Renjia Town.

When night falls, only the white shop at the head of the town is still lit.

The shop is full of paper people and paper horses, all of which are burned for the dead.

Su Mo half-leaned on the chair, holding a book in his hand, his brows furrowed, as if thinking about something.

“Knock knock—”

A knock on the door suddenly came, and a hoarse voice sounded at the door, it seemed that someone pinched his throat and spoke: “Treasurer? ”

“Here it is.”

Su Mo put down the book and took a few steps to open the wooden door.

At the door stood a handsome old man with messy white hair and folds on his face stacked on top of each other.

He raised his head and stared at Su Mo with cloudy eyes: “The treasurer… The old man is far away and wants to rest here and ask for a bowl of water to drink? ”

“The old man sits inside.”

Su Mo held the old man’s arm, slowly helped him to the room and sat down, went to wash a cup again, and poured a cup of hot tea into his hand.

“Oh, thanks! Thanks! ”

The old man thanked him continuously, took the teacup, took a deep breath, and nodded: “Alas, there are not many polite descendants like you now.” ”

Su Mo sat behind the counter, took out a white paper bamboo fence, and asked while pricking: “Where is the old man from?” ”

“I’m from Jinling.”

The old man sighed: “Alas, now outside here, the army is in chaos… I didn’t expect that the treasurer’s place was peaceful and peaceful, which is rare! ”

Su Mo nodded and didn’t say anything more.

According to time, the background era of Ninth Uncle’s movies is indeed a troubled time.

After a while, the old man placed the cup on the table, and the heat in the cup was no longer emanating.

“Finished drinking?” Su Mo raised his eyes.

“Hey, I’m done.” The old man slowly stood up: “Thank you for the hospitality!” ”

“When you’re done drinking, let’s hurry up and hit the road.”

Su Mo stared at the old man: “People have humanity, ghosts have ghost ways.” There is a difference between yin and yang, since the old man is dead, then don’t stay too much in the yang, go down early. ”

The old man was stunned.

And Su Mo looked at him without fear, as if he was not facing a ghost, but an ordinary old man.

For a long time, the old man smiled bitterly and shook his head: “I didn’t expect that the person in charge of the cabinet was a master!” Alas, why doesn’t the old man want to leave early? ”

“But after I died, until now there is no Yin Messenger to come to hook the soul, and I can’t find the way to the Yin Cao Di Mansion, so I can only wander in the Yang Realm…”

When the old man spoke, Su Moza’s things had also been completed.

It was a vivid paper horse.

He placed the paper horse in the courtyard, then took out an ink pen and carefully tapped his eyes.

“The law of the law—”

Instantly, the neighing of horses sounded in the courtyard.

The paper horse actually came to life, his two eyes flashed with aura, constantly circling around Su Mo, and at the same time constantly rubbing on him, showing intimacy.


The old man’s eyes widened in surprise, even if he had lived for decades, he had now turned into a ghost, he had never seen such a strange scene.

“The old horse knows the way, this yin horse can find the way to the netherworld, the old man rides it on the road earlier, the sky will be dawning.”

The old man bowed deeply towards Su Mo, and then stepped onto the paper horse.

“The law of sighing—”

The paper horse neighed, ran on all fours, carried the old man through the wall, and disappeared into the darkness.

“Congratulations to the host, surpass the revenant one, and get a hundred merit points.”

A voice suddenly sounded in Su Mo’s mind.

“Finally open!”

Su Mo sighed and closed his eyes: “System.” ”

A panel came to mind.

“Host: Su Mo.”

“Current realm: holding the sun and keeping the yin.”

“Merit value: 100 points.”

“Possess skills: Zhao Paper Spirit Technique, Zhou Yi Shen Tongqi, Zheng Yi Technique, Maoshan Rune Whole Text, Maoshan Alchemy Technique,”

“Current identity: True disciple of the Maoshan Sect, junior disciple Lin Fengjiao.”

“Merit: 1000 for leveling.”

Maoshan cultivates the way of the outer dan, which is divided into ten realms: refining blood and nourishing the body, washing the essence and clearing the valley, holding the yang and guarding the yin, the soul coming out of the green underworld, refining and refining qi, refining gas and transforming gods, refining gods and voids, refining voids and combining the way, gathering three flowers, and five qi dynasties.

If you cultivate to the realm of refining the Void Harmony Dao, you will be called a great true person.

And Lin Fengjiao, is Uncle Ying’s name in the movie, Maoshan ranks ninth, so it is also called Lin Jiu, and respected people will call Uncle Nine.

That’s right, Su Mo crossed.

Traveled into Lin Zhengying’s zombie world, and also became a true disciple of the Maoshan Sect, the junior brother of the Ninth Uncle, and opened a white affairs shop in Renjia Town.

Fortunately, just like in those online novels, he crossed with a gold finger.

God-level paper tie system.

Sumeza’s gold bar house can become real and let him eat and drink without worry.

Paper Man Paper Horse can become a living creature and help him slay demons!

According to the system explanation, as long as the level is sufficient, he can even pierce the True Martial Emperor, Taishan Fujun, these immortals who are so awesome that they explode the sky!


The sound of roosters crowing woke Su Mo from his musings.

He opened his eyes and found that the darkness above the firmament had disappeared, and a golden morning sun slowly rose from the sky.

The gloomy and cold atmosphere left in the courtyard disappeared without a trace in an instant after being illuminated by the sunlight.

Su Mo shook his head and walked towards the house: “Alas… I don’t know how long it will take for Mr. Ren’s plot to start, I have this strength now, but I can’t fight zombies, I have to take the initiative to find something to do! ”

In the room, there was no shortage of tea in the cup.

People eat food, ghosts eat gas.

The qi of this cup of fragrant tea has been eaten clean by the old ghost, so it has become a cup of colorless and odorless cold water.

Su Mo buried the cup in the soil with him, and then began to sort out the paper people in the room.

Right at this moment.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

A hurried voice came from outside: “Uncle Su! Uncle Su open the door quickly, I am Wencai, something happened in the town, you go and take a look! ”

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