Start a war?

Hearing Lin Que's words, Lucy couldn't help but be stunned, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Why so suddenly. "

"Suddenly? Isn't that a normal process? "

Lin Que let out a chuckle: "Although I came here to travel, I have come here, at least I have to open up your world." "

"If you want to make it easier to earn points, the best way is to complete the unification of the world like other people's worlds. "

"Of course I can understand what you're saying. "

Lucy pointed out the problem: "But in order to complete the unification of the world, there is no need to wage any war. "

Since it is a war, the number of people involved will inevitably not be in the minority.

At that time, whether it is the scope of the impact or the final impact, it is absolutely difficult to estimate.

If there really wasn't anything to do, Lucy wouldn't be too resistant to it.

But the big problem now is that there is no need to do that much trouble.

Lin Que is a single digit.

A terrifying existence that can shake the world of demon tails and even shatter with a blow.

With his strength, he can directly control the high-level of the world's major forces and forcibly complete the reunification.

"Starting a war or something, no matter how much I think about it, it's superfluous. "

"It's not superfluous. "

Lin Que replied with a smile: "Watching his subordinates take the territory of the world step by step, the sense of accomplishment is quite sufficient. "

"Don't make a mess of my world for your own weird desires!"

"Then just don't mess around?"

"Don't mess up?"

Lucy couldn't help but complain: "You're going to start a war, how can you not mess up." "

"It's very simple, like the Albarez Empire in the Western Continent next door, only for the Wizard Guild. "

Lin Que replied casually: "Just subdue all these Wizard Guilds and then establish your own country."

"At that time, under the crushing of absolute combat power, whether it is the Fiorai Kingdom we are currently in, or the other kingdoms in the Eastern Continent, they will eventually choose to surrender. "

"Not only will it be more efficient, but it will also minimize the impact of the war, what do you think?"

"If you do that... It's okay to pour. "

Lucy's expression became a little subtle: "But it sounds like it's no different from your direct shot." "

"There are still some differences. "

Lin Que replied with a smile: "You can play longer in this way, and it won't end all at once." "

Lucy sighed helplessly: "So in the end, it's still for fun." "

"Don't worry, Lucy. "

Lin Que comforted: "I know in my heart that I won't spoil your world." "

"I hope so. "

Lucy didn't say anything more.

The main reason is that Lin Que left an impression on her, which is too deep.

Slaughter the gods in the world of the wrong place and reshape the whole world in the world of Dispod.

With these things as a premise, Lucy's trust in Lin Que is directly full.

Since Lin Que said that there would be no problem, it was basically that there would really be no problem.

"Since you're going to unify the Wizard Guild, which one are you going to attack first?"

After convincing herself in her heart, Lucy changed the subject and talked about her thoughts.

"The most influential of the Fiorlet kingdoms we are currently in are the [Fairy Tail] that I am about to visit, and the [Ghost Dominator] who just attacked me. "

"In addition, the long-established guilds with a long history, such as [Snake Scales] and [Cyan Pegasus], are also not bad in terms of comprehensive strength. "

"If you want to dominate the Fiorlet Kingdom in the shortest possible time, I think it's better to pick these guilds. "

"Lucy, there's no need to analyze it so much. "

Lin Que shook his head slightly: "You just need to tell me which guild has more beauties." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“...... It's really your style. "

Lucy, who was still happily analyzing just now, had a feeling of scolding Fang Xuan, suddenly became helpless.

"If you want to say which guild has more beauties, it's probably Fairy Tail. "

Because of the daily troubles, the members of Fairy Tail, basically all of them have been in the newspaper.

Lucy has always been concerned about this aspect of things, so she still knows a lot about the members of Fairy Tail.

At least in her memory, the beauty of Fairy Tail has more than double digits.

"Then the first target is the fairy tail. "

Lin Que made a decision: "I remember you just said that you are going to visit Fairy Tail." "

I just dropped in and was able to finish it together. "

"The nature is completely different, hey!"

Lucy complained: "Originally, I was just going to travel around and take pictures by the way, but you are completely smashing the field like this!"

".~ Don't care about such small details. "

Lin Que smiled and summoned a realm gate in front of him.

"When I subdue the fairy tail, it doesn't matter how many pictures you want to take, it doesn't matter. "

Lucy: "..."

Doesn't that sound reasonable.

At the same time, the Spectral Dominator's headquarters.

"Why is it so slow. "

The man with a purple magic hat on his head and a breath of death wafting from his body narrowed his eyes and asked impatiently.

"Aria, hasn't there been any news from the Bunny Pill side?"

"Nope. "

The head of the four elements of the Ghost Dominator, Aliya, who was blindfolded on her face, shook her head.

"There could have been some kind of accident. "

"A bunch of rice buckets. "

Joseph couldn't help but curse.

Not long ago, the Spectre Dominator received a commission from Lucy's father to bring her back.

Due to the good remuneration and the fact that Lucy was well represented in the information, Joseph immediately sent his men to arrest him.

But with Lucy's current strength, the ordinary members of the Ghost Dominator were naturally no match for her.

After receiving the news of the failure, Joseph, as the president, did not care, and directly sent out three four elements.

With more than 30 ordinary members, let alone arresting a runaway lady.

Even if it's against a small mage's guild, I'm afraid this point can almost be completed.

But the reality is that the three Four Elements and ordinary members who were sent out have not sent any news back so far.

Subconsciously, a sense of foreboding rose in Joseph's heart.

"Aria, you and Gajiru go and investigate and see what the situation is. "


..... Joe..

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