Xiao Kai heard what Cos said, and thought it was right, but after thinking about it again, he said: "We can finish the clothes and then go back to our own home. We can stay until evening and then go back, and we can also have a small meal." , I always feel that the ones made by myself are not so delicious, but of course they are delicious, that's right!"

Kos felt that he was really going to be over! He wanted to hold Xiao Kai, but was dragged forward by Xiao Kai, "Hurry up, let's find Bin and Feng, go to Xiao Xiao and Lei Lu's cave together, and see what he can do, and what can he do? Shall we get out?"

Kos looked hopeless, and was passively dragged by Xiaokai to Bin's house, where he found that Feng was also there, so the group walked towards Leilu and Wu Xiaoyin's cave.

At this time, Wu Xiaoyin had already woken up, and was washed by Lei Lu. After breakfast, Wu Xiaoyin thought about making the clothes he was wearing so that he could go out and have a look when the snow stopped, otherwise he would put on more animal clothes. Skin madness will still get in, there is a kind of panic that wants to penetrate the skin and drill into the bone.

Wu Xiaoyin has already completed a set of Lei Lu's clothes before, and now it is much faster to make. After making the clothes skillfully, he compares them and is very satisfied with his eyesight. If nothing can be done, more accurate design drawings and 3D models will be impossible to complete.

When Wu Xiaoyin was wondering whether to use giant deer skins or giant cow skins for trousers, he heard the sound of "bang bang" knocking on the door.

Accompanied by the sound of Xiao Kai calling his name, Wu Xiaoyin hurriedly asked Lei Lu to open the door. After all, it was such a cold day, it would be bad if he caught a cold.

Reluctantly, Lei Lu went to open the door. Unexpectedly, Xiao Kai really came, isn't he afraid of the cold? Also, Kos is a male who doesn't even look down on his own females. It's really useless. Next time, when he takes a nap, he must teach Kos a lesson.

Then as soon as Lei Lu opened the door, Xiao Kai dragged Bin and rushed in, and shouted as soon as he entered the door: "Xiao Xiao, we came to see you, and how did you make the clothes for Lei Lu? It looks like It’s very warm, can you teach us how to do it? Of course we can use animal meat and animal skins in exchange.”

Hearing Xiao Kai's loud voice, Wu Xiaoyin put down the needle and thread in his hand, and said, "Okay, but you have to be mentally prepared, this is more difficult, it took me three days to complete Lei Lu's body .”

Xiao Kai moved to Xiao Xiao's side and did not move, and even pulled Bin to let him go to the other side. Wu Xiaoyin didn't notice Lei Lu's darkened face, and told Xiao Kai what he needed, and said to Lei Lu : "Lei Lu, do you also prepare a bone needle for Xiao Kai and Bin?"

Lei Lu forced a smile at Xiao Xiao, and said, "Okay, I'll go get ready."

Then, with his back turned to Xiaoxiao, he punched Kos in the stomach, and immediately covered Kos's mouth with his other hand to prevent Kos from leaking out. Dragging Kos to the corner where the animal skins were piled up, Feng followed in their footsteps.

And all of this, the three females didn't notice it, it can only prove that Lei Lu's speed is directly proportional to the depression in his heart!

The lunch at noon was prepared by the three males, simple potato stew, fried shredded pork with sauerkraut, and a large pot of rice porridge. Everyone who ate had sweat on their foreheads. Sure enough, it's fun to rush to eat!

It wasn't until dinner time that Wu Xiaoyin's giant bull trousers and giant sheep cloak were finished, and Bin's clothes were also done in style. The stitches are uneven, but it's finally wearable!

After completing a big event, Xiao Kai thought that he could just stay here for dinner, so he said: "Xiao Xiao, do you have any plans to make dinner today? Of course, you will direct, and Bin and I will do it." That's it."

Just as Wu Xiaoyin was about to answer, Cos immediately picked it up, "Xiao Kai, let's go home quickly? It will be too dark later at night, so we won't be able to see."

Xiao Kai gave me an expression of teasing me, "Do you think I don't know that orcs' eyesight is completely unaffected by light?"

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