After tasting all the dishes at other booths, Li Yicai returned to the Huaxia booth.

It has to be said that although the strength of Chinese cuisine is the best among all, the strength of other countries should not be underestimated.

The quality of the products produced by each participating team is good. Some have bold seasonings, some work hard on the heat, and each has their own unique skills.

Among them, the national team's smoked steak was slow-roasted for more than ten hours. It tasted so good that Li Yi couldn't help but eat a few more pieces.

After tasting it as a whole, Li Yi objectively judged that the overall strength of Chinese cuisine was indeed superior to that of all other countries present.

But in individual categories, other countries are not bad either and have not been completely crushed.

Part of the reason why the Chinese team is so popular here is because it has participated again for decades, which aroused the curiosity of the audience.

In addition, it is also related to the attention guidance formed after the hot topics were created in the early stage of publicity.

But for Li Yi, although the dishes from these countries were not bad in taste, they did not bring him any surprises in terms of technique.

There were many experts from participating teams from various countries present, but even the dishes served by the national team were only at the level of ingredients and seasonings.

The so-called foie gras is actually no different from the Chinese method of fattening ducks. The method is just fried in butter, and there is no special technique.

Baked snails are a bit interesting, but the method of making them is not much better than the domestic method of making snails.

The Mexican dish has an interesting taste of ant sauce, which is similar to the earthworm sauce displayed in the country.

But these are still foods made with local specialty ingredients, and the preparation method is nothing more than adding these special ingredients to the original sauce.

In terms of techniques, none of the participating teams showed anything that Li Yi felt was eye-catching and worthy of learning.

This made Li Yi disappointed, but also felt like he was alone and seeking defeat.

In a competition that gathered cooking masters from all over the world, no one was worth his effort?

But after thinking about it, he was relieved.

After all, not everyone can be like him, with hundreds of years of cooking experience and inheriting the skills of countless top cooking masters.

If someone can make him feel amazing in terms of skills, or even feel inferior to him, it should be a horror story.

But since you have come here, it is not in vain to be able to experience the food of so many countries in one place.

Moreover, the dishes of these countries are also unique in terms of ingredients and seasonings.

From these little skills, Li Yi also gained something.

At the Huaxia booth, the chefs are almost exhausted.

Although it was already afternoon, there was still an endless stream of diners in front of the booth.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that the satiated diners began to leave gradually, and the pressure on the Huaxia booth gradually decreased.

The project ends at 6 p.m., and the staff has already reminded diners to vote on the radio.

There is a TV stand hanging in the center of the exhibition hall, and four TVs are hung above it, broadcasting the votes obtained by each national team in four directions.

On the TV screen, the Chinese team's vote count was already unique, like a rocket, leaving all other teams far behind.

Seeing this scene, the national teams were not surprised, but took it for granted.

At the end of the day, the number of diners queuing up on the Huaxia team's side made it obvious that the Huaxia team had won.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the chairman of the competition judges came to the scene and announced the results of the competition.

Without any suspense, the Chinese team won the first place in the buffet event of the team competition and won the first gold medal.

As the captain of the Chinese team, Li Yi came to the podium on behalf of all the chefs and wore the Culinary Olympiad gold medal, which symbolizes the pinnacle of world culinary skills.

Reporters from various media outlets at the scene captured this scene in their cameras, and flashed their lights together.

In the CCTV live broadcast room, the audience who have been waiting until now are also swiping the screen with barrages, and the whole screen is full of "well deserved".

In the audience, all the chefs from the national teams were applauding and congratulating the Chinese team on their achievements.

The quality of the Huaxia team's dishes is obvious to all, and everyone present has tasted it.

All the teams have no objections to getting this gold medal.

Looking at Li Yi on the stage, all the chefs of the Chinese team were also applauding vigorously, very excited.

Although the Chinese team also participated in competitions more than 20 years ago, they never won a medal in the team buffet event.

This is the first time that the Chinese team has won the gold medal in the buffet event of the team competition, and this honor was obtained by them personally.

Although they could not get on the podium with Li Yi, they had no complaints.

They knew very well that although Li Yi did not personally participate in the preparation of the dishes today, Li Yi's contribution to getting this honor was the greatest.

If Li Yi hadn't personally guided them and helped them undergo a series of special training in the past two months, their cooking skills would never have reached the current level.

And there is a high probability that this gold medal will not reach the hands of the Chinese team.

Li Yi is the only core of the Huaxia team, and they know this very well.

Although the dishes they showed today looked relatively homely, they were filled with countless details that laymen couldn't see, and the preparation was much more difficult than everyone thought.

These dishes are all made by Li Yi and designed by him personally.

The two months of training, to put it bluntly, were actually practicing the dishes Li Yi taught them over and over again.

But even after two months of training, the quality of the dishes they produced was still far behind the level of Li Yi's own cooking.

They all knew that if Li Yi was not very versatile, he would not be able to provide dishes for so many diners. Otherwise, Li Yi would not need them at all. He could make these dishes by himself, and do it better than them.

In the entire team, their role is actually Li Yi's right-hand man.

All they did was to cook the dishes Li Yi needed according to Li Yi's requirements.

Therefore, when they saw Li Yi standing in the spotlight, they felt proud and lucky.

Li Yi did not forget them. After receiving the medal, he pointed in the direction of the Chinese team, returned to the team with the cameras of various national media, and shook hands with each chef and hugged him.

This honor does not belong to him alone, but to all team members and all Chinese people.

The joy of winning diluted everyone's fatigue from the day, so that after returning to the hotel, everyone was still excited and not sleepy at all.

On the way back to the hotel, they had already taken away the medal.

Everyone took photos wearing their medals and posted them on WeChat Moments and Weibo, happily accepting praise and encouragement from relatives, friends and netizens.

It wasn't until late at night that after the excitement, the fatigue of the day swept over them again, allowing them to wash up in a hurry and go to bed.

After waking up, everyone regained their energy and were in full condition.

Yesterday's victory gave everyone great confidence, and all the tension before the game seemed to have dissipated.

The team competition buffet event is the toughest battle in the competition. After this battle is over, they have nothing to fear.

There was no pressure on them for subsequent hot dish kitchen, chef's table and other projects.

Because of these projects, Li Yi will personally take action!

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