A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 232 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Being Poisoned?

Seeing Zhao Jinmai's frightened face, Liu Yifei smiled and said to Li Yi: "Don't scare her, otherwise she won't dare to eat."

Seeing this, Li Yi smiled and joked to Zhao Jinmai: "You are so scared, don't steal it during lunch!"

Zhao Jinmai curled up on the seat with his legs in his arms, but he said stiffly: "Why don't you eat? I'll watch you eat first, and I'll eat after you're all right, hum!"

"Huh? Pretty smart."

Li Yi said with a smile: "Then you have to pay close attention, don't wait until I finish eating and you don't move your chopsticks."

Watching him quarreling with Zhao Jinmai, Liu Yifei smiled helplessly and looked out the window.

The car has already driven onto the Taizhou Bridge, and the Yangtze River is vast outside the car window, and freighters are slowly transporting goods in the middle of the river.

Li Yi also noticed the Yangtze River outside the window. Looking at the rolling river, he sighed softly: "Fortunately, we are in modern times. If we were in ancient times, we would not be able to eat puffer fish at all during this season."


Zhao Jinmai was puzzled.

"Do you remember that poem by Su Shi?"

Li Yi reminded her: "Three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo."

He started, and Zhao Jinmai took it up: "The Prophet of Spring River Plumbing Duck, Artemisia annua is everywhere and the reed buds are short. It's the time when the pufferfish is about to go."

"That's right."

Li Yi said with a smile: "Wild puffer fish all migrate from the sea to the Yangtze River to lay eggs at the beginning of spring.

Therefore, around Qingming is the best time to eat fugu. At that time, the fugu is the fattest, the meat is the most delicate, but the poison is also the strongest.

But now they are all breeding puffer fish, so there is no need to consider the problem of migration. Puffer fish can be eaten all year round. "

Zhao Jinmai nodded thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "It's fun to think about it, the first time I heard about puffer fish, it was the teacher who told us this poem.

I didn't expect Su Shi to be able to connect with us in this way after thousands of years, it's amazing. "

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "At that time, I had never seen a puffer fish, and I thought it looked like a finless porpoise, so I always thought that human beings are so cruel to eat such a cute creature."

Liu Yifei laughed and said, "The pufferfish itself is also very cute! It's puffy, like a rubber ball."


Zhao Jinmai sighed: "Why is the cuter the food, the more delicious it is?"

When she sighed, the car had already driven off the bridge.

Yangzhong is a city built on Jiangxin Island, the largest island in the Yangtze River Basin.

After entering the urban area, you can already see the fugu restaurant on the side of the road.

In the city center, there are one after another fugu restaurant.

However, Li Yi already had a goal, and directly asked the driver to navigate to Changshun Puffer Fish Restaurant.

Changshun Puffer Fish Restaurant is also quite famous in Yangzhong. The owner Changshun, nicknamed "Desperate Cook", used to be the chef of Yangzhong Hotel.

In his shop, eating fugu meat is the next best thing. The diners who come to his shop are all for "eating poison".

The specialty of his restaurant is to eat parts of puffer fish liver, puffer fish mouth, puffer fish head, puffer fish eyes, and Xi Shi milk.

These parts are all poisonous. If it is a wild puffer fish, if you touch it a little, you will get sick.

But Li Yi came here for this, so when he came to Yangzhong, he went straight here.

The biggest pain point of the old store was that it was hard to park. The driver walked around the area for a long time, but couldn't find a parking space, so he put Li Yi and the film crew down in the car first.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the puffer restaurants all over the street, and the tension in his heart dissipated a lot.

Since so many stores can be opened, it should be very safe, right?

Li Yi had a clear goal. After getting off the car, he went straight to Changshun Puffer Fish Restaurant.

After entering the gate of the puffer fish restaurant, Li Yi saw many diners.

It's not time for dinner, but the fugu restaurant is almost full.

They are obviously not the only ones who dare to risk their lives to eat fugu. In the hall and in the box, many old foodies have already ordered from the familiar ones.

Seeing him coming in with a video camera with long guns and short cannons, the owner of the puffer fish restaurant hurried over to greet him.

Just as he was about to say hello, the boss was surprised when he saw Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai coming in together.

Although many media and celebrities have come to his store, this is the first time a celebrity of Liu Yifei's level has appeared.

So, he became enthusiastic immediately, and directly invited Li Yi, Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai into the biggest box.

Zhao Jinmai looked around curiously, and hurriedly asked the boss: "Boss, is your puffer fish not poisonous?"

The boss laughed when he heard it. He has to answer this kind of question dozens of times a day.

He said seriously: "Our family's fugu is definitely not poisonous, you can rest assured about this, our family has been driving for more than 50 years since my father's time, and basically no accidents have occurred.

If you want to ensure that there is no poison at all, you can order non-toxic farmed puffer fish, which can guarantee that it is absolutely non-toxic.

If you want to challenge the wild puffer fish, it’s okay. Our chefs are all professionally trained and certified, and they will definitely handle it cleanly. This is our responsibility to you and to ourselves. "

Hearing his introduction, Li Yi asked with a smile: "Can your chef still get a certificate?"

"Of course you have to prove it!"

The boss said with a smile: "Our certificates are valid all over the country. If you go to Jingjiang or Hai'an, as long as there is a restaurant that serves puffer fish, with our certificates, you can work without the test.

If our chefs want to become teachers, they must pass written and practical exams.

During the practical exam, we will ask the chef to perfectly decompose a fugu within 20 minutes, and cut out at least 88 pieces of fugu.

If the heart of the puffer fish is still beating after disassembling the puffer fish, then it can be regarded as a perfect clearance. "

Hearing this, Li Yi looked at Zhao Jinmai with a smile and asked, "How is it? Can you rest assured?"

"Well, don't worry."

Zhao Jinmai smiled and said, "Then give us two breeding ones!"

She still chose to be safe.

However, Li Yi had expected it long ago and did not force it.

Without looking at the menu, Li Yi said to the boss: "Bake me a wild one! I want a full blowfish feast."


The boss nodded and said, "The wild ones are all chilled puffer fish, which are fished from the sea. The meat is not as delicious as farmed ones, and the price may be a bit more expensive. Is it acceptable?"

"sure, no problem."

Li Yi smiled and said, "As long as the taste is delicious, money doesn't matter."

"Then wait a moment! It will take about an hour."

The boss said the time, then turned and left.

Watching the boss leave, Liu Yifei finally couldn't help but asked Li Yi worriedly: "You want to eat wild puffer fish? Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"


Li Yi stood up with a smile: "So I'm going to take a look in the kitchen and watch some cooks."

Liu Yifei also hurriedly got up when she heard the words, "I'll go with you."

"I am coming too."

Zhao Jinmai didn't want to be left alone, so he also got up and followed.

So, the three of Li Yi came to the kitchen.

After obtaining the consent of the boss, they took the camera and entered the back kitchen.

There are six stoves in the kitchen, and a chef is standing in front of each stove, burning fugu.

A helper cook is slaughtering puffer fish in front of the vegetable sink, and the big basin in front of him is full of farmed puffer fish with colorful backs.

Li Yi reached into the basin, pinched the skin on the back of a puffer fish, and picked it up.

Sensing the danger, the puffer fish made a peculiar sound like farting, sucking air into its body, and soon sucked itself into a spiked balloon.


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