Zombie City

Chapter 962: Disadvantages of the Safe Zone (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Everyone)

two minutes later...

Ming Yang looked at Fade Chen blankly and asked:

"Huh? Is this the end?"

Fade Chen frowned slightly. In his mind, there was indeed a reminder of the success of the empowerment just now.

After Ming Yang decided to accept the ability, Chen Fei pointed Ming Yang's eyebrows with his finger and began to give the ability.

As he delivered this order, red blood began to flow out from between his fingers, and it took only a moment for these red blood to envelop Ming Yang's body.

And then it was the process of these blood energy being absorbed by Ming Yang little by little and submerged into the body.

During this process, apart from his nervousness at the beginning, Ming Yang found that he didn't have any other abnormal sensations except his body was warm.

So that Ming Yang, who was ready to endure the pain of becoming stronger, stared at Fade Chen with some uncertainty after all his blood energy was absorbed and asked.

At the moment when it ended just now, Fade Chen indeed saw that the red mark flashed on Ming Yang's forehead a few times before sinking into Ming Yang's body.

Fade Chen squeezed his chin, pointed to the front and said:

"Run with all your strength and try!"

Ming Yang nodded obediently, and ran with all his might!

Then Fade Chen saw Ming Yang running at a speed no different from that of the black snake.

"Hahaha! I am an evolutionary!"

Ming Yang laughed excitedly while running.

In the next second, because he couldn't control the soaring speed freely, Ming Yang slammed into a wall head-on. If he hadn't had a tactical helmet protecting his head, he would have been dizzy even if he hadn't been hit head-to-head.

In this way, Chen Fei basically came to the conclusion that the innate ability bestowed by the plunder, the pain is only for the plunderer, but has no effect on the giver, and there is no risk.

This result made Fade Chen feel very happy. With the innate ability endowed by this plunder, he is more confident that he can create a powerful and reliable force, which will definitely play a huge role in the battle against the Gaias!

Mingyang was ecstatic on this side, but Zhu Zi, who was going to save people on the other side, looked very unhappy...

Among the many survivors, he only saw four villagers, and the other villagers died one after another during this period of time.

Those who starved to death, died of illness, were tortured to death, or were killed by zombies when they went out to find supplies. In short, Dao and the others just regard these survivors as their tools, and they will sacrifice themselves wherever they are needed .

Zhu Zi was angry in his heart, but unfortunately, all the people who could vent his anger had died...

There is nothing but sadness in my heart...

"Fade Chen, how do we deal with these survivors and bring them all back to the camp? This is a bit troublesome!"

Mu Meiqing stood beside Fade Chen, looking at the sallow and emaciated survivors in ragged clothes and said in a low voice.

Fade Chen also frowned slightly. If there were fewer people, he could take them back together, but there are three or four hundred survivors here!

These survivors are mobile delicacies for zombies, and they can easily attract groups of zombies.

Fade Chen pinched his chin and pondered for a moment, then entered the communication interface of the tactical helmet.

Because the tactical helmet worn by Fade Chen is the host computer, and the running system is connected to the doomsday master system, so Fade Chen can communicate over long distances.

It is even possible to manipulate the helmets of other people from a distance, including erasing the activation information, so that the helmets cannot be used normally.

Fade Chen found the serial number of the multifunctional interstellar tactical helmet representing Li Yunfei, and found that the other party was in a black unused state, presumably he took off the helmet and was resting.

But this is not difficult for Fade Chen.

Fade Chen issued an instruction to run and activate directly in his consciousness.

the other side.....

In Xiaosangshan Safe Zone...

Li Yunfei was lying on the bed breathing quietly and steadily, and the metal helmet that Fade Chen gave him before leaving was placed by the bedside.

This thing works surprisingly well!

Not only did it protect Li Yunfei's head from serious injuries many times, but it was also extremely convenient for communication. It could be connected to any communication channel by default, including encrypted communication channels!

