After Alastor began to work his magic on the boat, Princewood was their next destination. The night was still young, but Cavlin already caught on to their disappearance from school grounds.

Laeana remained asleep, perhaps for the better regarding her situation. Cartuja began to slowly adjust to his surroundings, hoping someone would start a conversation so he can bud in. Instead, he decided to do it for them. "So what happened? Watergirl killed the dragon or somethin'?"

Normally, Rina would defend her name, maybe even say something back to Cartuja, but she remained quiet, staring into the dark horizon behind her. Without turning to face anyone, Rina's voice remained serious, eager for answers. "That spell you cast… Hellflame was it? You held back, I could see it in your eyes." She paused for a moment and turned to face Alastor. "Your eyes screamed chaos. If you truly d.e.s.i.r.ed, you could've massacre villages with that spell alone... Who are you? Alastor."

A devious grin appeared on Alastor's face, "You're a smart girl, Rina Ambrose. I can see why the law of correspondence flows within you." He stood up, looking like a towering mountain over her, "You have a few more minutes before Laena's spell on you wares off, use it wisely if you want answers."

Rina thought about his proposal for a moment, almost thinking he wanted her to attack him, but that wasn't the case. Rina stood to face him properly, and lifted her hand to align with his face, "Reveal." She said, awaiting for the result. A linear force escaped her hand, quickly covering all the space around her in a mile long radius.

Numbers, levels of stress, wounds, and even enchantments appeared all around Mooks, Laena, Faibel and Cartuja. Even fish and dead bodies could be seen on the floor beneath the sea. However, Alastor seemed like the only one not affected by the spell.

"That spell will work on any living or dead being in the world in a mile long radius for a brief moment." Alastor grinned, confidently, "Except for four specific individuals… Death, Famine, Conquest, and yours truly: War."

A sudden silence crept onto the boat, followed by blank stares, and unwanted truths. Alastor snapped his fingers to break the silence and continued to stare deeply into Rina's mind. "Try it again." He whispered, keeping his distance.

Slightly afraid, Rina cast the spell again and watched as the same numbers appeared around everyone. However, this time, a single number displayed within Alastor, and was gone only a second after.

The number turned Rina's stomach into a knot, nearly grasping the air from her lungs out of pure fear. The number displayed for just a split moment read, "51,000."

The rest of the boat ride was smooth, cold, and quiet. No one dared to speak another word, and Laena remained unconscious for the time being. The wound on her arm stopped bleeding, but a faint yellow aura began to glow as if it were trying to latch on.

As the boat approached the dock, Grandmaster Selvis and Calvin were already waiting for their arrival. Alastor kept his grin lively, making sure his confidence was the first thing they saw.

Lanterns brightened the dock ahead, outlining the wooden edges of every corner and edge. Alastor steered the boat to align perpendicular to the dock, grabbing Laena and stepping onto the wooden boards where Selvis and Calvin stood. The rest followed, with Mooks being the last.

"Before we begin," Alastor started, "This young lady should be taken to the medical department." He made a clear gesture to carefully holding Laena in his arms.

Grandmaster Selvis stepped aside, "We were prepared for that," revealing two medical department staff standing right behind him. They quickly rushed over with a large white board, placing Laena onto it gently, and carrying her away.

Selvis stepped back into place, and began in a deep, firm voice. "Restricted leave from Academy grounds with no permission. Indulging in completely irresponsible actions endangering the lives of four students. Abduction of four students from Academy grounds after closing hours on dangerous and erratic circ.u.mstances. What do you have to say professor Hellsgate?" Selvis raised an eyebrow.

"Grandmaster-" Rina tried to bud in, but got silenced immediately.

"I am not questioning you, Ms. Ambrose. At least not yet."

Alastor kept his grin, reaching into his robes to pull out a small coin, and tossing it into Selvis' hands. The coin was as golden as the sun on a clear day, embarked with a strange symbol that resembled a horn of some sort.

"Consider your debt paid." Alastor said, staring at Selvis as he held the coin.

Selvis sighed a breath of frustration, "Very well. Better now than later." He paused for a moment, staring at the coin, and putting it away.

"Don't worry Grandmaster," Alastor folded his hands behind his back. "Oryx is dead, all thanks to these four brave souls… Well, at the cost of one of course."

Selvis looked furious, "If she dies, you die. No coin will save you from that."

Alastor bowed in response.

Calvin drew a serious look on his face, "How much help did you give?"

"A single spell, stopped before it even did too much damage."

Calvin and Selvis shared a look of agreement, and Selvis took the lead, "Since aid from a professor was given, no matter the cost. The point reduction from the Guild mission will be reduced by half. Therefor, I congratulate Endless Sun with the Acc.u.mulation of 1,000,000 points.

Rina, Cratuja and Faibel suddenly perked up in shock. Their minds had to take a minute to process what it just heard.

"D-Did you say, 1,000,000?" Rina stuttered.

"Indeed." Selvis said with a slight smirk, "Now please, head back to your dorms and rest. You'll need it." Selvis gestured Calvin to escort them.

Walking back from the dock, Calvin and Mooks led the way with their three students behind them. Selvis decided to stay and discuss a few things with Alastor near the edge of the dock.

"We should of told you. It was irresponsible and childish." Faibel said, keeping his head down.

"As long as you're all safe, it doesn't matter anymore." Calvin sighed.

Cartuja surprisingly got curios, realizing things didn't add up in his brain, "Wait hold up. Aren't you like, mad at the cat or…"

"Not a cat." Mooks replied in an angered tone.

"Mooks is here for the sole purpose of examining you. What he does is not under my control, and the 'Professor's assistant' title is just for show. He is a Zodiac, remember?"

"Right," Catuja said sarcastically.

They kept walking, approaching the poorly lit cobblestone path leading to one of Princewood's back entrances.

"Get rest while you can," Calvin said in a deep tone, "Other Guilds will challenge you now. 1,000,000 points aren't easy to come by."

"Depends on the challenger, and who gets picked." Mooks yawned.

"Calvin." Rina stopped him.

"Yes?" He turned around, seeing a look he wasn't expecting.

Rina's face grew flushed, unsure of how to present the news. She pulled out the two dragon hearts that remained hidden within her half-beaten clothes, "You said once I have another…"

Calvin felt something heavy drop within his stomach, and a sudden feeling of coldness brushed against his skin like a feather. His eyes widened, but his mouth remained shut. Memories of Violet flashed before him, and his posture became stiff, hardened by pure thought.

"So the girl has the hearts of two dragon's now?" Mooks interrupted, "Dragon's that were joined by blood as well. Seems you have a very likely chance to bring back the deceased."

"Keep them safe for now." Calvin gulped, trying to shake off his nerves, "There are much more important matters right now. And there's no reason for us to get out hopes up for something that might not work." His face grew dim, "So please, keep the hearts safe. When the time comes, we will get Violet back. That, I can promise."

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