Faced with the chat initiated by Nangong Mu, Ying Lili wanted to refuse.

But thinking of the other party's actions just now, there was no reason for a burst of anger!

"You guy, haven't you thought about the consequences of doing such a thing!?"

recalled that the other party had just been in front of so many people,

Without saying a word, he used the princess to bring her here,

At the same time as the girl was ashamed, there was a burst of sweetness in her heart for some reason.

"Are there any consequences for doing so?"

Nangong Mu showed a smile full of evil taste:

"I probably think that the mysterious girlfriend I talked about in the live broadcast that day is you. "

Ying Lili was stunned for a moment, and then glared at Nangong Mu with some anger.

"Isn't your guy's girlfriend really daylight?What does it have to do with me!!"

"Hey, you know~" Nangong Mu's tone was teasing.

Ying Lili's face was dark, and the two golden double ponytails behind her trembled slightly,

It's like trying to do a stand-in attack.

"I know?"

I'm not blind!

Shortly before Christmas, you and the real day were not doing well.

True day sometimes looks at you secretly, and there is a sweet smile on his face,

You can see what's going on even if you've never been in a relationship, right!?

Yingli pears constantly complain in her heart.

As for why it wasn't brought up at the time,

That's just a little luck that the girl is holding onto,

Constantly deceiving himself with lies.

It's just a lie woven by this young girl for herself,

After that night, it was also completely shattered.

Thinking of these sad things,

All kinds of grievances in my heart have been pouring up these days.

Tears rolled through the corners of his eyes.

"You guy... You obviously don't plan to associate with me, why do you want to provoke me again and again!!"

Watching big tears keep popping up from the corners of my eyes,

Like a pearl with a broken thread, it dripped down her delicate cheeks.

Nangong Mu also felt a little guilty in his heart.


"Hmm. "

The mouth was gagged, and the girl's eyes widened in disbelief.

reacted, stretched out her hand to push the other party away,

It's a pity that the strength of the two is completely disproportionate, and then the girl is ruthless, and her teeth are slightly forced.

Even so, Nangong Mu didn't show any expression on his face.

A little, Ying Lili's tense body gradually softened.

After another moment.

"I should be able to calm down now, right?" Nangong Mu said with a smile.

Ying Lili's cheeks were flushed, and she leaned back in the chair with some weakness.

Hearing Nangong Mu's words, he couldn't help glaring at him indignantly:

"Where am I not calm?"

Nangong Mu pursed his lips: "I can't stop my tears, this doesn't look like a calm look." "

"I'm calm!!"

Ying Li Li emphasized 947 in an accentuated tone.

"Well, that was a mistake in my judgment. "

I'm worried that the cat hair that is hard to smooth out will be fried again,

Nangong Mu could only admit with a smile.

The profit of words made the girl forget for a moment the advantage she had just taken,

Like a big rooster who has won a fight, he held his head high and glanced at Nangong Mu proudly,

Then he complained:

"You're like this every time!"

"What is it every time?"

"Do things without thinking about the consequences!!"

Ying Lili said without hesitation: "It was the same just now." "

"Caused that misunderstanding, what should I do if I make the real day?"

This guy,

Obviously, he has been so wronged, and he is still thinking about others.

"It's so silly and cute. "

Sighing in his heart, Nangong Mu shook his head with a smile:

"She's not going to mind. "

"Would definitely mind... Eh, you say Masahiro won't mind!?"

Ying Lili reacted suddenly, with a puzzled look on her face.

"What's going on?"

"Don't you think the real day won't be able to see that you like me?"

Ying Lili's face turned red, and she instantly looked like a kitten who had been stepped on by her tail, and she jumped to her feet in anger.

"Hah! Who likes you guy!!"

"Click. "


"Why are you taking out your phone to take pictures at this time!?"

Nangong Mu put away his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Ying Lili's classic tsundere reaction, isn't it worth collecting?"

"Who... Who's tsundere!!"

She doesn't have tsundere!

No, the word tsundere is not the same as her!!

Nangong Mu smiled, not paying attention to the girl's weak rebuttal.

Back to the previous topic.

"If Ying Lili doesn't like me, why is she so sad?"

"Who is sad!?" Ying Lili looked away, and the small expression on her face was a little weak.

"What's going on with those tears just now?"

“...... Sand in the eyes. "

I always feel that after 5,000 years of archaeology, this guy's mouth will still be as hard as it is now.

Nangong Mu shook his head and did not continue to argue with the girl about this issue.

"Do you know why you lost so badly?"

"What's so miserable!" said Yingli Li, who continued to stiffen her mouth.

