After a couple hours, the entire cube of stone had finally turned into nothing more than dust and ash. Several bodies were found scattered around the area in a coma-like state. They weren't wounded, but wouldn't wake up from their trauma for at least a few days. They were taken to a much more professional medical team outside of Princewood, along with the several hundred cursed bodies that were found after Osiris's death. Flint Evermore returned to the Bureau, and the blonde man was found to be an elite executive from a Guild corporation outside the country.

Atlas, Leo and Rina were taken to Princewood's medical department, where their wounds were treated with the most professional and talented healers they had to offer. Grandmaster Selvis discharged Mooks's position of Professor's Assistant, suspending him from Academy Grounds for "Violating Proncewood's Code of Conduct," with return being possible after several weeks.

Calvin put in an order for a special project, hoping to surprise everyone when the time was right. He knew everyone was still recovering from the event, and some were taking much longer than others. Leo was the first to wake, seeing his injuries almost completely healed with just a few scars around his knuckles. When he woke, Laena was right beside him, giving him a better surprise than he expected. Faibel was glad to see Laena recover from the curse, as was everyone else when they saw her.

After a few days, Rina woke up, noticing everyone greet her with happy faces. Seeing Laena brought a smile to her face, but her inner emotions were still recovering. Rina remained distant, avoiding contact and focusing on any work she missed for her classes in her spare time. Laena did her best to try and comfort her, but Rina didn't even speak a single word.

A month has passed, and Atlas hasn't woken yet. Selvis was planning on transporting him to the Bureau, but Calvin pleaded him not to. Mooks was allowed back on Academy grounds, but even with his wide knowledge and intellect, he hadn't a clue on why Atlas wasn't waking.

On Friday night, approximately two weeks before new years, Atlas opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, his movements were weak, but he was finally awake. One of the nurses rushed over to him, asking questions about his memory and consciousness, calling for other professors and any relatives Atlas might have.

Calvin was the first to get to the scene, rushing towards Atlas's bed as fast as he could. "Atlas." Calvin said softly, doing his best not to cause any sudden shocks or noises. "How are you feeling?"

Atlas remained silent for a few moments as if he was trying to figure out how to speak again, "Fine, I guess."

"Atlas, you've been in a coma for over a month."

"I know.. The nurse told me already." Atlas said as his hair fell over his eyes, giving him the realization of needing a haircut.

"Do you remember anything?"

"I remember everything with Osiris up until…" He paused, unable to speak the rest of the sentence as his heart still ached from a long lost pain.

"Atlas," Calvin put this hand on his shoulder, "Rina's fine. Since the incident…" Calvin stopped, finishing the sentence there, "She's fine."

The ache in Atlas's heart seemed to settle, and a gentle smile rolled onto his face. He exhaled a deep sigh of relief, and sat up straight. "I had a dream. One that would repeat every time it ended… I don't remember it now, but maybe that's a good thing."

"ATLAS!" Atlas and Calvin both turned their head towards the entrance of the room, seeing a worried look, long, dark hair, and a mother who's been in distress for far too long.

"Mom?" Atlas had to wipe his eyes to make sure he was seeing things right.

Mercya dashed over to Atlas's bed, hugging him tighter than ever before. "Thank the lord you're okay!" She squeezed his head into her arms.

"Jeez mom," Another comforting smile was brought to Atlas's face, "People are looking."

Calvin chuckled, crossing his hands on his c.h.e.s.t, "I'll go get the others."

"Are you sure it's a good idea for Cartuja to meet my mother?" Atlas asked.

"I guess you're right. I think a few are in the plaza right now, I'll go tell them you're coming." Calvin said with a slight smirk, and a friendly wave to Mercya.

"Thanks, I'll be right there."

"So you've made some new friends, hmm?" Mercya said as she ungripped Atlas from her bear hug.

"Well… They're an odd bunch, but they're the best group of friends one can ask for."

After a warming reunion with his mother, Atlas got dressed in proper clothing, thanked the staff after another examination and made his way to the plaza.

Sitting at their Usual table, Leo and Katie were having their own conversion, while Laena and Cartuja sat very uncomfortably on opposite sides just to enjoy the company. Faibel and Paris were off in classes, leaving plenty of open seats at the table.

Cartuja scarfed another slice of odd looking meat into his mouth, waiting to swallow before speaking. "Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke." Cartuja chuckled as he saw Atlas approach.

The table quickly fell into silence as Atlas hustled over, and took a seat with a plate of fresh fruit. "Hey, guys." His voice was still weak, unsure of what to say after not seeing his friends for such a long amount of time. To him, it was nearly a night of restful sleep, but he knew it was much longer than that to them.

