuyuan.

She posted a picture directly on her micro blog, with a simple accompanying text: "it's my husband. It's a legal relationship. Don't worry about it."

Yao Jiahong also immediately forwarded, and Shijin's official studio followed.

All of a sudden, Shi Jin's married entry immediately boarded the hot search, and soon followed by a big red word "boil", and then became "pop".

Many passers-by were particularly shocked and surprised.

Looking at the time when Shijin got married, she was even more surprised.

She just got married at the age of 20, just before the competition.

At that time, Chu Ling was still making use of her various degrees of heat, and her various attitudes had been very obvious.

After that, she did not hide her fans, and she was in love.

Fans are very excited, have forwarded: "blessing when Jin, found love!"

"When she used to sing" the moon represents my heart ", in fact, I knew it. Once, the man showed his fingers and brought milk to Shijin."

"In fact, I can guess the state of Shijin. And know, he must be very good to her, she will always be so lovely, calm

"Good feelings can really nourish a different look. I wish Shijin a happy life."

No matter how surprised the passers-by is, it can't stop the fans. They are all blessing, not to mention they are married normally and perfectly meet all the conditions.

In addition to Chu Ling's use of Shi Jin's popularity, Shi Jin has never fired any CP, no matter whether she is filming or on other programs, so we can't tell.

Of course, the black powder and the water army are still jumping, but they can't jump anything.

In particular, when they were jumping, many people in the circle, from Ji Han, the famous student director, to many well-known artists, came out to forward their blessings.

This or when Jin completely did not inform them of the situation, as long as the people who know this matter, all come out to express their position.

"Shijin got married?" She can't believe this fact, "isn't she always attacking Yuelan dust?"

Assistant shook his head: "her marriage certificate is true, P is p can't come out, not to mention she doesn't need to take a fake, or later more face."

"It seems that I really misjudged her." Yuexiu stood up, picked up his mobile phone and glanced at the hot search again.

Many passers-by mistakenly blamed Shijin before, but now they are also apologizing and blessing.

When Jin's popularity and the popularity of the circle, really visible in general.

"Who is that man?"

Yuexiu picked up the picture and couldn't see the name.

The picture returned by the reporter is also very vague.

"Didn't you get closer?"

Assistant shook his head: "although they do not travel how to avoid passers-by, but it is with bodyguards, reporters recently can only go to that location, can not be closer."

This time, Yuexiu didn't hurt Shijin at all. Instead, she just let Shijin find an opportunity to announce it.

Shijin is equivalent to no loss, a small number of fans can't accept to leave, but the rest of the fans are more stable, they don't even take off the powder when Shijin gets married, it seems that nothing can make them take off the powder.

Forget it, Yuexiu has to give up the idea of fighting with Shijin.

What Shijin has is more than she can imagine.


When Jin finished taking photos and tweeting, she kept holding her marriage certificate and didn't hand it to Fu Xiuyuan.

She talked with Yao Jiahong about her next work.

Yao Jiahong is fidgeting about his work. He has seen that Fu Xiuyuan's vision is always in Shi Jin's hands.

He seemed to want to go up and get it, but he was completely restrained and had to pay attention at the same time.

As if when Jin holding is not a marriage certificate, but what can be fatal at any time.

Fu Xiuyuan, Yao Jiahong would like to leave immediately, do not want to become an electric light bulb, also lest the city gate fire affect the fish.

But Shi Jin is still asking about her work. Yao Jiahong has to give up her life to accompany a gentleman.

"Shijin, it's too late to read. You just got off the plane. Why don't you..."

Yao Jiahong rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment.

When Jin lifted her eyes, she found that Fu Xiuyuan's eyes were on her fingers.

She remembered that she still had her marriage certificate.

"Well, you go back first. I'll call you if you have something to do."

When Jin Yang Yang marriage certificate: "you take in the body more trouble, put it at home, lest get out."

She was about to put it into her pocket. Fu Xiuyuan held her down: "I'll keep it."

"Fu Xiuyuan, you still can't believe me?" Shi Jin was wronged.

"No His voice was a little hoarse and low. "I like that."

His eyes are magnanimous, if it is because of fear that Shijin will divorce before, then it is because of habit after.

I'm used to taking things related to her, as if I had her with me.

He clasped her fingers, took the marriage certificate out of her palm, and changed it into his own finger. He rubbed and inserted it between her fingers. Ten fingers were clasped. He bowed his head and lowered his eyes. He had already included her in his sight.

When Jin stood on tiptoe, Fu Xiuyuan with a smile in his eyes, bowed his head to kiss her lips.


As a great hero of this competition, he became one of the most popular players.

Yue Feng was happy to give him a celebration banquet.

Shi Jin and Fu Xiuyuan became the first guests invited by Yuefeng.

Yue family.

Today, the scene has been extremely busy, many people came to support.

Many family members who used to love to say that yuelanchen was not a tool came to Yuejia.

Yuexiu naturally also came, today's atmosphere, let her some discomfort.

Apart from the other members of the Yue family, she and her elder brother Yue Liang have always been the center of attention of the Yue family. Yue Feng and his wife have only one Yue language at most, which is still on the table.

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