Li Yunfei has been very busy these few days, and the orders from the high-level officials in the inner area followed one after another. On the surface, they seemed to be making arrangements for the overall situation of the safe area, but Li Yunfei knew some real information.

To get this information, it is thanks to Fade Chen who gave him the metal helmet.

The helmet automatically deciphered the encrypted communication channel, letting Li Yunfei know that the high-level executives in the inner area planned to evacuate secretly.

They not only want to evacuate secretly, but also take away the main food resources and many strategic materials.

The reason was that they were uneasy after hearing the news that many safe areas had been breached by zombies.

They first secretly transferred 5,000 people to a safe area on the island called Dawn Island.

After that, the rest of them planned to move to the Kyoto Safe Zone, because in their view, if they wanted to survive, they had to be in the most powerful Kyoto Safe Zone.

This time they will take half of their troops, not to mention all the evolutionary squads will also escort them.

Li Yunfei could hear everything those guys conspired, including how to control the evolutionary team.

Their methods are mean and simple.

Evolutionary squads that do not obey the command will report to their superiors, and they will be classified as safe zone evolutionary squads and evolutionary blacklists

Li Yunfei has long been dissatisfied with the rules of the inner and outer areas of the safety zone. It would be fine if it was just a simple division of personnel, but the model of the Xiaosangshan safety area is simply to exploit those who have nothing to eat. labor force of survivors.

They didn't regard the survivors in the outer zone as human beings at all, so they didn't say a word about the ordinary survivors in the outer zone from the beginning to the end regarding the transfer to the Kyoto safe zone.

In the past few days, Li Yunfei has been slacking off work on the grounds of being injured. He already has the idea of ​​leading his brothers out of the safe zone, and he has begun to admire Chen Fei's long-term vision.

"Hey! Li Yunfei!"

In the darkness, Li Yunfei's multifunctional interstellar tactical helmet suddenly lit up its running lights, followed by an external sound.

Li Yunfei, who was sleeping soundly, sat up suddenly. Although he was in a deep sleep, his basic vigilance was still there.

"Hey! Don't look!

it's me! Fade Chen! "

The tactical helmet made a sound again, and it was Fade Chen's voice. Although he was a little puzzled about how Fade Chen did it, Li Yunfei took the helmet over and put it on his head immediately, and asked:

"What's the matter, Captain Chen? Have you settled down now?"

"We found a very good place, with walls and complete facilities, and the living environment is not bad. There are almost a hundred people in the camp, which is not bad!"

Li Yunfei was a little surprised by Chen Fei's answer. After all, it took about 20 days for Chen Fei to leave. The place he chose would take six or seven days to travel back and forth from here. The premise is that Chen Fei never met To what troublesome situation.

Li Yunfei thought that this should be because Chen Fei and the others were lucky, they just found a building that could be used as a camp, or the first place that was considered by them met the requirements.

But soon Li Yunfei drew his attention back, and Chen Fei's contact in the middle of the night would definitely not be to catch up with him.

Putting away his smile, Li Yunfei turned serious and asked:

"Captain Chen, you are definitely not looking for me to catch up with me, tell me what's the matter?"

"Indeed, I returned to Zhongnan City yesterday to pick up some survivors and go to our camp. You have also seen the disadvantages of the safe zone. You think that defense is not a long-term solution for survival in the last days. There will always be a day when supplies cannot be collected. ,

Productivity must be restored, so I plan to gather a group of ordinary survivors to resume production and planting, so that a virtuous circle will be created, and we will be able to survive better in the last days. "

Li Yunfei's eyes lit up when he heard what Chen Fei said. He would consider what Fade Chen said, but the construction of the safe zone has not yet been completed. Even according to the expected three-wall plan, the construction will last for about one or two years.

This will consume a lot of manpower. The most important thing is that these survivors who act as coolies cannot receive proper and reasonable care.

And those people in the inner area don't have to do anything every day, just relying on some special status of their relatives, they can eat and drink enough, and then they idle around and make fun of the survivors in the outer area...

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