A World Of Decree: And The Seven Laws

Chapter 40 - Truth Of Blood

The sudden feeling of unease and loneliness woke Atlas from sleep. He could feel a rigid rubbing on his neck from something he couldn't see. His arms and legs were restrained by steel chains, all linked to a stone pillar he was forced to lean on. He was also hungry, revealed by the sudden ache his stomach growled at him for.

Slowly, his surrounding began to reveal themselves more clearly. He was in some sort of large room, made of nothing but stone and old rubble. However, the walls were perfectly smooth, only having thin lines and small cracks running through them.

The ground was nothing more the same, containing a few patches of dirt that haven't been cleaned off yet. The only strange part was the ceiling, which seemed to be absent from the scene. Atlas looked up at the sky above, seeing the sun slightly further away from the peak of the day. He could only guess it was somewhere late in the afternoon.

Atlas tried to move, but couldn't get further than an inch with his restrainment. He also realized he couldn't feel his magic at all, not even an ounce anywhere in his body.

Since the stone pillar was placed in the center of the room, he couldn't see the doorway behind him. Only the footsteps against the stone floor gave him the realization. The smell of rot and dirt sunk deeper into his nose, and Osiris walked in front to face Atlas.

The same rusty old voice made it's welcome to Atlas, "Truly sorry for the chains. But I can't risk anything."

"What do you want from me." Atlas looked at him with a wry expression.

"I need information. There are seven laws. You are one. I need to know who the other sic are."

"And what if I say no?"

Osiris grinned, revealing his teeth to be fully grown, no longer missing or broken. His skin seemed more human now too, but still radiated a faint yellow tint. "I'll kill your mother. And you'll watch it happen."

Atlas' stomach fell deeper than he's ever felt. One look into Osiris' eyes revealed no bluff. Only showing what a man wants, and how he'll get his inner d.e.s.i.r.es.

Atlas had no choice but to answer, angry with himself for doing so, "If I tell you, you have to swear to never hurt her, and let me go." His voice sounded weak and confident at the same time.

"I won't swear." He snapped his fingers, breaking one of the chains that trapped Atlas' right hand. "I'll enchant my word with the Truth of Blood." He pulled out a small knife from one of his hidden pockets, "This is an enchantment, only sealed by the blood of the two parties," He walked over to Atlas, "If broken, the party that broke the Truth will die. No questions asked."

Atlas thought about it for a moment. Agreeing without a second thought. He watched Osiris slide the knife across his hand, dripping fresh blood on the floor and the knife.

Atlas reached out his hand, closing his eyes to distract him from the pain of the knife. A sudden shock ran through his hand as the knife slid across, followed by Osiris grasping the two hands together. Atlas could feel his cold touch sink with his hand, almost numbing some of the pain right away.

Osiris let go, ready for Atlas to speak.

Sitting at the usual circular table in the plaza, Cartuja realized Atlas wasn't present in their past two classes. Cartuja normally wouldn't care, but Atlas missing a class seemed too far fetched and unordinary.

"Yo, have any of ya'll seen Atlas? Been a minute since I last saw him." Cartuja said as he took another bite out of his chicken.

Paris, Rina and Faibel were the only other ones at the table, giving off nothing but silence for a reply. Even Faibel looked puzzled; a look that was quite rare to see on his face.

"Maybe he's with Calvin?" Rina questioned with a hopeful look.

"I've been with him for the past hour. I doubt he's with him now." Paris said.

"Should we tell someone?"

"Ah, leave the kid be." Cartuja took another bite, "Prolly off goofin' around with Leo or whatever."

They looked slightly concerned, but brushed it off in hopes of everything being alright. They knew Atlas wasn't likely to get into trouble. Even if he did, he usually finessed his way out of it.

Rina got up as she finished her bowl of vegetable soup and soft bread, "I'll go ask Calvin. Maybe he knows."

The three remaining at the table glared at her anxiously, that is, until Cratuja decided to instantly change the subject. "Aye Paris, you tryna go train? I'm done with classes."

She sighed, seeming to change her grief to a different matter, "Fine. Let's go."

Faibel was left alone with his own thoughts for company. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out the answer. He knew it was right there, he had all the pieces of the puzzle laid on the table. Atlas' absence, Alastor's arrival at the school, Osiris. But he couldn't fit them together, too many outliers and too few connections.

Atlas told Osiris everything he knew. From the moment he met everyone at Princewood, to the moment they acquired the power of the Laws.

Osiris seemed pleased, but the anger written on his face couldn't be masked with expressions. His fists were tight when he walked side to side, his teeth gritted against each other like rocks, and his voice became louder than before.

Atlas on the other hand, stayed calm, tight, and ready to fight if given the chance. The Truth of Blood secured his safety if he didn't lie, or at least he hoped it did. He was more worried for the safety of his mother and friends, which didn't seem too bright after everything he's told.

"Seems the truth has been told," Osiris said with a pleased look. "From this moment on, Your mother will not be touched by me, or any of my followers."

Atlas didn't respond, he was too exhausted to even move a muscle. The chains were the only things keeping him upright, scarring away at his b.a.r.e skin like razors.

Osrirs walked closer to Atlas, bowing down slightly to get on his level. "But I never said anything about your friends."

Atlas instantly tried to break free and lunge at him until Osiris quickly placed a finger on his forehead, whispered words Atlas didn't recognize, and made the boy unconscious once more.

Osiris snapped his fingers in an odd fashion, breaking all the chains that restrained Atlas against his will, including the ominous one around his neck. The chains then vanished, making Atlas fall on the cold floor below him.

By the time the Grandmaster received the message, Atlas was already unconscious. Questioning Alastor about the message and what happened seemed to slip Selvis' current train of thought. The only question needing an answer was knowing Atlas' wareabouts, and what happened in their home.

Selvis made an announcement to the Imperative Five that he was leaving Academy grounds to attend personal matters. He lied, but told the truth only to Calvin, thinking he has the right to know.

Although Calvin tried to go with him, Selvis refused with an angered tone. There was no need for further consequences to arise, and the Academy still required protection of some sort against possible intruders.

Selvis waved him off, looking outside through the windows of the room. The sun had already set, and the skies seemed to darken even further with every minute. Selvis prayed nothing bad has happened yet, but the uneasy feeling in his stomach said otherwise.

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