It didn't take long for Atlas to get home. Especially with Alastor's help, no train was needed for their arrival. The only thing that stood in their way was time, and they needed it now more than ever.

Atlas rushed to his front porch from the sidewalk as fast as he could, whiplashing his door open while Alastor slowly followed him with a horrific grin.

Once Atlas arrived in the living room, he felt a sudden pain in his heart. Almost like someone suddenly stabbed him, twisting the knife in his c.h.e.s.t. He stood motionless, hoping what he was seeing was a dream. However, he knew it couldn't be. In dreams, you don't feel pain, you don't feel a full control of your emotions, and dreams always ended at the most climactic parts.

His mother was sobbing, even more so when she saw her son enter the living room. A man wearing nothing but dark clothing similar to Alastor's held his mother against her will. The man had one of his his arms wrapped around her neck, while the other pointed a finger about an inch apart from her face.

Atlas' mother tried to speak, but the man silenced her by tightening his chokehold. He had no hair, and his skin seemed like broken crust from lava, smothered in a deathly yellow tone. His mouth had missing teeth with bundles of growing bumps and cracks along his lips. It was the most disturbing man Atlas has ever laid eyes on, and he had a slight idea of who it could be.

"Who are you. And what are you doing with my mother?" Atlas' face grew dim with anger, filling him with nothing but fury and rage.

A low, rusty voice replied, "Atlas Bright… A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to finally meet you." He widened his grin, revealing his putrid mouth that released an uneasy smell. "I do apologize about your mother. But it was the only way we can meet."

"What do you want with me? And who are you." Atlas was on the verge of attacking, but knew the second he moved the man would do something to his mother.

"My apologies. I should have introduced myself by now." He cleared his throat before speaking his name, "My name is Osiris. I possess the Curse of Command. I came here because a little birdie told me that the seven Laws of the Universe were miraculously placed into 7 teenagers. I hope you can understand what that means to me." He raised whatever remained of the eyebrow line he had above his eyes.

"How did you find my home?" Atlas spoke brave, unafraid of the rumors that spread about Osiris and his curse.

"You're brave. But bravery doesn't save you. Power does." He paused for a moment, slightly loosening the grip he had on his mother. "Your father, Draymond, told me where to find your location."

Atlas froze, the bravery vanished for a split moment, but quickly returned as he began speaking again, "What do you know of my father?"

Osiris looked puzzled, "Has your mother truly not told you who he is? What a shame. However, that's not why I came here. I was told you are the weakest, but now that I've examined you. I see that's not entirely true. Draymond told me you might become strong like him, but he didn't tell me when or how."

Atlas didn't care about anything he was saying, all he wanted to know was why he was here in the first place.

"I promised Draymond that when I met you I wouldn't hurt you or your mother. And I'm a man of my word... But I didn't say anything about the next time." He laughed a bit, sounding like he almost didn't mean to. "What I truly want to know is how did you inherit the Laws in the first place?"

Atlas didn't want to answer, but he had no choice, "I don't know. Ask Abbadon Sylver."

Osiris' face suddenly went pale, more pale than it already was. "That brat! I knew I should've killed him when I had the chance."

"He's gone."

"I'm already aware boy." Osiris glared at him with blank eyes. "Even if I killed you here and now it would serve no purpose to me. I am not fully recovered, nor am I able to inherit the Laws in my current state." He placed his finger on Atlas' mother's shoulder, leaving a bright yellow mark on her about the size of a small ball.

His mother clenched her teeth in pain, trying her best not to show it. Atlas noticed her, unable to hold back any longer, "YOU SON OF A B-"


Atlas fell to the floor as he was about to attack Osiris. A nerveatic disturbance was sent through the back of his neck by a simple spell. The one who cast the spell was Alastor, standing tall over Atlas as his mother witnessed it all.

Osiris let her fall to the floor from his grasp, walking over to Alastor right after. "Nice work." Osiris finished with the same rusty voice. He walked over towards Atlas' unconscious body on the ground after dropping his mother to the floor, vanishing along with him and Alastor into thin air.

On the floor, Atlas' mother got a grasp of her balance, slowly managing to lift herself up from the tiles below her. Her c.h.e.s.t seemed to tighten as the realization of her son being gone crept in.

She didn't know what to do, who to call for, or what to say. The only thing she could do was sit on the floor, sink her face into her palms, and cry tears of hopelessness.

She looked over on her shoulder, seeing Osrirs' mark throbbing in an unpleasant way underneath her skin. It wasn't painful, but she didn't want to take any chances of trying to remove it.

A sudden wave of emotional draught swept over her. The memories of Atlas and her husband sunk in as she squeezed her shirt as tight as possible. She wanted to cry, but tears never came. Only internal pain, followed by rapid breaths of anxiousness.

Luckily, a figure emerged from the shadows of the living room. The same man she saw vanish along with her son.

Alastor walked over towards her, reaching out a hand to help her up.

She didn't take it, "Who are you?" She sobbed while backing up until she hit the wall behind her.

"Alastor Hellsgate. A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e." He bowed. "A Professor at Princewood Academy."

She looked puzzled and angry at the same time, "Then what are-"

"No, no, no." He cut her off. "Don't worry Ms. Bright. I will make sure your son doesn't get hurt. There are promises I need to keep as well. And secrets I cannot reveal." He reached out his hand again.

She took it this time, staying quiet and cautious.

"Time is not to waste Ms. Bright. Write whatever you d.e.s.i.r.e to the Grandmaster of Princewood, and I will deliver the message." He smiled.

She wanted to ask another question, but decided it would be pointless after looking deep into Alastor's eyes. Eyes can tell a lot about a man. What his are. What he keeps within them. Who he's killed, and what they've seen.

One look into them gave her the answers she wasn't looking for.

She rushed upstairs as fast as she could, scavenging through her bedroom drawers for a certain item she knew was hidden somewhere. Countless shuffling through empty folders and used notebooks finally revealed what she sought.

A small booklet, no bigger than a normal sheet of paper laid flat on the bottom of one of the drawers. She swiped it from its confinement, laying it flat on a small desktop she had in her room.

A small black writing utensil was attached to the book by a loose string, bound together by an enchantment. She quickly detached the utensil from the binding, flipping the cover to the first page.

She began to write as her hand trembled nervously,

Dear, Grandmaster Selvis

My name is Mercya Bright, the mother of Atlas Bright. He is a second-year student at Princewood Academy, who has just came to visit me for an unplanned emergency. Atlas has been taken from me by a pale, gross looking man who threatened both of us on information we didn't know.

Please send any help you can, I can't live without him..

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