No one said a word, that is, until Leo got up from his seat, came over to Atlas, and gave him the biggest hug he can reach for.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Atlas laughed, "I get it, it's been a while."

"A while?!" Leo let go with a slight voice crack in his tone, "I-I don't even know where to begin with this guy…" Everyone laughed joyfully, sharing this moment as if it were their last.

"Laena." Atlas said, his voice sounding like a father talking to his daughter. "I'm glad you're okay."

Laena's cheeks lit up delightfully, "Thank you. Uhm, you as well!" Her voice sounded like a little girl as usual.

"Leo told me everything about what happened," Katie hopped into the conversation with her charming, elegant voice. "I'm very pleased to see you recovering well."

"Thank you. By the way, where is-"

"Four-eyes is in class." Cartuja interrupted, "The blahblahblah is doing some shit with two-face, and the.." Cartuja paused, his face quickly turned grim, and he went silent.

"Did something happ-'' Atlas cut himself off as his memory was finally beginning to show the details from his last few visions. He remembered holding Rina in his arms. He remembered her tears, her pain, her eyes reaching for the sky above. He remembered his heart falling into a black hole, empty, and filled with regret. "What happened to Rina." Atlas ordered an answer, but one never came.

Cartuja got up, picked Atlas up from his seat with a stern look, and began to walk away from the table.

They walked for a few minutes without saying a word to each other, Cartuja kept his hands in his pockets, and Atlas kept his head down like a bird scouting for food.

"She hasn't been the same…" Cratuja started, keeping his voice as monotone as possible. "Ever since you-know-what, she hasn't spoken a single word, not to us, not to Calvin, and not even to herself."

Atlas looked up, brushing his hair out of the way, but remaining silent.

"Laena is right next door to Rina. She says Rina cries, every night. Hours upon hours of sobs and tears. No one knows what she's been through, so none of us know what to say."

Atlas stopped, clenched his fists in pain, "It was my fault!" He said, angered by his own mistakes, "I did nothing. I watched her heart break in front of my eyes. I was so scared I couldn't move. And I watched her stare at me, with her tears, her blood on my hands, her-"

Cartuja punched him in the back to make sure Atlas realized that everyone around them was staring at him. Atlas wiped his eyes, and continued walking.

Trey, the delinquent that claims to be the strongest in the Academy saw Atlas on the verge of tears, and just knew this was the perfect time to strike, "Lookie here! Pissyboy about to cry." He laughed, along with a few others behind him.

Atlas ignored them, but Cartuja walked up to Trey with the most sinister expression he could possibly force, making Trey run away out of pure fear.

"Go talk to her." Cartuja caught back up to Atlas. "I think she blames herself more than you."

"What good would it do?" Atlas shoved his hands into his loose pockets.

"Don't know. But she's hurt. I've never seen a girl cry this much. Although her heart is beating, it's still broken within."

Mooks strolled along the hallways like a stray dog off its leash. He ignored the stares and whispers behind him, but it wasn't anything he's not used to by now. His main concern revolved around door knobs, and how to open them with his meaty paws. Usually, he hated to admit defeat, but today seemed appropriate to give a fair knock on Calvin's office door.

"Come in!" Calvin raised his voice to the guest behind the door.

Mooks knocked again, giving Calvin the proper explanation needed for who it was. After opening the door for Mooks, Calvin sat back down behind his desk, folding his arms likethe first step in making origami. "Ah, My fellow brother, Zodiac, and partner in crime. What can I do for ya." Calvin seemed more happy than usual.

"Settle down. I'm still older than you." Mooks leaped onto an open chair, making himself comfortable before he spoke again. "You know, I didn't truly think you'd use your spirit star."

Calvin's face of joy and excitement instantly vanished without a trace. "What do you mean by that?"

"Exactly what you think I mean. We were all given our Spirit Stars after we came back from Purgatory. I, an intellectual, hid mine where no one would ever use it. And you, a naive simpleton, used it on some girl you barely knew."

Calvin sighed, as if letting out an unregretful action, "A long time ago-"

"I know where this is going," Mooks cut him off, "It has to do with Violet, so it's more like 9 years ago."

Calvin coughed his frustration out into the air, giving Mooks an unsatisfied look, "9 years ago, Violet made me swear that if her sister ever became a Princewood student, that I would protect her with my life. And, of course, I swore on my life."

"Violet's gone. Plus you're what? 243 years old now or something? I lost count a while ago."

"Well, I still have the same face since purgatory. 21 years old to be exact."

"You were that young?" Mooks looked more surprised than he should have.

