Resurrect friends?

Hearing Lin Que’s words, even Liu, who had been mentally prepared in advance, was still greatly impacted at this moment.

Her brain was blank and stood in place, she looked at Lin Que in disbelief, and only after half a ring did she open her mouth to make a slightly expectant sound.

“Can it really be done?”

Ryu asked, “Unlike Horra, Arishe’s body was destroyed five years ago. ”

“After such a long time, let alone a corpse, even the soul has probably reached the heavenly realm.”

“Even so, can you still complete the resurrection?”

“What you said is so serious, ordinary resurrection means naturally can’t be used.”

Seeing that Liu was instantly hooked, the corners of Lin Que’s mouth rose slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

“But… Although ordinary means of resurrection cannot be used, unconventional ones can still be used. ”

“What to do!”

“Don’t worry, Ryu.”

Lin Que replied with a smile: “After hearing this, I think you should understand what the second transaction I mentioned before is.” ”

Ryu paused in his body: “Resurrect the Alysze? ”

“That’s right, our second deal is to resurrect all the members of the Asteria clan who were destroyed five years ago.”

“But unfortunately, this time I will not give you concessions and let you have other options.”

Lin Que raised two fingers and gestured towards Liu: “Accept my deal, join my family, and I will help you resurrect them.” ”

“Or refuse my deal and continue to work as a clerk in that pub and live in the dark.”

“I’ll give you a minute to think, and if you still haven’t had a minute…”

“I accept this deal!”

Liu directly interrupted Lin Que’s speech.

His eyes were staring at Lin Que tightly, and Liu, who had been constantly refusing since the beginning of the meeting, did not shirk again this time.

“As long as you can resurrect the Alysther! I can accept it no matter what the cost! ”

“Even if it is to violate the justice you have always insisted on and personally destroy the order of Eulari?”

“…… Never mind! ”

Ryu gritted his teeth, his eyes did not waver in the slightest: “If I really did something like that, I would personally repent to Goddess Astria afterwards!” ”

Violating the justice in his heart and destroying the order that he has been guarding will inevitably cause Ryu’s heart to suffer.

There is no need to question this, because Ryu has experienced it himself as early as five years ago.

Burned by the flames of vengeance, he personally disrupts the order guarded in order to kill everyone who may be related to the Dark Faction.

In that revenge without right or wrong, even Ryu knew that he must involve innocent people.

Thinking about this incident today, Ryu still regrets it and is tormented in his heart.

But… The thought of seeing his companions die without doing anything, or even finally sending his best friend on the road, this remorse will quietly dissipate.

No matter how many times he repeated, Ryu would raise his weapon and still make the same choice, just as he did now.

“Please! Lin Que! ”

“Please help me… Resurrect them Alysé! ”

“Well~ you said so, of course I won’t let you down.”

Lin Que smiled and patted Liu’s head: “To be honest, your answer makes me very satisfied.” ”

“For your full score, I decided to give you an extra reward.”

“Ryu, do you want revenge? The chance to solve the murderer who really killed the Astria’s clan with his own hands. ”

“The real murderer…”

Ryu seemed to have thought of something, and his face became a little gloomy.

“What you’re talking about is… Zagnat? ”

“That’s right.”

Lin Que replied: “The cleanup who was born when a certain area of the local lower city was overwhelmed, Zagnat. ”

“Do you want to kill that Zagnat with your own hands and take revenge.”

“Zagnat is dead.”

Liu was a little unable to understand what Lin Que meant: “That’s just a monster temporarily spawned by the dungeon, and there is no magic stone as the core in the body.” ”

“Once the duration is exceeded, it automatically disintegrates.”

“Five years ago, after I healed my injuries and returned to the dungeon, I found its body.”

At the same time, it was also the last straw that overwhelmed Ryu.

All her companions died in battle, but the real murderer did not give her a chance to take revenge, and she died first.

The anger accumulated in her heart but could not be vented, and she finally pointed the finger at the secret valve who indirectly caused it all.

“There is no chance for revenge, even if the dungeon recreates a Zagnat, it is not the same one as the one back then.”

“Instead of thinking about this kind of thing, I just hope that the Alychetes and them will survive smoothly.”

“No, there is still a chance for revenge.”

Lin Que shook his head: “I should have just said that there are no corpses and souls, and it is very difficult to complete the resurrection.” ”

“If you resurrect directly, maybe someone can do it, but I can’t do it at the moment.”

“In order to achieve the goal, the best way is to solve the problem at the source.”

“At the source?”

“That’s right, solve the problem at the source.”

Lin Que casually pulled out a white light in mid-air and clicked twice on it, leaving two black dots. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Take the present as a node, travel to the past five years ago, and change the fact that Alischer and others died.”

“Then seal Alyche and the others, and return to five years later without causing other effects, find the place to seal them and unseal them.”

“‘In this way, the fact of death did not exist from the beginning, and Alyche and the others naturally completed the resurrection.’

“Travel through time?!”

Ryu’s eyes widened in surprise: “Can you even do this kind of thing!” ”

“Of course.”

Lin Que replied with a smile: “I looked at it before, the time-space barrier of your world is not too thick. ”

“Even my not very proficient time magic can be forcibly broken.”

The only risk is that when you travel through time, your body will be eroded by time.

The longer it travels, the higher the erosion will be.

This is a big problem for ordinary people or the gods of this world.

But for Lin Que, let alone five years ago.

Even earlier, Lin Que was able to go back, but it was just a matter of whether he wanted to do it or not.

“I am the only one who can go back in time.”

“Normally, it’s up to me to solve Zagnat and save the Asteria clan for five years.”

“But if you have this idea, I can bring your memory back and let the past you solve the other party.”

“…… It’s not enough. (Zhao Hao)”

Ryu was silent and replied, “Although I want to take revenge personally, I still understand.” ”

“Even if I prepare in advance, I will still lose against Zagnat.”

“You don’t need to think about that.”

Lin Que shook his head slightly: “You just need to tell me if you want to take revenge personally.” ”

“Of course I do!”

Perhaps it was Lin Que who asked what pain point he had, and Liu’s expression suddenly became excited.

“If there is a chance to kill that guy myself, of course I want it!”

“But I hope that the Alychetes will survive more than killing Zagnat!”

“If you don’t make a move, with my strength alone, it is impossible to kill that guy’s Feng without injury!”

“That’s not easy to say.”

Lin Que stretched out his hand with a smile and nodded Liu’s forehead, causing the other party to temporarily fall into a coma.

“In short, I have received your idea.”

“Then you can get a good night’s sleep, and then get up and think about how to repay me.”


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