Zombie City

Chapter 801 Survivor of Wu Hongshan (Today is so hot! Impatient!)

The main peak of Wuhong Mountain....

In the darkness, there were flashing lights, and more than 50 people sat quietly beside the three bonfires...


The firewood makes a crackling sound from time to time...

These people are all the survivors currently in Wuhong Mountain. At most, there were almost 200 survivors here, but after a while, there were only 53 survivors left.

These people stood around the bonfire with a sullen expression, and the swaying firelight reflected on their cheeks. Compared with the survivors in other places, the condition of these fifty people was much better, at least they were not starved to the bone. degree.

Feng Delong is the current leader of the fifty or so survivors. Before the end of the world, he was just a waiter at the restaurant on the mountain. He could become the leader of the fifty-odd people for the simple reason that he was one of the fifty-odd people. The strongest of the three evolutionaries.

The absolute crushing of strength, others have no way not to bow their heads...

Feng Delong's face was a little ugly. He didn't say a word, so the others around him didn't say anything and were so silent.

The food reserves on the mountain are running out. In the past few days, everyone has been tightening their belts. There is only one meal a day. Of course, the most fundamental reason for Feng Delong's bad mood is that there are two Survivor's death thing.

The two survivors did not die in the mouths of the zombies, but were killed by a spider with a basketball-sized body that sprang out from nowhere. The spider's eight long legs were like eight sharp and deformable spikes.

The spider appeared suddenly, without any warning, and bit two people in a row. It only took ten seconds for the two people to fall to the ground with black faces and seven orifices bleeding to death. Obviously, the big spider was poisonous.

Feng Delun was in a very irritable mood. Although the two people who died had no fighting power, one was a doctor in the outpatient clinic, and the other was a cook who was in charge of eating for everyone on the mountain.

So the death of these two people is quite a bad situation.

Fortunately, there are still some women among the survivors, who take up the job of making food for everyone whether they want to or not.

After taking over the ingredients, everyone realized that the food was obviously insufficient. If the food was not replenished in time, I was afraid that everyone would be hungry tomorrow.

But according to their usual food expenses and the amount of food they had collected before, they could still eat for at least a week.

Then the answer is about to come out. Some people stole the food that belonged to everyone from their own pockets, and the first suspect of this suspect bears the brunt of the dead Wang Mian.

Some people have wondered how the cook Wang Mian is not hungry like the others, but his cheeks are more rounded. The feeling is that this guy has been secretly eating everyone. food.

Fortunately, everyone still felt sorry for his death. After knowing what Wang Mian had done, everyone felt angrily that this Wang Mian was not a pity to die, and that his death was more than worthless!

Among the fifty or so survivors, more than thirty were tourists. During the time when the road was closed, these tourists who came out to play were all trapped outside. Those who could not leave the city simply continued to live in misery. Play locally.

On the day when the zombie virus broke out, there were about seven or eight hundred tourists, businesses and staff in Wuhong Mountain. When the virus broke out, many people became zombies. As a result, due to the special geographical environment, the virus spread and did not spread. Not very quickly.

The panicked tourists are in a hurry, and the zombies they are chasing are just a little fool with a simple purpose who is not tired, and they will not climb those steep stone stairs.

A dozen or two zombies chased a panicked tourist, only to end up rolling down the mountain and falling off the cliff together.

At the beginning, there were more than 200 survivors on Wuhong Mountain. After experiencing the initial panic and confusion, some people left, and some people noticed the strangeness of the zombie virus, and then recalled the action of closing the city and guessed that the virus was this time. It was so unusual that some people simply stayed on Mount Wuhong.

We were greeted and sent, wave after wave of people came, and wave after wave of people left, experienced a split over disagreement, and in the end, more than 50 people were left.

With the help of Feng Delong and the others, they only need to guard the stone ladder that climbs the mountain. No matter how many zombies there are, the number of people passing through at one time is limited. Feng Delong and the others can easily defend it. Once the situation is in crisis, they can even take the stone ladder. Block with some heavy objects.

Of course, this is also because Feng Delong and the others are more fortunate. The Wuhongshan area where they are located is the most active area for evolutionary beasts. Because evolutionary beasts and mutant zombies are completely opposite, as long as they meet, they will never die, but at the same time they also They will be jealous of each other. As the level of evolutionary beasts and mutant zombies is getting higher and higher, and their intelligence is getting higher and higher, sometimes they will try to avoid some head-on conflicts as much as possible. It seems that they have reached their respective recuperation agreements by default.

In the mountains and forests within the range of Wuhong Mountain, there are an astonishing variety of snakes, worms, mice and ants. Affected by the zombie virus, some of them have turned into zombies or zombies.

Compared with humans, insects have innate physical characteristics and some structural advantages. Even on some vertical mountain walls, they can crawl on it as if they were on the ground.

So on the contrary, these mutated insects pose the greatest threat to Feng Delong and the others. The insects don't come out very much during the day, but they are very active at night.

If it wasn't for the accidental discovery that the flames could disperse those bugs, even if Feng Delong and the others were not wiped out, the number of people still alive at this time would probably not exceed ten fingers.

Feng Delong glanced at the survivors who were sitting together curled up around the fire. Now they have no hope that they will wait for rescue. Repeated torment day after day has made them lose hope for the future in their eyes.

"Tomorrow we will go out to find food, and everyone will be starved to death at this rate!

Who is going with me? "

Feng Delong's voice was hoarse, but after he spoke, few people responded to him, only five of the fifty raised their hands, and two of them were evolutionaries.

The expressions of the remaining people were slumped one by one, and they were already looking like they were going to break the jar.

If there is food, they will eat with their mouths open, and if there is no food, they will starve and wait to die.

Feng Delong snorted coldly:

"You can leave if you don't want to live well. How many people want to live, but they don't have your luck, and you people still look like you have no love for life."

As soon as the voice fell, a dejected young man retorted:

"We also want to live well, but you think that we are all like you. With super powers, we are not afraid of zombies and strange bugs. We are just ordinary people, ordinary people who can't do anything!"

Feng Delong was not angry, but his brows were furrowed tightly.

A month ago, Feng Delong acquired an ability inexplicably. His fingers, arms, and even his legs and feet could be transformed into blades. The extremely sharp blades could easily cut zombies into two pieces.

After Feng Delong obtained this ability, he did not abandon the other survivors, perhaps just out of sympathy for the same kind, but it was this kindness that made him donate all the food he found.

Over time, those who get something for nothing will become accustomed to the selfless dedication of someone, and they will not have any gratitude. It should be taken for granted.

In their hearts, most of what they think is the same...

Everyone is in trouble, and it is already the end of the world. Isn't it right to get together and help each other?

I'm not in good health!

I am afraid!

I am a woman! So I can't go to fight, can't go to collect supplies.

You are so powerful, you have super powers, you should do more things for everyone if you work harder.

The current Feng Delong is no longer the former Feng Delong. At this time, these survivors sitting around the fire are worms in his eyes.

It was because of this so-called fair distribution that some people who were looking for supplies and those on duty at night were dissatisfied. They would think that since they could get the same food without doing anything, why would they go out and take risks!

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