"You know, for being so smart, your brain sure is a mystery." Calvin unfolded his arms, adjusting himself to a more proper sitting position. "We were given immortality. And we were given the choice to sacrifice it to bring life back from death. I know what I've done, and I have no regrets doing what I did."

"You know," Mooks chuckled to himself, flickering his whiskers. "This doesn't mean Rina is immortal."

"I'm aware. And this stays between you and me only."

"Right." Mooks said sarcastically, jumping back on the ground, and walking off into the hallways like a wild beast, hungry for meat with a side of milk.

In the depths of winter months, the sun falls earlier, and the days get shorter. It was only half past six, but the darkness outside gave a midnight vibe no one wanted. A blizzard was heavily approaching, so most nights students would either get cozy in their rooms or go about friendly encounters in the lounges.

Once the sky turned dark, the rest of the night would fly by without anyone even knowing. It was now an hour before midnight, and most were getting ready for bed, but Atlas just couldn't keep his eyes closed long enough for slumber to finally take him in.

He got dressed in a grey robe, put on a pair of house shoes, and headed out of his room, trying his best not to get noticed. Luckily, the enigmas around the elevators didn't have human senses, nor perception, so they wouldn't question Atlas decision to head towards B104.

As he passed the locked doors on both sides of the hall, he could still hear faint chatter scattered around the walls, but it wasn't too distracting, nor was it loud enough for a hallway monitor of some sort to mention.

Atlas stopped in front of the polished wooden door with the golden knob, looking above it and seeing the "B104" in a golden patting, as with every door in the dorms. He raised his hand to knock, but as he leaned closer, the faint sobs behind the door were heard.

His hand stopped in midair as he listened, afraid to turn away, and afraid to make a sound. His hand began to shake in anticipation, but he quickly propped it back down to his side and leaned in closer to the door.

"Rina." He said in a quiet, peaceful voice.

The faint sobs behind the door stopped, and silence fell over the both of them.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.… I have no idea what you've gone through, and I don't know how I can help. But please, just tell me what to do. I swear I'll make it happen… Anything." He didn't know what to say. His skin had goosebumps creeping in like an unwanted guest, and his voice began to shake with sorrow.

Atlas stepped away from the door, wiping his eyes to reassure them. He waited, waited, and waited, but an answer never came. He turned around, prepared to walk away, but the faint click of the door broke his attention. The doorknob turned, and Rina stepped out.

Her eyes glimmered in the distant candle light of the hall like a pair of stars in the open sky. Her cheeks were flushed with emotions, with dry tears streaming beside them like broken dams. Her hair was messy, but remained the elegant dirty blonde she was suited for. Her lips were colored a blessed cherry red, but naturally, like the final moments of the horizon touching the packet of clouds above. She had a disturbed red color under her eyes from the restless sleep and nights of dreaded memories, but the dry tears rolled over them gently.

She didn't say a word, knowing her eyes were about to let the rain fall again, and Atlas couldn't keep his eyes off them. She gently grabbed his hands, and led him to the lounge by the open fire.

They sat there for a while, both hoping someone would say something, but neither did. Finally, just as Atlas was about to speak again, Rina stopped him, "I froze." She whispered. "When the first spear hit, I froze… I was scared, I couldn't move, and I couldn't fight. Something stopped me from moving… The thought of my sister perhaps, the thought of my friends maybe, but no. It was you."

Atlas turned his head from the fire, opening his mouth to speak, but Rina stopped him once more.

"You were always there. You weren't scared. In a fight that could cost us our lives, you kept moving no matter what…" She wiped her eyes again with the sleeve of her nighttime linen shirt. "I couldn't help but feel it was all my fault. I didn't think you'd ever wake up, and I blamed myself for all of it."

Atlas turned back to the fire, unsure of what to say.

Rina got up from the sofa, her face full of nothing but silence and maturity. "Lay down." She hunched him over, laying herself on top of him.

Nothing but the sounds of the heart beating and crackling fire filled the lounge, but it was pleasant, like a silent night out in the woods away from all the distractions and stressful days of problems.

Atlas could feel her b.r.e.a.s.t lay softly on his stomach, making him blush, but it complimented the warmth of the fire right next to them.

Rina tugged on his shirt, sinking her face into it, and beginning to cry one last time. "Remember what we promised last year."

"Always together." Atlas whispered.

Rina stayed quite within her final sobs, wanting nothing more but to kiss Atlas under the darkness pouring in from the windows. She knew it was the right thing to do, but she knew it wasn't the right time. Even Atlas could tell, tonight was a night to remember, but not a night to make it their first.

The crackling fire finally dawned on them, and they fell asleep under the stars outside, deep within each other's arms like a pair of dove's under the moonlight.

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