Zombie City

Chapter 1142 Evolution? Mutations? (New week! Cheers!!!)

After experiencing the migration of the safe areas in various places to Kyoto during this period, the zombies in various places also gathered in the direction of the three major safe areas.

The city that was originally the most dangerous has now become a relatively safer place.

In a city with a population of one million, Fade Chen used the zombie radar to detect carefully, and the number of zombies he could find was only about 10,000.

But because of the desertion and destruction, the current city is no longer suitable for human habitation, the facilities that can be used are almost destroyed, and the weeds on the streets are as tall as half a person.

Most of the materials have been looted. Without food and clean water, it is not a good living environment.

Most of the buildings showed signs of falling down. Standing on such a street, Fade Chen couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness coming from it, even though this city is not his hometown Zhongnan City.

Fade Chen walked slowly on the street. The bat-like aircraft, which looked weird, was like a pug who liked to cling to its owner, and followed Fade Chen step by step.

hoo hoo hoo...

The whistling sound of the wind passed through the building and across the street, blowing grass waves everywhere, like the raging waves of a dragon about to go out to sea.

Fade Chen accurately captured some other subtle sounds from this rustling sound.

Fade Chen just turned off the voice reminder and target locking reminder of the zombie radar. He was also afraid that he would rely too much on the zombie radar. In this way, if the zombie radar loses its function one day, he would not be beaten. One of them was caught off guard.

In Chen Fei's induction, there was a not weak breath in the grass, and the target was at least level three. Although he had approached very cautiously and was considered a very calm predator, it seemed to have chosen the wrong prey prey.

What it's after is a prey whose bite will not only shatter teeth, but kill it.

Waiting in the wings...


Attack outrageously!

After going through three stages, the predator in the grass thinks it's time to wait!

When Fade Chen was less than three meters away, it rushed out from the grass, and the black shadow flashed in front of Fade Chen.

And almost at the moment when the opponent jumped out of the weeds, Fade Chen saw clearly what the black shadow was.

This is a huge cat mutant zombie, to be precise, it should be a tiger mutant zombie!

It's just that compared with ordinary mutant zombies, it is relatively small in size, but it moves swiftly and ferociously.

Zheng! ! !

The mercury-colored long knife flashed past! The sharp blade cut through the air, and there was a sharp whistling sound.

At a precise angle, the long and narrow mercury-colored knife slashed across the open mouth of the tiger mutant zombie, and cut the second-level beast mutant zombie into two sections with a horizontal cut.

Smelly dark brown blood splashed like ink...

Fade Chen flicked the blood on the long alloy knife, and used the tip of the knife to accurately pick out a crystal glowing red from the corpse of the tiger evolution beast. It was the core of the mutant zombie, the crystallization of evolution.

Putting away the evolutionary crystals, Fade Chen didn't forget to put the corpse of this mutated zombie into the storage space.

no way……

The snake vine defense line in the camp is like a group of wolf pups who are crying for food. If they want to grow up to the point where they can come out to harm people, they must be given enough food to accelerate their growth.

After putting away the corpse of the mutated zombie, Fade Chen fell into a state of contemplation. He had already suppressed his evolutionary aura enough, but the powerful qi and blood of the extraordinary body could not be hidden.

A thought!

A strange looking ring appeared in Fade Chen's hand!

analog ring

This is the loot Chen Fei seized from the two Gaia star toads who first descended on the earth. The effect is to simulate the breath of zombies.

Fade Chen didn't have any need for this, and wanted to give the ring to Mu Meiqing and the others for self-defense, but because the smell of the simulated zombie corpse worn on this thing was too unpleasant, the women unanimously rejected it.

In addition, this thing can only fool ordinary zombies and low-level mutant zombies with poor brains.

There is no obvious effect on mutant zombies above level two.

It’s okay if they can’t see it. Once they are seen and confirmed their eyes, they can know that the person wearing the simulated ring is not a zombie.

So in the end, the two rings returned to Fade Chen's hands.

think about it...

Fade Chen put on a simulated ring. Although he couldn't see anything, the moment he put on the ring, his whole body was indeed surrounded by the smell of corpses and stench of zombies.

Fade Chen turned around and put away the aircraft, then continued to walk on the weedy street...

Walk slowly in the direction of the zombie gathering detected by the zombie radar just now.

With the zombie radar's current range and all-terrain functions, whether it is a zombie on the ground or underground, or a zombie trapped in some closed room, there will be a clear display, and there is nowhere to hide.

Survivor 0!

This is a number that is sufficient to describe the current situation in the last days.

Survivors alone or in small groups basically do not exist anymore.

With the strength of ordinary zombies now close to half of the first-level mutated zombies, without at least second-level evolutionaries to take the lead, ordinary survivors will be useless no matter how many people they gather.

Because if it is compared to the number, the zombies have an absolute advantage in crushing, which is beyond doubt.

Chen Fei walked slowly through the weeds, looking at the towering and dilapidated buildings around him...

Staying in the camp for a long time made him a little fuzzy about the end times.

At this time, Fade Chen's memory of the last days was deepened again.

For these realistic situations, Fade Chen will restore them to the dark side of the dream space as much as possible.

After that, he will try to do an experiment to see how far his dream space can affect the evolutionary, and what kind of changes will occur in the body of the people who are killed in the dream space.

And that city of evolution is a very good place for experiments.

Fade Chen walked for more than ten minutes in the dilapidated steel jungle overgrown with weeds, and the zombies he met during the period showed indifference to his passing...

ho ho ho ho...

The pinna moved slightly, and Fade Chen's hearing caught strange roaring sounds. According to the size and echo of the sound entering the ears, Fade Chen was able to accurately lock the direction and estimate a fairly accurate distance.

After adjusting his direction, Fade Chen walked towards the direction of the sound.

There were more and more zombies encountered. Whenever Fade Chen passed by these zombies, these zombies would just inhale and sniff vigorously, and after smelling the smell of Fade Chen, they would turn their heads and leave.

Chen Fei, who was walking, suddenly stopped in his tracks...

In front of it, a grey-brown zombie blocked it!

Unlike other ordinary zombies, this zombie's skin is as plump and elastic as that of a mutant zombie, but it is not a mutant zombie.

Fade Chen looked at the zombie's eyes, and saw that the zombie's eyes were dark brown. Although there was no red light and bloodshot eyes, it gave people a feeling of broken glass.

The moment they looked at each other, Fade Chen gave a clear judgment in his heart, this is a zombie with high intelligence!

When Fade Chen was looking at the zombie, the zombie was also looking up and down at Fade Chen.

Then he circled around Fade Chen to smell his body.

There is no doubt that Fade Chen exudes the same kind of smell, but the image of Fade Chen wearing a combat uniform and a helmet makes this intelligent zombie suspicious.

After half a minute, the grey-brown zombie left Fade Chen's side in doubt and let Fade Chen go.

When turning around, Fade Chen noticed that this zombie had a fire ax on its back!

"I already have the awareness to use weapons!"

Fade Chen frowned. Although the zombie's gradual recovery of thinking ability was a foreseeable future, when this day approached a little bit, Fade Chen couldn't help but get worried.

The most essential difference between humans and zombies is not the infection of viruses, nor the difference in the body. The difference is that zombies are like beasts, while humans have the ability to think and have emotions.

But when zombies also start to have the ability to think and have emotions, they are no longer zombies, and they may be classified as alien humans!


The sound of the plastic package being torn open attracted Fade Chen's attention...  

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