Zombie City

Chapter 897 Influence (Countdown to Gaia starship arrival)

From just now, Fade Chen was curious about where He Guantao's helmet went. If he was wearing a helmet, he wouldn't have ended up in this state.

Micro movement of the pinna....

Chen heard the sound of metal rubbing against the ground.

After turning his head, Fade Chen saw that stupid chicken, pecking at a metal helmet on the ground with its sharp beak.

The sharp beak made a crisp sound when it pecked at the metal helmet, and the metal helmet slid a certain distance to the side due to the influence of external force.

The rooster evolution quickly followed, and then repeated actions...

At first, Fade Chen simply thought that the rooster evolution was kicking the helmet like a ball, but after observing for a while, he was speechless and found that the rooster evolution seemed to be trying to put the helmet on.

Although the size of the helmet can be fine-tuned according to the head of the activator, the shape of the head of the rooster evolution beast is fundamentally different from that of a human being...

Feeling sorry for He Guantao for three seconds...

Chen Fei closed his eyes and entered the production directory of the arsenal.

After scanning the body data of the rooster evolution, Fade Chen specially made a multifunctional interstellar tactical helmet for the rooster evolution.

The shape is different from the normal multifunctional interstellar tactical helmet.

Not only can the sharp beak of the rooster evolve, but also the cockscomb on its head, and the goggles only protect the eyes.

In this way, the rooster can evolve into a beast and avoid any headshot

The rooster evolution beast wearing a helmet is very excited, and it keeps screaming,

He Guantao finally got his helmet back.

Holding his tactical helmet in his hand, the moment he lost it and found it again, tears welled up in He Guantao's eyes, and he secretly swore in his heart that the helmet would grow on his head in the future...

And by making a tactical helmet for the rooster evolution beast, Fade Chen was also inspired,

Although the evolutionary beast is not against the sky to the extent that it does not explode its head like a zombie, and it will not die without cutting off its head.

But the evolutionary beasts have extremely strong vitality. As long as the bullet-like injuries are not hit in the heart, they have a high chance of surviving.

Wearing a tactical helmet that can prevent headshots on evolutionary beasts is equivalent to increasing their survivability.

Such as the big gray-haired rabbit Kaka, the mountain beaver evolution beast Fatty, the mouse evolution beast, the praying mantis evolution beast,

Wearing tactical helmets on them, while reducing the threat to their lives, also directly improved their combat effectiveness, which is beyond doubt!

There are still a lot of materials for making tactical helmets, so Chen Fei will naturally not be stingy with his evolutionary beast brothers.

Fade Chen also made exclusive tactical helmets for the Beaver Evolved Beast and Mantis Evolved Beast.

Although they may feel unaccustomed to wearing them for the first time, these two evolutionary beasts are not low in intelligence now. They know that this is a good thing that can save their lives, so they will always wear it.

After getting along these few days, Fade Chen also has a deep understanding of this stupid chicken.

From Fade Chen's point of view, this rooster evolved beast is not just as simple as having the fire ability.

It seems that there are hidden abilities in it!

It can make all creatures close to it miserable!

That's why it is said that this stupid chicken is the source of the disaster...

As long as there are any members who suffer unexpected disasters for no reason, it must be the ghost of this chicken!

Gradually, everyone also discovered some of the laws in such an environment!

If you just get along with each other in a normal way, passing by in a normal way, at most you will be affected by some minor injuries.

For example, I sprained my foot accidentally when I was walking, bit my tongue when I was eating, was inexplicably pushed into the pit when I stood by the edge of the pit, and every time I opened a beer, I was hit in the face by the beer cap....

In order to avoid this, the members of the survival team have formed a tacit understanding.

Even when you are sleeping, you will not take off the multi-functional tactical helmet, so as to avoid inexplicable headshots, which cannot be rescued by rescue.

Of course, these are just the effects of normal conditions.

Fade Chen did an experiment on purpose, he threw the belly of a rooster-evolved beast into the group of zombies!

And the result is the expected result....

The rooster evolution beast just does nothing, just flees in panic, and the zombies around it will die and become mutilated one by one for inexplicable reasons.

