Roughly two days remained until the collision with Osiris. Calvin is doing nothing more than being lost in his own thoughts, quitely collecting more and more circles under his eyes. Rina keeps her dragon heart's around her neck at all times, but closed off from the public eye to avoid any unwanted attention. Selvis does nothing but circle his book keep like an endless carousel, waiting and waiting for what's to come.

Cartuja, however, can't keep himself from sleeping in class.

"Mr. Purgis." Professor Crayne waddled over towards him like a penguin on ice. "Mr. Purgis!" The second time, the whole class decided it was appropriate to laugh. "MR. PURGIS!"

Cartuja's eyes finally began to drown in the light of the room, "Huh." His voice was raspy, but fully awake.

"Sleeping in class… Again! I assume you have that 10 page report I asked for ready?" A small curve began to form on the edges of her mouth.

Cartuja propped himself back in the seat, "Oh yea.." He reached into what looked like a decade old folder under his desk, pulling out a perfectly formatted, grammatically correct, and ill.u.s.trious report from within the folder's right pocket. "I think that's it.." He scratched his head sarcastically, watching professor Crane's fuming rage turn to embarrassment.

She swiped it from his hands and waddled back to the front of the auditorium, laughter behind her to guide her steps.

Although she wasn't big, her voice made an appropriate amount of volume to compensate. "SILENCE!" Her yelling was more nerve-wracking than a slap across the face.

Leo fist bumped Cartuja, "You actually do your homework?" He chuckled.

"Eh," Cartuja sighed, "It comes and goes, knowwhatImsayin?"

Leo laughed, shifting his focus back towards the center of the auditorium.

Layla Crane was one of the only Professors who didn't use an ordinary classroom to conduct her lectures. The auditorium is where she found the best use of her class time, and of course, due to its layout. Professor Crane usually conducted the lecture in a small circle in the center of the class, right in front of a massive blackboard. The seats would be aligned circling the center circle in rows, each row being a few feet higher than the previous. The auditorium's ceiling was nearly 50 feet high, but the rows usually stopped about halfway.

The only problem professor Crane faced was when Cartuja decided to take a nap, forcing her to waddle up the steps to his seat in one of the furthest rows. It drove her crazy, but provided a good laugh every now and then for the rest of the students to keep them awake. Cartuja and Leo usually sat in the back row up top, and even though Paris was in the same class, she always sat up front to keep her grades aligned with her biggest competitor: Rina Ambrose. Griffin Blood sat next to her, but they never really talked too much anymore.

Professor Crane was about to get back to her lecture when a sudden intrusion into the auditorium prevented her from doing so. That unwanted intrusion came from none other than Calvin as he grabbed professor Crane's attention from the only entrance in the back corner. "Professor Crane, apologies for interrupting. I was wondering if I could steal Mr. Blood for a few moments."

"Of course," She glanced over at Griffin, "I don't see why not."

The whole class watched as Griffin got up from his seat, his face full of regret, caution, and anger. He seemed different, and yet, no one knew why. Calvin gestured for Griffin to walk forward, giving a final wave to professor Crane, and a wink to Cartuja and Leo.

Walking out of the auditorium, Griffin kept his head shallow, trying his best to not reveal any signs that might throw Calvin off. However, Calvin's first words to him brought back his unwanted attention, "What do you think this is about? Griffin Blood."

"I don't know." Griffin answered in a shallow voice, keeping his answers brief.

"I'm sure you've heard and seen a lot of students getting cursed throughout the school," Calvin rebuked, walking along with Griffin down the narrow hallway.

"Yes. It's… Tragic."


Calvin didn't ask anymore questions, instead, they walked quietly. The sounds of professors talking and small hallway conversations tickled their ears like feathers as they walked further and further down the hall. Calvin led Griffin to the Medical Department, showing him the innocent students suffering, wallowed in their own nightmares.

They stood there, watching for a few minutes until Calvin decided it was appropriate to leave. Griffin remained silent, swallowed by thoughts of his own remorse. His eyes wanted to close, but they wouldn't shut no matter how hard he tried. It's as if he was staring at his own death, or perhaps what would cause it. His throat tightened with every breath as he continued to stare. Death's presence was upon him, welcoming him into its arms like a motherless newborn.

"Let's go." Calvin nudged Griffin on the shoulder, breaking him out of whatever world his eyes entered.

Calvin proceeded to lead Griffin to his office, remaining quiet the entire walk there. Mooks was sitting on all fours on Calvins giant desk, observing Griffin carefully.

Griffin took his seat in an open chair, unable to hold his frustration in any longer. "Just kill me." This took Calvin and Mooks by surprise, "That's what you lead me here for right? Kill me if you must."

"Looks like you were right Mooks," Calvin took his seat, "Why did you do this, Griffin?"

Sweat formed on Griffin's head as he clenched his fists in frustration. The air in the room was humid, making it hard for him to keep his composure. However, he remained silent.

"If you ask for proof then-"

"HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME!" Griffin shouted, interrupting Calvin in an unexpected way. "He wasn't just going to kill me… My family too… Unless I did what he asked." Griffin rolled up his sleeve to reveal a dark, yellowish mark running up from his elbow to his shoulder. "So he marked me."

What Calvin failed to understand was the mental pain Griffin went through. Spreading Osiris' curse onto his own classmates, hiding from the fear, taken away by the malice. It seemed unfair to him, because no matter how hard he tried to do good, the result would always be the same. It would taunt him every night, like a diligent spectre provoking him in the back of his mind. But it didn't matter now; he was caught, and no proof was needed.

Calvin sighed a great ordeal of relief, "I appreciate your honesty. However, honesty won't save you from expulsion. What happens afterwards is not up to me, but I'm sure you can guess…"

"If I may," Mooks grudged his way into the conversation like a hawk hunting down its prey, "None of the students have actually died yet, and if what he's saying is true, he was threatened." Mooks could see Griffin's face shift into a different expression, "Expulsion is of course guaranteed, but what happens afterwards may not be as bad as… Well, that's self explanatory."

"What information do you have for us," Calvin demanded.

"I don't know anything.." Griffin mumbled, "I don't know where Osiris is, what his plans are, or who he's after. I'm just a stupid pawn for his-" Griffin cut off. His eyes widened in shock, and his c.h.e.s.t ached from within. Sweat started to release from his pores at an abnormal rate, and his body froze with dismay.

Calvin quickly hopped up from his chair, prepared to rush over and help when Mooks stopped him from doing so. "Don't touch him!"

Calvin gawked at Mooks like he was crazy, "What are you saying!"

"Osiris has already gotten to him, call the medical. The boy is of no use to us anymore."

Griffin remained frozen, collapsing to the floor with a few final twitches before falling into unconsciousness.

"I still can't fathom your actions." Calvin glanced at Mooks with a wry look, "How can you forget what human emotions are? They're the only reason half of us are still alive… They're the reason to love, to hate, to laugh, to cry…"

"Because." Mooks reassured, "I'm not a human anymore..."

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