A Journey Through...

Chapter 5 - First Spirit Ring!!!


Here we find ray in his home preparing to get his first spirit ring, 'Ok [Ridley] show me my [STATUS]".


Name: Ray Yin

Age: 6 years

Level/Rank: 10


-[Saint tier] Silver Dragon Eyes:

-Rings: 0

-[Divine tier] Dragon God Avatar:

-Rings: 0

Mental strength: 1000

system points(sp): 50,000(given because of his past life)


items: 40% discount ticket(for store items); [King tier] Spirit Sun Balance Technique; [King tier] spirit gathering pills X5; [King tier] Lostvayne sword.

Ray: Ooh, my mental strength went up, I guess it goes up by itself but for the rings I want that's not gonna be quick enough, I will buy a technique later, hmm...speaking of the buying stuff, [SHOP]!



Ray: "Hmm...okay let's check out [SKILLS] first.


[Time manipulation]: from [level 1], costs 25,000sp

[MANA AFFINITY]: from low to maximum; cost 2,000 - 25,000sp

[Unlimited Blade Works]: costs 45,000sp

[Increased Ability Cast]: costs 14,000sp

[Energy Conversion]: costs 27,000sp

[Hollowfication]: costs 22,000sp

[Blood manipulation]: 34,000sp

(A/N: There is more expensive stuff it's just I find no point in putting anything more right now when he can't afford it and a lot of the stuff is what you could probably think of already.)



Ray: 'Hmm...There's a lot of good stuff so far but not a lot that's affordable right now...even still, the affordable stuff is still pretty good even in the long run...but some of it might make me look suspicious...I mean I can't just have unlimited blade works right now, people would be suspicious of the ability...but I could get [Time manipulation] and [Increased Ability Cast], let's check out what they actually do first.'

- [Time manipulation]: The ability to speed or slow down time at the user's will within a certain range, user can also increase/decrease the age of things when touching them; the range of the ability at [LV.1] is 5m and will increase by 2.5m each level up.

- [Increased Ability Cast]: The ability to use an ability quicker as well as increasing the processing speed of the mind at the same time; it increases the speed of the mind and how quick the abilities of the user uses by X5 at [LV.1] and will double up each level up.

Ray: 'Hehehe...sweet, these are some sick a.s.s abilities to have at the beginning and can give me an advantage in any situation, imagine, I could use my spirit abilities way quicker than the enemy and just straight up destroy them before they can even think of what to do; hey, [Ridley], can you buy me the two abilities please?'.

[Ridley: 'Certainly Ray'; as soon as [Ridley] finished that sentence, two dings went off inside Ray's head and he was sent the information on the two abilities and how to use them both.

Ray gave a slight grunt because of the information giving him a little headache by how quick he received it but that quickly went because of the effect of his new ability [Increased Ability Cast].

Ray: 'Ok, now that I have acquired these abilities it's time for the more exciting part of my journey into this world, my first spirit ring! But I gotta ask dad first so we can go to 'Star Dou Forest' and get my first ring.'

Later that day Ray walked up to his dad and asked him if they could go, giving his dad a cute smile, his father gave him a smile back and nodded his head as, 'yes we can go'. But as it was a bit late they would have to go tomorrow.




Ray woke up early for today was the day he would get his first spirit ring and his dad would help him to make this process smoother, he got dressed and freshened up, went to have breakfast and waited for his dad to get ready.

He waited for a while before he saw the silhouette of his father run towards him and he said to him, "Dad! you're late I've been waiting for a while and was starting to think you would've forgotten!", he pouted towards his father to further show his annoyance of his father's lateness. His father sighed and said back, "I am sorry my cute lil' child, your mother wanted me to stay for a little longer and I tried to tell her, but, she wouldn't let me say anything as she got and as I finally left the bed she got angry...but, luckily I quickly said it was your spirit ring and she finally let me leave...", his father stopped and shuddered as he remembered all of this again and then gave a serious look towards his son and he said, "Never annoy your mother or any women for that matter, you will have hell to pay for it, my boy, take this a future life lesson that you should stick by."

Ray was a little confused but he could imagine his mother in a state of anger and he also shuddered at the thought, "Ok, dad I will remember this as a life lesson."

His father nodded his head and said, "Anyway now that I'm here it's time to leave to get your first spirit ring or rings as you have two spirits."

They left towards the direction of the clan's exit, through a big 20m high gate made out of a black steel metal imbued with spirit energy as a way to open it and to strengthen the defence that it gives.

The guards who were stationed there today nodded towards the pair, who they knew because of them having a very high standing within the clan and they signalled for the gate to be opened and they watched the son and father walk towards the direction of the 'Star Dou Forest'.

A few hours later the pair arrived at the forest and stopped, "Son be on your guard here at all times, danger lurks everywhere, this place can be unpredictable even when we are only going a little far into the forest."

Ray nodded in all seriousness as he remembered from the light novel and manga that dangerous spirit beasts lurked everywhere, even if he has a spirit Douluo with him it didn't mean he could mess around in there, on the contrary, it meant he could be in more danger as beats could sense danger and stronger beasts like to fight. He stopped with his thinking and he kept his guard up as he and his father walked into the forest.


Ray and his father found a pretty good first spirit ring, it was from a shockwave flying serpent, a spirit beast known for its insane speed through flight and lightning control, it has a few slivers of lightning dragon blood and his specific one had the age of 702 years, "Don't worry son I won't let this one get away", his father said, and well he didn't, the beast was heavily injured and couldn't move just by the wave of his father's spirit sword the, 'star-fallen ice sword', "Son, finish it, don't worry daddy is here so don't feel scared".

Ray looked at the beast and saw its eyes, the colour was slowly fading and it looked like it was trying to cling to life by the way it tried to keep its eyes open.

Ray walked towards it and he kneeled towards next the serpent and showed his dragon claw, the beast looked at the claw and felt the dominating suppression of a true dragon, and not just any true dragon the god among them, the beast showed a flicker of light in its eyes and Ray said, "Are you willing?", the beast with all its strength gave a subtle nod from its head, Ray smiled at this as it would make things way smoother, he stabbed the serpent with all his strength his claw ripped through the beast with the blood sticking and slowly dripping down his now crimson dragon claw.

The next moment a bright yellow ring floated above the now lifeless serpent, he made the ring float towards him and he slowly integrated it with his dragon claw and his cultivation boosted towards rank 11.

suddenly he heard a ding in his head it was from [Ridley], "Ray you've just integrated with your first ring and received the abilities [Golden Lightning Shockwave] and [Elemental Electro Fang] ", Ray was intrigued with these and asked what they do.

- [Golden Chain Shockwave]: Creates a chain of golden lightning that wraps around your opponents and traps them in it and stuns or create a lightning explosion on your opponent in the radius of 10m depending on how lethal you want it.

-[Elemental Electro Fang]: A fist of lightning and another element that is chosen by the user that creates a pair of fangs that ignores 20% of defence and bites into the enemy creating an effect depending on the element used.

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