A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 856 I just like to see these foreigners who have never seen the world.

Braised is a unique Chinese cooking technique. Its core is to use sugar or soy sauce to color the food, then add water or stock to stew the ingredients until the juice is cooked.

Mixed with the sugar-colored caramel aroma and the unique aroma of soy sauce, this special taste gave many foreign diners present a freshness that they had never experienced before.

In the first two months of training, Li Yi did a lot of training on carp deboning.

Therefore, the carp meat in the casserole is pure meat, just like the fish belly, and can be eaten directly.

After some tasting, the firm, sweet fish meat mixed with the aroma of braised sauce immediately conquered all diners.

Many diners have already taken out their voting machines and plan to vote for the Chinese team.

In the live broadcast room, the audience's barrages kept flying.

"The color of this braised dish is amazing! It looks delicious!"

"I love braised fish so much! The fish belly is the most fragrant!"

"Brother Yi still takes care of foreigners and doesn't put the fish head. The fish head of the braised fish is the most delicious."

"What do foreigners eat? Brother Yi makes a Man-Han banquet. Do they understand how to eat? Just make some home-cooked dishes, and you have already exposed them to the world."

"Having said that, those big dishes may not be as delicious as these home-cooked dishes. It's okay to try something new every now and then, but to satisfy your craving, you have to have braised pork and hard dishes like big knuckles."

The audience was still chatting about the braised fish, and Li Yi had already begun to introduce the subsequent dishes.

"In the season of the Waking of Insects, spring thunder frightens hundreds of insects. In the first month of the year, the hibernating insects are awakened. It is called the Waking of Insects. Everything is shaken, and the tremors turn into thunder, so it is called the Waking of Insects."

By the time of the Jingzhe, the ninety-nine years have ended. As the saying goes, the peach blossoms have bloomed at the end of the year, and spring plowing cannot stop. From the time of the Jingzhe, farming begins to get busy.

In order to have a good harvest, on the day of Jingzhe, Chinese people will have the custom of covering drum skins, beating villains, and offering sacrifices to white tigers.

In terms of diet, Jingzhe also has a tradition of eating pears.

Eating pears during the Waking of Insects means separation from pests and staying away from diseases.

As the saying goes, cold stings and warm equinoxes occur. In mid-spring and February, the weather is either warm or cold. The temperature is changeable, making it easy for people to experience dry mouth and exogenous coughs.

Eating pears can also help the spleen and calm the five internal organs, thereby strengthening the body and resisting the invasion of germs.

So we made two desserts using pears, one is traditional rock sugar snow pear and white fungus soup, and the other is red wine snow pear. "

Following Li Yi's introduction, the camera zoomed in, and the chefs were already giving out tasting dishes to the diners.

There were whole pears in the small soup bowls. After the interpreter explained, the diners held the pear handles and lifted a lid.

After opening the snow pear lid, the crystal clear rock sugar snow pear and tremella soup appeared inside.

It turns out that the chefs used carving knives to cut out the flesh of the pear, leaving only the outer layer of pear skin, and made the pear into a container.

Then the chefs stewed the chopped pear meat with rock sugar and white fungus into a soup, and then put it back into the pear.

The chefs' carving work is exquisite. After putting the pear cover on, the appearance is perfect and it looks like a complete pear. Only when you open it can you find the universe inside.

Such contrasting shapes and fresh creativity greatly surprised the diners, and the viewers in the live broadcast room also brightened up after seeing it.

"This idea is great! It's so interesting!"

“It feels like it could be sold in a night market, it’s quite a gimmick, haha!”

"This requires very good knife skills, but you should be able to make a low-end version with tools. It will just be cheaper."

"I learned it! I'll do some research and try to sell it next month!"

[Rock Sugar Snow Pear Tremella Soup] has a limited quantity and will be distributed soon.

The diners who came later didn't get it, so they could only turn to the [Red Wine and Sherry] on the side.

The method of [Red Wine Pear] is much simpler. Just peel and core the pear, then soak it in red wine overnight to soak the outer layer of the pear flesh into red color.

Finally, slice it into pieces and arrange it into a flower shape, and it's done.

But just such a simple plate arrangement made the diners on the scene exclaim again and again. They took out their mobile phones and took pictures non-stop. They said it was so beautiful.

Seeing this scene, some viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but complain.

"Although I think it looks pretty, but for Chinese food, this is a very basic skill, right?"

“I feel like this kind of effect can be achieved at home. Foreigners really don’t have much knowledge, haha!”

"I can make this dish! I think it will be very effective if I make it during the Chinese New Year."

"I can make Qiuli paste."

"A1 high flashes!"

The audience was joking and chatting.

But someone discovered that more and more diners were crowding around the Chinese team's booth.

Many of the diners were holding eggs and playing with them carefully.

After Li Yi’s introduction, the audience also learned that this is the custom of the Spring Equinox.

The vernal equinox refers to the division of the day into two equal parts of day and night, and the balance between cold and heat.

This season is in the middle of the three months of spring, and on the vernal equinox, the sun shines directly on the earth's equator, and day and night are of equal length.

On the Spring Equinox, Chinese people will play with egg-laying, eat spring vegetables, and send spring cattle.

Audiences who are familiar with Li Yi have already guessed that the eggs prepared by the Huaxia team are definitely not ordinary eggs.

There were already diners at the scene who couldn't help but crack open the eggs and taste them.

The exclamations also confirmed the audience's guess that these eggs were filled with crab roe.

The surprised foreign diners seemed to have seen a miracle and surrounded the chef asking questions, wondering how it was done.

The chefs didn't understand, but looking at them holding up half-bitten eggs, they could guess what they were asking.

But this technique cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and the chefs are too busy to explain, so they can only vaguely explain it.

This is even more mysterious to foreign diners, who say that Chinese people really know magic.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was amused when they saw the surprised expressions of the foreign diners.

"Haha! This is Brother Yi's true strength. Do you really think Brother Yi can only cook home-cooked meals?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't know how to make it? Just search online and you'll find it! There is a video of how Brother Yi makes the Qiankun Egg."

"I just like to see these foreigners look like they have never seen the world, hahaha!"

"Alas! Although I know how it is made, I have never eaten it. I will be able to taste what this Qiankun egg tastes like sometime!"

"Fuck, I want to eat too..."

After discovering the secret of eggs, most diners chose to crack them open and taste them.

But there are still some diners who are persevering in trying to stand eggs.

Because diners who successfully set up their eggs will receive a special prize, which is a limited number of glutinous rice balls.

Eating glutinous rice balls is also one of the customs of the Spring Equinox. However, unlike the Lantern Festival, there is a special way to eat glutinous rice balls on the Spring Equinox. That is to cook twenty or thirty more without fillings, chop them with a thin bamboo fork, and place them outdoors on the edge of the field. The ridge is called sticky mouth.

The glutinous rice skin of glutinous rice balls sticks to the beaks. Farmers hope to use glutinous rice to stick the beaks of sparrows and other birds to prevent them from destroying crops.

This is a cooking competition, not a competition to impress foreigners, so the glutinous rice balls made by the Huaxia team naturally have fillings.

The diners who succeeded in setting up the egg yolk also successfully tasted the glutinous rice balls stuffed with salted egg yolk, which is also a unique ingredient in China.

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