Bai Qi could have discovered him directly.

So it's a very nice thing. Because Bai Qi was able to discover him directly, no matter who he was, he might already have more thoughts in his heart, and no matter who he was, he wouldn't feel how comfortable he was.

Wan Fengsui looked at Bai Qi, in fact, they had already come down just now, and found traces of Bai Qi's existence, so they would have been secretly following Bai Qi.

has been secretly following Bai Qi, the purpose is because they must follow Bai Qi, so that their hearts will be much more comfortable, so that they will feel happy and relaxed.

After all, with Bai Qi, they will also be able to find the true existence of the tower without much effort, and maybe 06 will really be able to find the mystery of this sweet grace.

It's really very comfortable to come down like this, Wan Fengsui feels that if you can find these things with Bai Qi, then this is really a very good deal, this is really a very good deal, a very good business.

If it were him, he would definitely do it, because he wouldn't suffer at all, there was nothing wrong with doing it, and it was an outsider if he came to talk about it.

He doesn't feel that it's his problem at all, and if there is a problem, then it's definitely not his problem.

If it's not right, it can only be said that it's not right for nothing, why did you break into their territory, why did you come to his territory?

"Great, I finally found traces here, if I didn't find it, how should I explain it to Zhao Xuan? "

Bai Qi also breathed a sigh of relief, and then planned to tell Zhao Xuan about this matter, so that his mood would be much more comfortable.

The person who followed Bai Qi glanced at Bai Qi, and then nodded, saying that he would follow Bai Qi's idea, and he would definitely follow Bai Qi's idea and help Bai Qi to complete it and prepare.

He nodded, preparing to return to the capital immediately, and then go to complete the task that Bai Qi asked for the backpack to give him, and this was the plan to tell Zhao Xuan that about the news that he had found the ancient tower, he had not only found the domestic background.

I also found the first floor and found a way to enter this ancient tower, so this is a very good and very good entertainment, no matter who will have a very comfortable such a move.

It's a great thing, and it makes everyone very comfortable and makes him feel very relaxed.

No matter who it is, they will think that this is a very good thing, and on the other side, Zhao Xuan also received 970 to such news, and he looked comfortable after hearing these news.

"Yes, since I have found the existence of this thing, I will definitely reward him when Bai Qi comes back, and I will definitely not let him down. "

Zhao Xuan smiled lightly, his expression was very relaxed, and at the same time there was a sense of pleasure, because he was indeed very comfortable, and he felt that these things were very good.

If it wasn't very good, how could he have received such a good thing?

This is simply a very comfortable thing, no matter who it is, it is a kind of thing that kills two birds with one stone, Zhao Xuan received the news and was about to rush here.

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