Compared with those zombies, these members of the survival team suffered only minor injuries and accidents.

If he insisted on explaining, Fade Chen felt that this might have something to do with his attitude towards the rooster evolution beast.

Zombies see the rooster evolution, no doubt they just want to eat the shredded rooster evolution.

This is absolute malice and life-threatening, so it will die and be maimed.

So basically it can be understood that as long as you don't show any malice towards the rooster evolution beast, your life will not be in danger.

Of course, if you are a person who is extremely weak, then you don't know what kind of sparks will be sparked and what kind of chemical reaction will be produced when you meet a rooster evolution beast...

When the convoy passed by Sanqiu City next to Zhongnan City, Chen Fei and the others saw that it had been turned into ruins...

All the former high-rise buildings have collapsed, and there is a strong disgusting smell of burning carrion in the air.

Fade Chen had heard about this situation from Li Zhenbei before.

There have always been some people in the upper echelons of the Kyoto Safe Zone who advocated razing cities with a lot of zombies to the ground.

Let all the zombies be buried under the indiscriminate and devastating blow.

Now the zombies in the city are migrating one after another, causing waves of corpses again and again.

These zombies are like a large swarm of locusts, and none of the survivors they encounter is spared.

Then they will eventually gather outside the walls of the safe zone and start a fierce battle with the guarding soldiers.

Under this kind of fighting pressure, security areas across the country are also struggling to cope.

In just the past half a month, the safety zones in eight places were breached by the tide of corpses.

This caused a large number of survivors to die in the mouth of zombies.

As the center of power in the post-apocalypse, the Kyoto Safety Zone has the most detailed information in their hands. In order to ease the pressure on each safety zone, they had no choice but to issue a decision to destroy the city.

Some people who advocated doing this before said with regret that the best opportunity has been missed at this time.

If such a decision had been made a month and a half ago, the current situation would not have occurred.

According to the changes in the situation in the last days, the Kyoto Safety Zone cooperated with the other two major security zones to start a new deployment.

On the one hand, build a few more maritime safety islands like Liming Island in the sea.

On the one hand, they have also begun to transfer core personnel in various local security zones, some to Liming Island, and some to the three major security zones.

For example, in remote safety areas such as Xiaosangshan safety area, compared to the long-distance trek to the sea, it is closer to the safety of Kyoto.

Logically speaking, there are safety zones in many parts of the country, which can have the effect of dispersing zombies to a certain extent, and there will be no excessively large-scale zombie tide.

So far, the largest wave of corpses is only about 130,000 to 40,000.

But if the local safety zone is removed, then after the survivors gather together, the zombies will also gather in one place.

By that time, there will probably be a large-scale horde of hundreds of thousands, or even nearly a million zombies!

Of course, the appearance of this large-scale corpse tide is not necessarily a bad thing.

In the case of being allowed to use weapons of mass destruction, the more zombies there are and the more concentrated they are, the more obvious the results will be.

If you don't fight, you won't know how huge a country's weapon reserves are!

But if you only face the normal zombie tide, even if there are more zombies, with the strength and equipment of the local safety zone, it is not difficult to resist.

Only the senior leaders of the local safety zone and the captain of the powerful evolutionary team know the root cause of the successive shifts of the safety zone.

All of this is related to the appearance of the fourth-level mutant zombies!

At this stage, the strength of the fourth-level mutant and the fourth-level evolutionary beast is too strong.

As a result, the combat power of the evolutionists in the local safety zone is somewhat out of touch....

The third-level evolutionary cannot pose a threat to the fourth-level mutant zombies and evolutionary beasts!

In the battles in the safe zone that had been breached by zombies, the third-level evolutionary was almost crushed or even instantly killed by the overwhelming strength of the fourth-level mutant zombies!

Without powerful evolutionaries to contain the mutated zombies, the seemingly unbreakable wall would easily collapse.

It seems that only the evolvers in the three safe zones can improve their strength as fast as the mutated zombies.

Compared with sending four-level evolutionists to support in various local safety zones, it is better to concentrate the people in the local safety zones into the three major security zones!

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