Ignoring Ying Lili, Nangong Mu opened his mouth as if talking to himself:

"Shortly before Christmas, True Day confessed to me. "


Ying Lili showed a surprised look, and at the same time, her eyes showed a little relief.

From that day to now,

She thought that Nangong Mu took the initiative to confess, so she was extremely sad and angry.

Now that I am relieved, I am relieved, and the sadness of being betrayed by my best friend begins to surge in my heart.

Nangong Mu didn't know about the emotional changes of Ying Lili,

Instead, he continued:

"I think no matter who it is, in the face of the confession of the real day, it is impossible to refuse ruthlessly, right?"

Ying Li Li also had to admit this fact.

If she's a boy, there's a beautiful girl like a perfect day who suddenly confesses to herself,

Not to mention refusal, even if you are happy for a few days and nights, it is not too much!

But reason is one thing, emotion is another.

Ying Lili said sullenly: "What are you telling me about this?"

"Don't worry. "

Nangong Mu smiled and touched Yingli's head: "Listen to me." "

"Masa's family is a bit complicated, and her parents don't come together out of love, but out of the interests of the family. "

"After getting married, there was a real day because of an accident. "

But both of them have their own lovers outside, and Maki was not valued by them since he was a child, but was taken care of by an aunt. "

Even so, Masahiro did not complain, but worked hard, feeling that if he could be obedient and well-behaved, he could get the warmth of his relatives from them. "

"The truth is that this kind of scum doesn't feel that he has anything wrong at all, and he doesn't pay attention to the real day as always. "

"After so many years, it can even be said that I haven't even had a smile. "

"It's too much!!"

Even if she was still angry with Zhenri in her heart, Ying Lili still frowned,

There was a fiery expression on his face.

"It's excessive. "

Nangong Mu nodded, with a little nostalgia in his eyes: "The first time I met with Zhenyang was in a heavy rain. "

That day, she went to her father's side because of the school transfer. "

"I wanted to get a little more attention, and I wanted to do something in exchange for a gentle word, so I worked hard to prepare a meal. "

As a result, her father hurriedly urged Maji to leave because of his relatives. "

"When I saw Masa, the child was sitting on a swing in the park, and the rain was falling, and she was just staring blankly ahead, without any additional reaction on her face. "

"Maybe I forcibly brought her back to make her grateful, and then found out that she was actually in the same class as me..."

In short, a series of coincidences became what it was later. "

"The day Mahiro confessed to me was the day we went together to prepare Christmas presents for our friends. "

Her family made a rare phone call and said something very excessive. "

Then there was the confession that followed. "

Ying Li Li was silent.

The individual's reason is inclined to the anger of the true day that should continue to give birth to such a thing,

Emotional but sympathetic to the other party's various experiences.

Complex feelings are constantly intertwined in the heart,

So much so that the girl didn't know what kind of expression to make.

Actually, I didn't think about any response to the confession at that time. "


Ying Lili was stunned, and her brain was a little down.

I didn't think about what I wanted in response, so why confess again!?

"According to Masahiro, I just want to express my heart simply. "

Nangong Mu smiled and spoke, with tenderness on his face:

"Since I started to help cook, I've met Yingli Li, your precious friend..."

All of this made Maki feel a warmth that was different from the past. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"She cherishes this kind of relationship very much, but she can't hold back her liking for me. "

"Masahiro knows you like me. "


Ying Li Li was silent.

"She likes me and values her relationship with you just as much. "

"So the meaning of the confession is just to let me know how she feels, and how grateful she is to me (bhea). "

"Then why..."

"Why did we come together later, didn't we?"

Nangong Mu solves the confusion of Ying Lili:

"Everyone else has mustered up the courage to confess to me, as a man, of course you have to respond accordingly, right?"

"Even if Masahiro doesn't agree, or even rejects me, I won't agree!"

has already said it so bluntly, it is impossible for Ying Lili to not understand it.

I saw the girl glaring at him angrily:

"Everyone else has already refused, how can you be like this!!"

"It's so ungentlemanly to go against the girl's wishes!!"

Regarding Yingli Lili's complaints, Nangong Mu didn't care.

Instead, he didn't say a word and blocked the girl's mouth again.


After separation, Nangong Mu smiled and said, "It's like this." "

"Even if you say no, I won't agree. "

“... It's too much!"

Faced with Ying Lili's complaints, Nangong Mu couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Obviously, you yourself didn't resist as desperately as you did at the beginning,

Why are you embarrassed to say that I am too much this time?

Of course.

At this time, it is impossible for Nangong Mu's emotional intelligence to say such things.

That's what Masashi complained about at first. "

Ying Lili was silent for a while, and then said, "Then you... What are you going to do now?"

