The Bastille is not an ordinary prison, and the prisoners who can be locked up in this prison are definitely not ordinary people.


The "prisoners" held in this prison may not be human.

Except for Bruno himself,

Only personnel from the three units of Idar Military, Idar CIA and Idar Institute of Magical Creatures can enter with a certain level of authorization.

Within these three departments,

The reason why he got mixed up with the Idar Institute of Magical Creatures, a seemingly unreasonable institution, is because the first batch of "prisoners" in this prison came from the mutant species of the Forsaken Land.

After all, few people know about the existence of mutants. At the same time, as the non-human creatures that the Idar people must face when developing the Forsaken Land, Bruno has always paid special attention to the study of mutants.


No matter how many mutants there are in the Forgotten Land, it is impossible for them to reach the Principality of Idar across the ocean.

Compared with the threat posed by the Church of Light,

Which one is more important between the two, Bruno can at least figure it out.

Therefore, Bruno's attitude towards mutant research is actually quite Buddhist.

As long as nothing happens,

Then he would leave it to the scientific researchers of the Idar Principality.

after all……

Magical creatures…

If this thing appeared on the earth, Darwin's coffin would probably be unable to hold it down.

Bruno really cannot provide constructive opinions and forward-looking ideas to the scientific researchers of the Principality of Idar.

Bruno's focus is only on safety and confidentiality during the research process.


Using the Bastille as a base to imprison and study mutant species is undoubtedly a perfect choice.

On the whole, the Bastille is a circular castle-style building.

There are trenches and moats surrounding the castle. Even if there is any problem, Idar's army will be able to control possible hidden dangers within the Bastille.

The courtyard in the center of the castle is jointly managed by the Idar Military and the Idar Institute of Magical Creatures.

It is both a courtyard and an important testing ground for the Idar Institute of Magical Creatures to conduct experiments and observe mutant activities.

As Bruno passed through the courtyard,

He could clearly hear the roar and roar of the mutant in the iron cage, and could even clearly see the big blood-red eyeball in the center of the mutant's head.

"They are really ugly..." Bruno couldn't help but sigh.

"The one you saw is already the prettiest among them." Hearing this, Krell couldn't help but take over.

"Can you see this?"

Bruno said in surprise.

"It's the guys from the Idar Institute of Magical Creatures..." Krell said with a grimace: "They have studied mutant species to the point of obsession, and even tried to conduct breeding experiments on mutant species..."

"Then what?"

Bruno asked enthusiastically.

"Then they discovered that the mutants seemed to have no gender, and they didn't know how to reproduce..."

Bruno: "..."

Bishop Olson was imprisoned in the basement of the Bastille.

As the most dangerous and valuable prisoner in the Bastille, Bishop Olsson owns a single cell on the underground floor.

But this was certainly not because of the mercy of the Idar people, but to isolate Bishop Olsson from all channels of communication and communication with other prisoners.

not to mention……

Although this room is called a cell, it is difficult to even place a complete bed in it. The whole room is a dark confinement room!

And what makes Bishop Olson most devastated is... the Idar people don't seem to want to let themselves sleep at all!

Whenever he curled up and planned to take a nap, the Idar people would wake him up without saying a word...

It’s called sleep deprivation!

As a commonly used method for hawk sauce,

When the other interrogation methods proved useless against Bishop Olsson... this trick was naturally used on Bishop Olsson.

On one side is the confinement room that is absolutely quiet, absolutely lonely, and absolutely dark; on the other side is the torture where even sleep becomes a luxury...

This silent punishment,

Bishop Olsson was crushed even more than the physical pain!


More than a month after being arrested by the Idars...

Bishop Olsson finally succumbed to the various torture methods of the Idar people.

When Bruno entered the interrogation room, the tied-up Bishop Olsson was already fixed on the seat.

Before that,

In fact, Bruno had already seen the portrait of Bishop Olsson.

He was a middle-aged man who looked gentle and elegant. His sharp eyes and resolute face could often bring great trust to others.

Especially when Bishop Olsson puts on the holy robe that symbolizes the status of a bishop... his image will bring an indescribable sense of security to almost all believers in the Church of Light.


Since he had been imprisoned in the Bastille for more than a month, this middle-aged man in his forties had completely changed his appearance.

The originally handsome and resolute face became unshaven, and his hair looked a mess, like a chicken coop that had been torn to pieces.

The dried blood stains on his body were also stuck together with the damp and moldy prison clothes, not to mention how miserable he looked.

If Bruno hadn't clearly known that the man in front of him was a big fish of the Church of Light, he would never have connected the guy who was beginning to take shape in front of him with the identity of the Bishop of the Church of Light.


Since he had been in an extremely small cell for more than a month, Bishop Olsson's body had a slightly nauseating smell.

It was as if moldy clothes, slightly fishy dirt, and the faint smell of blood were mixed together, making people unable to help but pinch their nostrils.

Bruno waved his hand slightly on the edge of his nose, showing a look of disgust.

"Okay, Bishop Olsson."

Bruno pulled up a chair, sat down behind the desk, and said calmly:

"I heard Krell want to confess? If that's the case, then you can start now."

Bruno's words clearly made the disheveled Bishop Olsson tremble slightly.

Hearing this,

He raised his head somewhat dullly and looked at the young Duke sitting not far in front of him with his cloudy eyes.

" are...Idar...Duke?"

Bishop Olsson's voice sounded quite hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, which made people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

And when he finally raised his head that was lying on the small table...

Bishop Olsson's bloodshot eyes and extremely clear dark circles immediately caught Bruno's eyes.

