Looking at the hot sauce bowl exuding a spicy smell, Liu Yifei licked her lips, and finally pointed to the sauce-flavored sauce: "Let me try the sauce!"

"I want sauce-flavored ones too."

Huang Xiaoming was deeply impressed by the pungent smell when he splashed the chili just now, and he didn't have enough courage to challenge for a while.

There is also half of the hot sauce in this sauce-flavored sauce, so try this first, and experience the spiciness before talking.

Seeing that they all ordered the sauce, Wu Lei on the side put on a heroic gesture: "Why doesn't Brother Xiao Ming dare to eat spicy food? Then I will make it spicy! Put more spicy!"

Seeing his "arrogance", Li Yi reminded with a smile: "Don't be too arrogant, although this chili is spicy, but if you add too much, the spiciness is not low."

It’s okay if he doesn’t say anything, but when Wu Lei talks about it, he gets even more excited: “It’s okay! Today I’m going to challenge the limit! I want everyone to see that we people in Shanghai can eat spicy food too!”

Seeing what he said, Li Yi stopped trying to persuade him, and asked: "This hot sauce, one spoonful is slightly spicy, two spoonfuls are medium spicy, three spoonfuls are super spicy, four spoonfuls are abnormally spicy, and more than five spoonfuls are chrysanthemum blossoms. What level of spiciness do you want? "

Wu Lei patted his chest: "I want chrysanthemums to bloom!"


Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei stared at him dumbfounded, with shock on their faces.

Can this be said?

Moreover, he is a man from the capital city, and he needs this kind of spiciness when he comes up. Is he really not afraid of death?

Hearing Wu Lei's words, Li Yi was also overwhelmed by his head iron.

Looking at the camera, Li Yi spread his hands: "You all heard, he asked me to make a chrysanthemum."

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew like flying.

"Is Wu Lei crazy? Can he eat that spicy food?"

"It's over, it's over, Wu Lei is pretending to be big this time, I guess he's really going to lose his chrysanthemum."

"Brother Yi: I've never heard of such a request in my life."

Li Yi looked at Wu Lei, and asked again: "Are you sure you want the spiciness of chrysanthemums? In fact, it is already very spicy."

Wu Lei was obviously a little guilty, but in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, he still bit the bullet and put on a look of disapproval: "It's okay, the chrysanthemums will bloom! I believe in Brother Yi!"

Hearing his last sentence, Li Yi showed a smile.

This kid is not stupid, he knows how to use these words to beg him to release water.

But let the water go to the water, why don't you brag about this kind of bull?

Li Yi smiled, nodded at him and said, "Okay, I understand."

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief, he laughed and boasted: "Today, I will be the most spicy-eating man in Modu!"


Li Yi looked at him helplessly, is this kid still pretending?

But he called Brother Yi so many times anyway, Li Yi naturally had to help this little brother.

So, while preparing side dishes, Li Yi told Liu Yifei, "Go buy some milk and bring it here."

When eating crayfish in Guijie before, he has already said that milk is one of the best ways to relieve spicy food.

Just in case, it is better to prepare some milk.

While Liu Yifei was ordering milk, Li Yi had already taken out the beef and chicken breast from the freezer and cut them into slices.

In the traditional Xiyu fried rice noodles, there are usually only beef and chicken as side dishes.

However, in the sauce flavor developed later, some seafood, hot pot meatballs and other ingredients will also be added to the new flavor.

But this time Li Yi didn't prepare, so he only used beef and chicken.

Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, white pepper, oyster sauce and other marinade to the beef slices in turn, and put a pinch of baking soda. Li Yi took a handful of water, poured it into the beef bowl, and mixed it with his hands.

"Is this MSG?"

Wu Lei saw the bag of baking soda, but didn't recognize what it was.

"It's baking soda, that's sodium bicarbonate."

While mixing, Li Yi explained: "When marinating the meat, put a little baking soda to make the meat more tender."


Wu Lei was very surprised: "No wonder the beef I eat in restaurants outside is more tender than the one I cook at home. No matter how I fry it, it can't be so tender. It turns out that I put baking soda in it!

learned! When I stir-fry beef myself in the future, I will also put a little bit of it in for a try. "

He usually works out and often eats beef. This trick is very useful for him.

"It's okay to put a little, but you can't put too much of this thing."

Li Yi saw that the water in the bowl had been poured into the beef, so he took another handful of water, poured it into the bowl, and continued to stir, while reminding: "After the baking soda reacts with the meat, it will be carbonated again. Sodium residue, this kind of sodium ion is not good to eat too much, and it will have a slight alkaline and bitter taste.

Therefore, when marinating, you must pay attention to the amount, and you can add a little sugar to offset the bitterness and enhance the freshness. "

As he said that, he pinched a pinch of white sugar, put it into the beef bowl, and continued to mix it.

"Eh? You poured so much water in, why is it gone?"

Wu Lei looked curiously at the sliced ​​beef in the bowl. He had clearly seen Li Yi pour two handfuls of water into it just now, but now there was no juice at the bottom of the bowl.

"Because it's all absorbed by the beef."

Li Yi explained while mixing: "Baking soda can affect the solubility of protein in beef, change the osmotic pressure, and allow the beef to absorb more water.

Under normal circumstances, a pound of beef can absorb 150 grams of water, but with the addition of baking soda, it can absorb 250 grams of water, so the beef with baking soda will taste more tender. "

As he said that, Li Yi took another handful of water and poured it into a bowl: "When we usually marinate beef, we only need to add water three times. Too much water won't go in, and the baking soda on the beef will also be washed away, causing Beef can't hold water."

After pouring the third handful of water into the beef, Li Yi poured the white of an egg into the bowl, and started to mix it again.

"Egg whites can lock the moisture in the meat, and if there is raw powder, you can also add a little."

As Li Yi said, he squeezed a pinch of cornstarch, beat them into a bowl, and finally poured some rapeseed oil, mixed them evenly, and the beef was marinated.

"Adding cooking oil is also to lock the moisture in the meat, so that the fried beef will be very tender and smooth."

The same method was used to marinate the chicken. Li Yi did the same. After marinating the chicken, he put it aside and marinated it with the beef.

Following that, he also cut out the side dishes.

Because Liu Yifei didn't eat celery, Li Yi chopped some garlic sprouts and Chinese cabbage as side dishes.

He chopped up some sour radish and kimchi from Sichuan Province, and the mustard greens left over from the previous episode, and the ingredients were ready.

"The milk is ordered."

Liu Yifei bought the milk and went back to the kitchen.

Li Yi nodded and set up the frying pan.

Heat the pan with cold oil, grab a few slices of beef from the marinated beef bowl and throw it into the pan to scatter.

Then, under Wu Lei's nervous eyes, Li Yi picked up the frying spoon and dug five times from the chili sauce bowl.

He had already done as little digging as possible, but Wu Lei still got a twitch from the corner of his eye.

Because Li Yi dunked the hot sauce into the pot and stirred it casually a few times, the oil in the pot instantly turned red.

Just looking at it, Wu Lei's chrysanthemum is about to bloom.


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