"Learn, learn, learn...Senior! That was not what I meant."Sasabe, who looked unconvinced just now, immediately changed his face. In Neon, a country that values ​​the seniority of seniors, Chen Xiao's third grade bullying is as easy as a sixth grader bullying a first grader.

"No, that's what you meant"

"I really am not......"

Chen Xiao ignored him and walked in the direction of Echizen Ryoma. Under the doubtful eyes of others, he snatched the opponent's tennis racket with his backhand. How could a junior high school student who had just graduated from elementary school take away the tennis racket from Chen Xiao? I'm a senior in high school. Isn't this obviously bullying a child?

"No, I didn't say I would lend it to you."Echizen Ryoma raised his hand, opened his mouth and shouted

"I know, I didn't borrow it from you either."

Echizen Ryoma:"???"

Although he didn't know what the guy in front of him was going to do, it was not a bad thing. Echizen Ryoma sighed, retreated towards the back, leaned on the iron net, and performed a set of moves that he thought was cool. Is it called junior high school?

Chen Xiao has passed this stage

"This is my first time playing tennis. As a junior, you have to let the seniors learn from me."Chen Xiao held the racket casually. He didn't know any standard posture, as long as he held it comfortably.

In the eyes of Sumire Ryuzaki, Ryoma Echizen, and even his opponent Sasabe, all Chen Xiao's actions were simply amateurish. A layman, with such strength, is it really not just for fun?

The expression on Sasabe's face gradually relaxed, what kind of senior? Nothing more than that! I thought it was some big fish, and I felt contempt in my heart, but on the surface, I still spoke very respectfully. Said:"Don't worry, senior, I won't let you lose too ugly.""


Chen Xiao looked at the suggestion column with his peripheral vision, and threw the tennis ball in his hand up and to the left. He arched his back, raised the racket high, and swung the racket in the direction of seven o'clock to one o'clock. The tennis ball immediately flew from the upper right position. The posture of holding the racket was extremely awkward, even worse than that of a beginner.

A confident smile appeared on Sasabe's face, and his mind instantly fantasized about how to beat the senior in front of him. Senior, you don't want to be beaten by the juniors at the same school. Is the matter known to others?

By this neon friend, please......Ah, you are, then it’s okay.

The tennis ball hit the ground and began to rebound. Sasabe's hand holding the racket straightened, ready to respond. Don't you like to stand up for elementary school students? I can't beat him, and I can't beat you, a newbie? This shot took two and a half years of skill!

But as expected, the feeling of the racket hitting the tennis ball did not appear. An extremely familiar feeling, and a premonition that something bad was going to happen came to his mind. Sasabe's eyes glanced down, and the lime green tennis ball was spinning towards him. It bounced in the opposite direction and hit his already red and swollen face. send!


The sound of catching a tennis ball on the face sounded

"Outside, outside spin serve!"

"This senior also hit the same serve as that kid!"

"However, no matter how you look at it, the way seniors hold the racket is the same as that of laymen."

"No, Sasabe, you said you were a seeded player, but how could any elementary school student or senior come out of nowhere and beat you? Have you practiced in vain for the past two and a half years?"

"It must be that the senior doesn't want to use his true skills. He must be a professional, right?"

Listening to the questioning voices of the classmates next to him, Sasabe's eyes were as wide as copper bells. There was the smell of blood in his nose. Two lines of nosebleeds flowed from his nose and dripped onto the soft rubber floor. He was beaten by the elementary school student. , he was dissatisfied, and he was even more dissatisfied when he was defeated by his senior with such an amateurish fighting style! He was cremated, but he still had a tough mouth.

【Successfully listened to the advice, congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: external spin serve】

【Earn Reward: Feeling Mastery】

【Agility: 9-11】

【Hand control: As long as it is something that can be held, you can easily find a comfortable and efficient posture]

If Chen Xiao is a little confused about the ability to control the hand, the improvement in agility attributes is unexpected. , after successfully listening to the advice, Chen Xiao not only mastered the skill of external spin serving, but also the muscle tissue that can perfectly display this skill.

The system is thoughtful and thoughtful, and there will never be a situation where you have mastered all the skills, but your body cannot support it, and there is no need for any adaptation, it is just like being born this way.

"Fifteen to zero!"

"Oops, I accidentally hurt you, junior. It doesn't matter. I don't know how to hit the ball just now."Chen Xiao said embarrassedly, with an anxious look between his brows, as if this was really the case:"But this game is not over yet, junior, I need you to give in to me more in the future."

I wiped my nose with my bare arm, and my arm was covered with nosebleeds. I held the racket tightly, and my eyes seemed to be spitting out fire. I said,"Don't worry, senior! I definitely will! well! Let it be yours!"

"That's fine."

A smile appeared on Chen Xiao's face, and he threw the tennis ball in his hand casually into the sky. After thoroughly mastering the external spin serve, Chen Xiao could hit the ball in a hundred ways. With his two increased agility, Make Chen Xiao's ability to change in mid-air faster.

The agility of the system does not simply mean running fast, but also includes the most basic speed, air endurance, balance, jumping ability, conversion ability, etc. Sexual characteristics, and as long as they are improved, they are improved in all aspects, and there will be no partiality in any one subject.

Take off at will, and raise the racket high at will.

In this way, the amateur skills of amateurs have impressed several people present. Everyone was silent for a while, and Sumire Ryuzaki let out a long sigh. She thought she had met a master who had the strength to play casually, but now it seems that the off-spin serve just now should really be a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Good luck. Just hit it.

Ryuzaki Sakurano looked up at her grandma in confusion, and asked:"Grandma, didn't the big brother hit this ball well? But the action looks very cool."

Looking at her face-controlling granddaughter who stared at her intently and refused to talk to her, Sumire Ryuzaki could only say with relief:"Maybe he wanted to give his opponent a chance with this goal. No matter what happens, we will I can only continue to watch."


Sasabe's mood suddenly changed, and his whole face was filled with a confident smile. With this shot, I'm going to hit you to death! Senior? I'm going to beat the senior!

Wait until the tennis ball hits the ground and come back. Playing the ball, Sazube straightened his arms and poured all his strength into the ball. The target was clearly in the direction of Chen Xiao's face, but the next second, the familiar hitting touch still did not appear. Sazube The smile that just appeared on his face froze.

After the tennis ball touched the ground, it spun in the opposite direction.


"how...damn it...Or an offspin serve?......"

(End of chapter)

I beg for flowers and reviews. The first day is very important for a new book. I beg for all the data!!!

The picture is Ryuzaki Sakurano

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