"So, you're using the meat-slippery method to process the chicken, right?"

Seeing Li Yi's operation, Xie Tingfeng came forward and asked a question.


Li Yi nodded.

Jiang Xin from behind asked curiously, "Slippery meat?"

"Introduce me!"

Cai Shaofen remembered something, and hurriedly said: "My husband swears that he is a native of Shancheng, he will make smooth broth for me to drink, it is really delicious, and the meat will be very tender.

He just used starch to mix the sliced ​​meat, and it was very good! "

Xie Tingfeng said with a smile: "Smoothing pork is a very common technique in Cantonese cuisine. For sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed pork ribs with soy sauce, and beef balls, they are all marinated with cornstarch.

After being coated with raw powder, the juice in the meat can be locked, and the meat will be more tender when eaten. "

Jiang Xin was amazed when she heard the words: "Is it the steamed ribs in the Cantonese morning tea? I especially like to eat that ribs. The meat is so tender that it falls off the bone when you bite into it."

Cai Shaofen looked at Nicholas Tingfeng and teased: "Eh? You are so good now, you even know everyone, no wonder you can shoot a food show!"

"Fortunately, I won the award. I can learn something by doing the show. I also learned a lot of cooking skills."

Xie Tingfeng smiled slightly and shook his hair lightly.

In the live broadcast room, fans heard the news and launched barrages one after another, a rainbow of farts.

"This is called a professional chef!"

"Brother Feng is too strong! You know it all!"

"Live and learn, Brother Feng really worked too hard!"

"The real God of Cooking should be Brother Feng!"

"He can sing, he can create, and he is so knowledgeable. He really deserves to be the man I like!"

"How many knowledge reserves like oil do those young fresh meats have? Really learn from Brother Feng!"

"The Chinese restaurant should invite Brother Feng to be the chef. He is handsome, has a show effect, and his cooking skills are not bad. Why not invite him? I can't figure it out."

"Haha! Brother Feng's worth, they can't afford it."

Looking at the bullet screens flying in the live broadcast room, Liu Yifei stood beside Li Yi, and couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Isn't smooth meat a Sichuan dish?"

"Yes, there are more food in eastern Sichuan and southern Sichuan."

Li Yi explained in a low voice: "However, the slippery mentioned here is a technique, which is to slurp the ingredients, and then use water slippery or oil slippery to cook the ingredients.

Such smooth cooked ingredients will taste better.

This technique is used in various cuisines, such as fried shredded pork in Shandong cuisine and smooth broth in Sichuan cuisine, which are very common. "

"Oh, I see."

Liu Yifei nodded, understanding in her heart.

It turned out to be just a basic skill!

In the live broadcast room, old viewers were still fighting fans.

"I really can't stand these stupid fans, they are so stupid!"

"To be honest, amateurs really shouldn't touch professional ceramics. Nicholas Tingfeng's main business is music and movies, so he can just do his job well. There is really no need to market famous chefs!"

"These are all machine fans, right? I've been a fan of Brother Feng for more than ten years, and I blush when I see these barrages."

"Really, the brokerage company should take good care of these idiot fans. If things go on like this, Brother Feng will really be hurt."

"There are idols for every kind of fan. They have been so crazy for more than a day or two. Without the connivance of the agency, they can't raise such arrogance."

"Brother Feng should come out and say a few words, and take care of the comments of these fans? After all, this is their home court? You are a guest, so you can take the lead in such a big way?"

"Are you really ignorant or are you pretending to be ignorant? If he doesn't care, it means he doesn't want to care. Maybe he's secretly having fun seeing so many fans brag about him!"

"One thing to say, Brother Feng really wouldn't be like this, he is a heavenly king idol, how worthy is he to use this method to gain popularity?"

"What kind of idol is a heavenly king? To put it bluntly, it is no longer brilliant, but to put it bluntly, it is outdated. What works has he produced in the past two years?"

"Everyone attacks personally! Otherwise, what's the difference between you and a fan?"

"Anyway, I just can't stand him pretending like that! And his group of brainless fans, it's so disgusting!"

"Wouldn't it be better to watch the show? Do you have to be led by those idiots?"

Looking up at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Li Yi shook his head lightly.

These fans are indeed a bit scary, and I really can't understand them.

He'd better cook his dishes honestly!

The chicken in the pot was already hot and set, Li Yi used a slotted spoon to poke the chicken balls out of the pot, and explained to the camera: "It is best not to move the starched ingredients after they are put into the pot, otherwise the pulp will degrade and affect the taste.

Our water slides use more starch than oil slides, because a part of the starch will dissolve in water, and these amounts must be reserved, otherwise it will also desizing. "

As he said that, he picked up two chicken balls that had been curled into balls with a colander, and pointed to the audience: "This is the effect of chopping with a row knife just now. After the chicken skin is heated and curled, the chicken will be balled.

After you see the chicken is set, you can fish it out, and you can't cook it too old. "

Turn up the heat to make the clear chicken soup in the pot boil, and Li Yi quickly fished out the chicken balls.

"When scooping up chicken, you can turn on high heat to boil the chicken soup, so that the fat on the chicken soup will float around the pot, and there will not be so much oil on the chicken that is scooped out.

We are a soup dish, the oil should be less, otherwise it will be too greasy to drink and affect the taste. "

Take out the chicken balls and put them away. Li Yi took a stack of Jianshui white pottery pots and put the chicken balls in. There were two meat balls in each pot.

Then, he put a few washed chanterelles, a piece of Xuanwei ham, a piece of Codonopsis ginseng, a piece of Cordyceps, and a piece of Panax notoginseng into it.

He scooped out a spoonful of clear chicken soup from the soup bucket, and Li Yi poured some into the small steamer one by one, just enough to cover half of the chicken balls.

Finally, two slices of ginger and two slices of scallion were added, and Li Yi stacked them together and put them into the steamer.

"These are small servings on the guest seats, and they can be steamed under pressure for two hours."

Li Yi returned to the counter, looked at the camera and explained: "This method of deboning watery meat and steaming clear soup is the state banquet version.

This method is more refined, and it is more convenient to eat, enjoyable and tastes better.

If you make it yourself at home, you can do it with the home version.

The specific difference is that the chicken does not need to be starched and slippery. It can be scalded directly with cold water, then washed, and steamed in a steamer.

Just pay attention to two points, one is to shake off the water after washing the chicken.

If it is not shaken clean, blood will flow out during steaming, making the soup cloudy and fishy, ​​affecting the taste.

The second point is to pay attention to sealing the lid of the pot, wrap it with wet gauze or plastic wrap, and steam it with low heat, which will also make the meat more tender and the soup more full.

But if you have a steamer at home, you don’t have to worry about this problem, just hand it over to the steamer. "

Hearing Li Yi's words, Xie Tingfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the steaming steamer cover on his stove and the roaring fire below.

It should be... all right?

He couldn't help but panic slightly.


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