I am afraid that looking haggard can no longer be used to describe Bishop Olsson's mental state at this time. Several days and nights of sleeplessness have already made it difficult for his body to support him.

So much so that when he spoke, he seemed rather weak and tired.

"Of course it's me."

Hearing this, Bruno nodded seriously.

"What's the situation outside now? Has the Church of Light ever wanted to replace me?"

Seeing Bruno nodding, Bishop Olsson asked anxiously.


Facing Bishop Olsson's question, Bruno had no intention of answering, but simply repeated what he had just said:

"If you have something to say, say it now."

"If not, just go back to your cell and be quiet, and don't let me waste any more time."

Looking at Bruno's calm and calm face, Bishop Olsson finally clenched his fists and looked at Bruno with pleading eyes:

"I can tell you everything I know, but... please let me leave the single cell at the bottom."


In just over a month, Bishop Olsson has probably gone through more hardships than he had in the entire previous half of his life.

And this was the first time he realized,

turn out to be……

Sleep is so important to humans!

Being alone in a claustrophobic room can actually make your spirit almost collapse!

He didn't want to think about how he felt living in a single cell for years. He couldn't do anything in a room that was so dark that he couldn't even see his fingers.

No one talked to him, no one communicated with him, even the prison guards who went back and forth between the cells to distribute meals would not answer any of his questions!

The only thing Bishop Olsson could do was to huddle alone in a corner of the cell, then reflect on his own experience and guess how the Idar people would interrogate and torture him.


There was no torture to extract confessions, no torture,

After Bishop Olsson was thrown into a cold and damp single cell underground, the Idar people seemed to have given up questioning him.

If it weren't for the prison guards bringing him meals every day, Bishop Olsson would even think that he had been forgotten by the Idar people!

In Tongliao Universe,

The prison is a geomantic treasure place for Long Chang to gain enlightenment.

And in the Principality of Idar...

Prison is undoubtedly the designated place to reveal secrets and give up resistance.

A confined space where you can't see your fingers often creates endless associations, amplifying the fear in your heart to the greatest extent.


Bishop Olsson surrendered…

Although just over a month ago,

He is also the most loyal clergyman of the Church of Light and a malleable talent deeply trusted by the Pope.

But for Bishop Olsson, it seems like decades have passed!

He couldn't hold it anymore!


Facing Bishop Olsson's pleading eyes, Bruno just smiled and said:

"It depends on how much useful information you can provide us."

"I know everything about the great desert of Ao'ogre!"

"Then let's talk about it..."

Although Bruno was slightly shocked when he heard Bishop Olsson's words, he still watched the change in Bishop Olsson's face very calmly.

"All my family and friends died in the war. I grew up in the holy city of Bethlehem since I was a child, and the person who adopted me is the current Pope Clement V!"

"Your adoptive father is the Pope?"

"Yes, but also no."

Bishop Olsson nodded, but then shook his head.

"I am not the only one who has been adopted. In fact, the church adopts countless children every year across the mainland."

"And in the year I was adopted, Clement V alone adopted dozens of children of similar age, but... very few of them survived in the end."


"Augure Desert! The biggest secret of the church is hidden there! That is the real secret place of the Church of Light!"

"The church... has stored a divine corpse deep in the Augure Desert!"

Hearing this, Bruno couldn't help but nodded secretly in his heart:


The diary from the Forest of Warcraft has revealed to Bruno everything that happened after the God-killing plan ended.

Selfishness, disputes, betrayal, killing...

If Bruno expected, the corpse stored in the Augu Lei Desert should be the corpse of the god who died in the God-killing Plan.

"Keep talking..." Bruno ordered.

"As far as I know, God is a very special existence. He has broken the rules of the world. Even if he enters the state of death, his consciousness and most basic abilities can still exist relying on his corpse. And we, That’s exactly what you’re taking advantage of!”

"The Crusaders affiliated to the Church of Light number in the tens of thousands. However, from the perspective of the core circles of the church, only the Crusaders who enter the Augure Desert can be called the true Holy Cult. military."

Hearing this, Bruno couldn't help showing a look of doubt:

"Is there any difference?"

But Bishop Olson said one word at a time:

"Because only the Crusaders who have entered the Augure Desert are the Crusaders who have been blessed by the gods! Only those who have the blessing from the gods!"

"Superstitious?" Bruno questioned. UU read www.uukanshu. net

"No! This is not superstition! This is fact!"

"The obsession of the gods still exists in the damaged body of the gods!"

"But even if it is a god, his obsession and consciousness will eventually dissipate over time."


Having said this, Bishop Olsson couldn't help but stop.

Even his entire face seemed to become tangled and ferocious at this moment.

It's like...

There was a frightening horror in the words he was about to say!

"So what?"

Bruno stared into Bishop Olsson's eyes and said in a deep voice.


Bishop Olsson gritted his teeth. As if he had made up his mind, he said hesitantly:


"The Pope and the residual thoughts that still reside on the divine corpse... have reached some kind of... agreement..."

Bruno couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Promise?"


"Only with enough sacrifices can the gods' memories continue to exist over time, so... the civilians in the Augres area are the sacrifices prepared by the church!"

"And in return... every time a sacrifice is offered, the god's thoughts will allow a Crusader soldier to receive protection and blessing from the god!"

After hearing this, Bruno finally frowned:

"What is the use?"

What is the use……

Look into Bruno's eyes,

Bishop Olsson's mind seemed to recall the past again, and even his trembling words seemed to contain a ray of unspeakable fear:

"Immortal! Immortal!"

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