Zombie City

Chapter 1030 Father and Son (please support, veterans!)

The direction chosen by the other four Gaia star toad people is according to the spherical map of the zombie radar.

One is to go to the country of Ross, which is known as a fighting clan.

One is to go to the relatively far country of football samba.

The third Gaia star toad man went to Australia, the country of kangaroos.

As for the last one, it flew alone to the wild Africa.

Looking at five completely different directions, the corners of Fade Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching...

If he went to five countries including the United States, it would be equivalent to traveling all over the world. The flying distance is absolutely beyond imagination.

But no matter what the locations and divisions of these Gaia star toad people are, Chen Fei needs to locate the end point as the country of America with the strongest Gaia star toad man.

For this reason, theoretically, no matter how Chen Fei decides the route, it will be a very exaggerated distance.

Fade Chen's preliminary route was to fly to the country of Ross to deal with the toad people on the Gaia star over there, then fly directly to the country of Australia, then to the great African prairie, then to the country of samba football, and finally to the country of America.

If you use an ordinary armed helicopter, it will take at least six or seven days or even more time for Chen Fei to finish greeting these Gaia toad people one by one.

Fortunately, Fade Chen was able to use the Toad Man's aircraft on Gaia Star to fly on the sea surface at a speed of Mach 1, and it took only 20 hours to circle the earth once.

Of course, if the energy consumption of the energy crystal block is not considered, when Fade Chen is flying on the sea surface, he can fly at an extreme speed of Mach 5 or 6, which can greatly reduce the flight time.

But for Fade Chen, he has already solved the hidden dangers of the spacecraft, so there is no need to be so nervous.

Because after he recovered the spacecraft, the countdown to this emergency mission had stopped.

Of course, even though these Gaia star toad people lost their spaceships, they lost their means of communication.

But after all, they still have powerful alien technology in their hands. If they use other means to send a message to the main star of Gaia, all the work Chen Fei has done so far will be in vain.

So it's better to solve all the safety hazards as soon as possible...

big africa...


After receiving the instruction from Captain Packert, Melt chose a direction, and then flew quickly on the sea surface at a speed of Mach 1.

The vastness of the sea eased her mood a lot, which made Melt suddenly become very interested in the scenery of this planet and the emotions of the creatures on this planet.

Melt in battle is like a ferocious lioness, but under normal conditions, Melt's beautiful appearance like an elf is mostly preoccupied.

Even if the flight speed was increased to Mach 2 in the middle, it took Melt nearly seven hours to reach this land.

After arriving on land, Melt slowed down the speed of the aircraft and moved forward slowly at a constant speed.

From time to time, zombies rushed over to attack Melt. Melt didn't waste any time on this. He just increased his flight altitude a little to avoid the threat of these ordinary infected people.

The high temperature made Melt's brows slightly wrinkled, which would speed up the loss of moisture in his body. For Melt, this was not a feeling she liked.

Because of the continuous high temperature and lack of water, the land here is very barren. Even if you can plant something, the rewards are definitely not proportional.

Occasionally encountered a few first- and second-level mutant zombies, Melt would hunt them down, and extract their samples while collecting their evolutionary crystals. These were part of their mission.

The expression changes slightly...

The auxiliary function of the battle suit allowed Melt to capture the sound of some conversations at a distance of one or two kilometers.

The function of the detection device is only for high-grade life forms. Whether it is an evolved virus infection or a local mutant creature, it does not show anything for ordinary local creatures.

All Melt caught were some awkward tongue-twisting languages, which were very different from the languages ​​of the native creatures in the area where they landed.

After collecting and analyzing for a period of time, the language translation device successfully completed the analysis, converting the language of those native creatures into the Gaia star language that Melt is familiar with.

According to the content of the captured conversation, Melt judged that the whispered conversation was the two father and son.

It seems that the father is guiding and teaching the young son.

"Yikas, remember, as a qualified hunter, in addition to shooting archery and fighting skills, you also need to have a mind that can make calm judgments and fearless courage!

But there are times when good patience is even more important than fearless courage.

You have to be sure that you can hit and kill the opponent with full confidence, and then act, so that you are really foolproof!

Understand? Easy Cass! "

"I know about my father, but there are so many monsters here, how can we break through them and rush into the supermarket to collect food."

"This requires you to use your brain to think and judge for yourself!

You are 16 years old, you must learn to be independent and become a qualified warrior in the tribe! "

"Remember! Our top priority this time is to find seeds!

With the seeds, we can grow food. Sooner or later, the supermarkets will be emptied. We must plan ahead for our people. "

"Okay! I know my father!


These monsters are sensitive to sound and smell.

Their blood is smeared on our bodies, so they won't find us for a while.

If you can't fight so many monsters head-on, then find a way to lure them away...

I see! Father! We can use loud arrows!

That piercing sound will definitely attract them all away, and then we can take the opportunity to rush into the supermarket to find things! "

"A good suggestion. It seems that you have really grown up. Next, you can do what you want. Pay attention to the timing, and I will assist you all the way!"

From the conversation between the two fathers and sons, Melt could easily deduce their combat effectiveness. To be so cautious in the face of ordinary infected people, their strength must be the weakest one.

Affected by the blood of the phantom star in his body, Melt did not have the traditional thinking of a Gaia star.

She never felt that she was a high-ranking life form, and a low-level life form with backward technology and weak strength must be an existence to be slaughtered by them at will.

Every living body and every ethnic group has their reasons for existence, their reasons for survival, and their life and death cannot be determined just because of their strength.

If one day there appears a planet that is more powerful than the Gaias, then the Gaias will also suffer the same fate.

So even if she was performing a mission, Melt would not kill for no reason. She would only kill powerful local life forms. For the weak ones, she would not reap their lives.

Melt controlled the aircraft to fly to a two-story building, jumped off the aircraft, and squatted on the roof to observe the two weak native creatures hiding behind the abandoned truck in the distance.

What made them fearful was the ordinary infected bodies, which added up to less than thirty.

It's just a group of little fools who basically don't have any independent thinking except for some predatory instincts, and Melt can solve them casually.

But this is for Melt.

Melt's beautiful purple eyes stared at the two father and son, and she felt curious about what the two father and son would do in a while.

Basically, from the weapons they carry, we can see their combat level, and the equipment is so backward that they don't even have a delicate iron weapon.

On the back is a hardwood bow made of special wood, and more than two dozen arrows with tail feathers are inserted in the animal skin quiver.

Some of the arrows are sharpened stones, others are the teeth and bones of wild beasts, and even the short knives at the waist are all smooth bone knives.

Just look at the young son, who took out an arrow with a strange shape from his back, and stretched the bowstring towards the distant sky.

A dark-skinned young man with focused eyes and held his breath.

As he let go of the palm holding the bowstring, amidst the trembling and sharp sound of the bowstring, the arrow flew quickly over the heads of the zombies, heading in the opposite direction from the supermarket.

Affected by the sound, the zombies who were originally slow-moving due to exposure to the sun all ran towards the same direction!

The boy exclaimed:

"Father! It's done! Let's go!"

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