"That's what I said to Masashi at the time - I don't plan to let go of either Masashi or Young-pear. "

"Now, I also give you this sentence as it is. "

Ying Li Li was silent, and did not show unexpected shock.

It seems that before Nangong Mu said this,

The girl's heart was prepared.

As Ying Lili fell silent, the atmosphere in the room became a little heavy.

A few minutes later.


Ying Lili glared at Nangong Mu fiercely, and left the last sentence with righteousness and awe: "I will never agree!!"

Then he stepped on his shoes and ran away from the multi-purpose classroom.

Nangong Mu sighed: "Is this the last reserve of Tsundere?"

With Nangong Mu's understanding of the girl, if it really doesn't waver,

At this time, it should be just running away without saying a word.

"Wait a few days, this guy will probably continue to run around, right?"

Back home.

In the house, Mahaku is seriously drawing, and Masahiro is preparing dinner in the kitchen.


True Day opened his mouth with some apprehension.

It can be seen that the girl has a strong sense of guilt in her heart for this matter.

Nangong Mu smiled: "It's almost done." "

Mahiro breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face.

Then he said curiously: "How did you convince her?"

How to convince?

Nangong Mu replied as a matter of course: "Of course I persuaded with my mouth." "

"I mean, what you've done, what you've said. "

Seeing that Zhenri didn't understand the meaning, Nangong Mu explained a little boringly:

"First in front of the guy's friends, take her in the form of a princess hug to an unoccupied classroom. "

Nangong Mu paused, and then said:

"By the way, in this way, everyone will think that the girlfriend I'm talking about is Yingli Li, and Masahiro won't be angry, right?"

"Of course not. "

Mahiro shook his head: "It's better to say that this is a little relieved." "

Nangong Mu was not surprised by Zhen Day's answer.

Then he told her about the past of the true day, and the reasons for confession. "

"Finally, I will express my personal thoughts. "

True day showed such an expression,

Sighing, "Can't you use a softer approach?"

"The character of Ying Li is not suitable for that way. "

"Mu, I really know a lot about the pear!"

Even if you can accept it in your heart, it is the nature of girls to be jealous.

Nangong Mu stretched out his hand and hugged Zhenyu into his arms, stroking the girl's smooth long hair and the slippery back,

A natural opening:

"It's not that you don't know the relationship between childhood sweethearts. "

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know anything about that guy?"

"Got it!Let me go!!"

"Mahaku is still outside!!"

Zhenday's heart is beating like a drum, and the taste of snacks just now has been thrown out of the clouds.

The incomparably strong stimulation made the girl's body stiff like a doll.

Nangong Mu smiled wickedly:

"Don't worry, Mashiro won't be distracted when I'm drawing. "

Under the confusion of words, the steadfast true day becomes hesitant....

On the dinner table.

Zhenbai looked at Nangong Mu, and looked at Zhenday, whose cheeks were red.

A little worried, he said, "Did you really catch a cold?"

A strong sense of guilt climbed into the hearts of both of them at the same time,

Nangong Mu, who had done bad things, looked away from his heart.

Zhenli glared at Nangong Mu fiercely, and then explained with a smile:

"Maybe it's too hot in the kitchen. "

Now, isn't it still winter?

Before Zhenbai's doubts could be raised, Nangong Mu followed and spoke:

"It's hard to cook, and the windows are closed all the time, so the kitchen is so small that it might be a little too stuffy. "

"Oh. "

Mahaku nodded, lowered her head and began to eat seriously.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the blushing True Day threw Nangong Mu a big white eye.

A few days passed, and under the persuasion of Nangong Mu with his mouth again.

It is not surprising that the pear pear is after school and holidays,

Back to the base of those few people.

As for what the two girls negotiated and reached later,

Nangong Mu didn't ask.

Shura field or something, naturally, it doesn't exist at all.

Then the time flickered and it was February!

The fourth volume of The Last Questions was also released on the first day of February.

Sales are as hot as ever!

And Nangong Mu was also on time two days ago,

handed over all the contents of the three volumes of "Four Lies" to Otosha Mizhang.

On the night of the explosion of "Three Questions of Doom",

Fans who watched it also commented,

It is used to relieve all kinds of suppressed emotions in one's heart.

It can be seen from word of mouth,

The fourth volume is also as well received by fans as always!

And for the final volume, I expressed full anticipation!!

Then in a blink of an eye, another 10 days passed.

The publicity of "April is Your Lies" will be released in three volumes is also more eye-catching,

At the same time, the final release date was confirmed.

February 17th!

It's the first day of spring break for students!

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